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Aujourd’hui — 7 juin 2024Flux principal

Lunettes De Soleil Adidas Originals Unisexe - Plusieurs Modèles

6 juin 2024 à 09:06
32,99€ - Sport-Outlet

Cashback widilo 6%
adidas Originals Unisexe Lunettes de soleil AOM011 CM1285 075.022
Marque : adidas
Verres : plastique
Cadre : plastique
Largeur de l'objectif : 55 mm
Pont de nez : 18 mm
Longueur des branches : 140 mm
Catégorie de filtre 1 : 20 à 57 % de teinte
Comprend un étui à lunettes
confort de port agréable
NOUVEAU & emballage d'origine

GOG Will Start Deleting Cloud Saves This Summer

Par : msmash
7 juin 2024 à 00:01
GOG, a Poland-based popular gaming platform, has announced plans to enforce a 200MB limit on cloud save files per game. This move may adversely affect players of open-world titles like Cyberpunk 2077, where save folders can reach several gigabytes. A report adds: The company will begin deleting game saves that exceed the limit on Aug 31. When the deadline rolls around, GOG will delete saves for each game, beginning with the oldest until it's below the 200MB threshold. That means your newest saves will survive.

Read more of this story at Slashdot.

Artists Are Deleting Instagram For New App Cara In Protest of Meta AI Scraping

Par : BeauHD
6 juin 2024 à 23:20
Some artists are jumping ship for the anti-AI portfolio app Cara after Meta began using Instagram content to train its AI models. Fast Company explains: The portfolio app bills itself as a platform that protects artists' images from being used to train AI, and only allowing AI content to be posted if it's clearly labeled. Based on the number of new users the Cara app has garnered over the past few days, there seems to be a need. Between May 31 and June 2, Cara's user base tripled from less than 100,000 to more than 300,000 profiles, skyrocketing to the top of the app store. [...] Cara is a social networking app for creatives, in which users can post images of their artwork, memes, or just their own text-based musings. It shares similarities with major social platforms like X (formerly Twitter) and Instagram on a few fronts. Users can access Cara through a mobile app or on a browser. Both options are free to use. The UI itself is like an arts-centric combination of X and Instagram. In fact, some UI elements seem like they were pulled directly from other social media sites. (It's not the most innovative approach, but it is strategic: as a new app, any barriers to potential adoption need to be low). Cara doesn't train any AI models on its content, nor does it allow third parties to do so. According to Cara's FAQ page, the app aims to protect its users from AI scraping by automatically implementing "NoAI" tags on all of its posts. The website says these tags "are intended to tell AI scrapers not to scrape from Cara." Ultimately, they appear to be html metadata tags that politely ask bad actors not to get up to any funny business, and it's pretty unlikely that they hold any actual legal weight. Cara admits as much, too, warning its users that the tags aren't a "fully comprehensive solution and won't completely prevent dedicated scrapers." With that in mind, Cara assesses the "NoAI" tagging system as a "a necessary first step in building a space that is actually welcoming to artists -- one that respects them as creators and doesn't opt their work into unethical AI scraping without their consent." In December, Cara launched another tool called Cara Glaze to defend its artists' work against scrapers. (Users can only use it a select number of times.) Glaze, developed by the SAND Lab at University of Chicago, makes it much more difficult for AI models to accurately understand and mimic an artist's personal style. The tool works by learning how AI bots perceive artwork, and then making a set of minimal changes that are invisible to the human eye but confusing to the AI model. The AI bot then has trouble "translating" the art style and generates warped recreations. In the future, Cara also plans to implement Nightshade, another University of Chicago software that helps protect artwork against AI scapers. Nightshade "poisons" AI training data by adding invisible pixels to artwork that can cause AI software to completely misunderstand the image. Beyond establishing shields against data mining, Cara also uses a third party service to detect and moderate any AI artwork that's posted to the site. Non-human artwork is forbidden, unless it's been properly labeled by the poster.

