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Aujourd’hui — 13 mai 2024Flux principal

Batterie Externe Samsung à induction - 10 000 mAh, 25W, USB-C (Via 20€ ODR)

12 mai 2024 à 12:48
11,95€ - Amazon

Superbe prix pour une batterie induction de chez Samsung

Lien de l'ODR :

ODR limitée à 1 participation et à 10 produits
À propos de ce produit
  • Confort de charge en déplacement avec fonction de charge super rapide jusqu'à 25 W
  • Charge inductive confortable jusqu'à 7,5 W
  • Avec 10 000 mAh, une capacité suffisante pour toute la journée
  • Alimenter jusqu'à trois appareils simultanément
  • USB Type-C vers USB Type-C (20 cm) inclus

Historique des prix

Comment la politique migratoire du Japon est devenue un “mirage” à la fin des années 2000

Pour lutter contre le manque de main-d’œuvre qui se profilait, un groupe parlementaire a proposé en 2008 d’accueillir 10 millions d’étrangers dans l’archipel. En raison de la xénophobie de certains responsables politiques, le projet a fait long feu, révèle une enquête du “Mainichi Shimbun”.

© Dessin d’Arcadio paru dans “La Prensa”, San José (Costa Rica).

Culture rockabilly et bière : la recette de l’extrême droite suédoise pour séduire les jeunes

La bataille se durcit autour des suffrages des quelque 200 000 jeunes qui voteront pour la première fois aux européennes de juin prochain. Reste à savoir si les populistes du parti Démocrates de Suède parviendront à surfer sur la vague conservatrice observée ces dernières années, explique le quotidien de Stockholm “Dagens Nyheter”.

© Dessin de Ajubel paru dans “El Mundo”, Madrid.

Culture rockabilly et bière : la recette de l’extrême droite suédoise pour séduire les jeunes

Entre la France et l’Italie, l’éternelle querelle

Chantiers de l’Atlantique, Stellantis, Parmalat, ces dernières années, de nombreux dossiers industriels ont périodiquement envenimé les relations entre Rome et Paris, l’Italie accusant la France de vouloir la cannibaliser. Mais quelles sont les raisons profondes de cette “guéguerre”, et est-elle vraiment si prégnante ? Le quotidien libéral “Il Foglio” tente d’esquisser une réponse.

© Dessin de Ramsés, Cuba.

Le “Blaxit” : ces Afro-Américains en quête d’une vie meilleure en Afrique du Sud

Ils sont de plus en plus nombreux à quitter les États-Unis pour s’installer en Afrique du Sud. Un calcul économique tout autant qu’un choix de vie, loin du racisme de la société américaine. “The Sunday Times” a rencontré ceux qui ont opté pour le départ.

© PHOTO Esa Alexander/REUTERS

Les emblématiques cabanes de plage colorées de la plage de Muizenberg, au Cap, en Afrique du Sud, en avril 2024.

The fastest CFexpress Type A memory cards for Sony cameras are now available for sale (Nextorage NX-A1PRO & NX-A1SE series)

Par : PR admin
13 mai 2024 à 01:32

The fastest CFexpress Type A memory cards for Sony cameras are now available for sale (Nextorage NX-A1PRO & NX-A1SE series):

Nextorage NX-A1PRO

Nextorage NX-A1SE

Additional information:

Nextorage CFexpress Type A NX-A1PRO Series:

  • Best-in-class read and write speeds of up to 950 MB/s and 950 MB/s, respectively [1] [2]
  • Minimum continuous write speed of 850 MB/s for high-speed continuous shooting [1] [2]
  • Stable high-speed continuous shooting and movie recording with our unique low power consumption technology
  • VPG400 compatible

Nextorage CFexpress Type A NX-A1SE Series:

  • Best-in-class read up to 950 MB/s[1] , write up to 950 MB/s[1]
  • High-capacity lineup for long-time video recording
  • VPG200 compatible

The NX-A1PRO series is a CFexpress Type A memory card for professional users who handle high-speed continuous shooting and high bit-rate video.

Best-in-class write/read speeds.

The maximum transfer rate of 950 MB/s for both write and read, the highest level in its class, and the minimum continuous write speed of 850 MB/s are achieved. [1] [3] The number of consecutive shots possible during high-speed continuous shooting has been increased, and the buffer memory release time has been shortened. This reduces the number of missed shots at the desired moment.

Dynamic Auto Power Save, a unique low-power consumption technology that stabilizes video recording.

Nextorage's unique power saving technology, "Dynamic Auto Power Save," reduces power consumption by up to 88% compared to the case without. In addition to reducing power consumption during video recording, thermal throttling* is also suppressed by reducing the temperature rise of the card itself. (*Thermal throttling: a control function that attenuates the transfer rate to prevent thermal runaway). This enables stable video recording. It also reduces the camera's battery consumption, which contributes to extending the available shooting time.

VPG400 compliant, as required for professional video shooting.

All capacities comply with the Video Performance Guarantee VPG400 (minimum guaranteed continuous write speed: 400 MB/s). It has the specifications required for professional video recording.

Abundant lineup of capacities for various applications

80 GB/160 GB capacity lineup for high-speed continuous shooting of still images and VPG200 for video shooting requiring. High capacity 320 GB/640 GB available. The CFexpress Type A is now available to professional users who have not yet used the CFexpress Type A. We want our customers to experience the performance of our 40GB capacity at an affordable price.

The NX-A1SE series is a CFexpress Type A memory card for video creators who shoot long, high-quality videos.

Best-in-class write/read speeds.

Achieves a class-leading maximum write/read transfer rate of 950 MB/s. [1] Reduces data transfer time after shooting.

High-capacity lineup for long-time video recording

The high-capacity lineup of 480 GB,960 GB and 1,920 GB supports long-time movie recording, and is ideal for switching from SD cards, as it dramatically improves shooting time and data transfer speeds compared to SDXC UHS-II memory cards.

VPG200 compliant for stable, high quality video recording

All capacities comply with the Video Performance Guarantee VPG200 (guaranteed minimum continuous write speed: 200 MB/s). It has the specifications required for professional video recording.


  • Both the NX-A1PRO and NX-A1SE series are durable and come with a 5-year warranty in accordance with CompactFlash Association regulations.
  • Heat resistance: -10 °C to 70 °C (guaranteed operating temperature)
  • Shock resistance (EIA-364-27A compliant)
  • X-ray resistant (ISO7816-1 compliant)
  • UV resistant (ISO7816-1 compliant)
  • Magnetic resistance (based on Nextorage's own testing)
  • Electrostatic resistance (conforms to IEC 61000-4-2)

Some Nextorage CFexpress Type B and SD memory cards are now on sale

The post The fastest CFexpress Type A memory cards for Sony cameras are now available for sale (Nextorage NX-A1PRO & NX-A1SE series) appeared first on Photo Rumors.

Heavy Rain sur PC (Steam)

12 mai 2024 à 08:37
3,89€ - CDKeys

Compatible steam deck

Retour de l’offre à moins de 4 euros pour le jeu heavy rain , deal qui avait burn la dernière fois.
Je vous remets ci dessous la description d’un autre deal qui était très bien faite afin de vous aider (paiement PayPal disponible) :

Découvrez un thriller psychologique aux nombreux rebondissements. Vous êtes à la poursuite du Tueur aux origamis. Alternez entre quatre personnages différents, chacun avec ses propres pistes, pour empêcher le tueur de faire une nouvelle victime.

Compatibilité console Steam Deck : Compatible
Succès Steam (56)
Cartes à échanger Steam
Steam Cloud
Partage familial

Prise en charge complète des contrôleurs :
Manettes Xbox
Prise en charge des autres dispositifs inconnue

Australia Criticized For Ramping Up Gas Extraction Through '2050 and Beyond'

Par : EditorDavid
13 mai 2024 à 01:34
Slashdot reader sonlas shared this report from the BBC: Australia has announced it will ramp up its extraction and use of gas until "2050 and beyond", despite global calls to phase out fossil fuels. Prime Minister Anthony Albanese's government says the move is needed to shore up domestic energy supply while supporting a transition to net zero... Australia — one of the world's largest exporters of liquefied natural gas — has also said the policy is based on "its commitment to being a reliable trading partner". Released on Thursday, the strategy outlines the government's plans to work with industry and state leaders to increase both the production and exploration of the fossil fuel. The government will also continue to support the expansion of the country's existing gas projects, the largest of which are run by Chevron and Woodside Energy Group in Western Australia... The policy has sparked fierce backlash from environmental groups and critics — who say it puts the interest of powerful fossil fuel companies before people. "Fossil gas is not a transition fuel. It's one of the main contributors to global warming and has been the largest source of increases of CO2 [emissions] over the last decade," Prof Bill Hare, chief executive of Climate Analytics and author of numerous UN climate change reports told the BBC... Successive Australian governments have touted gas as a key "bridging fuel", arguing that turning it off too soon could have "significant adverse impacts" on Australia's economy and energy needs. But Prof Hare and other scientists have warned that building a net zero policy around gas will "contribute to locking in 2.7-3C global warming, which will have catastrophic consequences".

Read more of this story at Slashdot.