Read more of this story at Slashdot.

Elections européennes : Emmanuel Macron assume son omniprésence médiatique, ultime tentative de mobiliser son camp

Critiqué par les oppositions, qui lui reprochent d’utiliser les commémorations du Débarquement pour faire campagne, le chef de l’Etat a assuré être « dans [s]on rôle » en parlant du scrutin du 9 juin lors d’une interview accordée, jeudi, au 20 heures de TF1 et de France 2.


Emmanuel Macron lors du JT de 20 heures sur France 2 et TF1, le 6 juin 2024.

Les deux astronautes transportés par le vaisseau Starliner de Boeing sont entrés dans l’ISS

Des problèmes sur certains des propulseurs, utilisés pour réaliser de petits ajustements de trajectoire, ont retardé l’approche finale du vaisseau qui a transporté, pour la première fois, deux astronautes de la NASA. Des fuites d’hélium sans gravité ont également été détectées.


Capture d’écran de la NASA qui montre les astronautes Suni Williams (assise en bas à gauche) et Butch Wilmore (assis en bas à droite) posant avec l’équipage de la Station spatiale internationale (ISS), le 6 juin 2024.

Elections européennes : François-Xavier Bellamy, de la campagne « sérieuse » à la stratégie du coup d’éclat

Le candidat Les Républicains a réussi plusieurs coups médiatiques remarqués, dans l’espoir de devenir audible et d’élargir son électorat. Mais ses « happenings » n’ont pas eu d’effets visibles dans les sondages, où il reste crédité de 8 % des intentions de vote.


Lancement de la campagne de François-Xavier Bellamy, candidat LR pour les élections européennes, aux Docks de Paris, à Aubervilliers (Seine-Saint-Denis), le 23 mars 2024.

Le néo assureur Alan remporte la couverture santé d’au moins 60 000 fonctionnaires

Le recours de la MGEN contre le résultat de l’appel d’offres du ministère de la transition écologique a été rejeté. L’attribution de ce contrat emblématique à un assureur privé irrite les syndicats.

© service presse

États-Unis : le gouvernement va enquêter sur Nvidia, Microsoft et OpenAI dans l'intelligence artificielle

Le gouvernement veut découvrir si ces entreprises se sont rendues coupables de pratiques anticoncurrentielles, a rapporté jeudi le New York Times.

© Summit Art Creations /

Le gouvernement américain va ouvrir des enquêtes pour déterminer si OpenAI, Nvidia et Microsoft.
Hier — 6 juin 2024Flux principal

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Adobe Responds To Vocal Uproar Over New Terms of Service Language

Par : msmash
6 juin 2024 à 22:40
Adobe is facing backlash over new Terms of Service language amid its embrace of generative AI in products like Photoshop and customer experience software. The ToS, sent to Creative Cloud Suite users, doesn't mention AI explicitly but includes a reference to machine learning and a clause prohibiting AI model training on Adobe software. From a report: In particular, users have objected to Adobe's claims that it "may access, view, or listen to your Content through both automated and manual methods -- using techniques such as machine learning in order to improve our Services and Software and the user experience," which many took to be a tacit admission both of surveilling them and of training AI on their content, even confidential content for clients protected under non-disclosure agreements or confidentiality clauses/contracts between said Adobe users and clients. A spokesperson for Adobe provided the following statement in response to VentureBeat's questions about the new ToS and vocal backlash: "This policy has been in place for many years. As part of our commitment to being transparent with our customers, we added clarifying examples earlier this year to our Terms of Use regarding when Adobe may access user content. Adobe accesses user content for a number of reasons, including the ability to deliver some of our most innovative cloud-based features, such as Photoshop Neural Filters and Remove Background in Adobe Express, as well as to take action against prohibited content. Adobe does not access, view or listen to content that is stored locally on any user's device."

Read more of this story at Slashdot.
