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Aujourd’hui — 3 juin 2024Flux principal

New York Set to Restrict Social-Media Algorithms for Teens

Par : BeauHD
3 juin 2024 à 23:00
Lawmakers in New York have reached a tentative agreement to "prohibit social-media companies from using algorithms to steer content to children without parental consent (source paywalled; alternative source)," according to the Wall Street Journal. "The legislation is aimed at preventing social-media companies from serving automated feeds to minors. The bill, which is still being completed but expected to be voted on this week, also would prohibit platforms from sending minors notifications during overnight hours without parental consent." Meanwhile, the results of New York's first mental health report were released today, finding that depression and anxiety are rampant among NYC's teenagers, "with nearly half of them experiencing symptoms from one of both in recent years," reports NBC New York. "In a recent survey conducted last year, 48% of teenagers reported feeling depressive symptoms ranging from mild to severe. The vast majority, however, reported feeling high levels of resilience. Frequent coping mechanisms include listening to music and using social media."

Read more of this story at Slashdot.

Adobe Scolded For Selling 'Ansel Adams-Style' Images Generated By AI

Par : BeauHD
3 juin 2024 à 22:20
The Ansel Adams estate said it was "officially on our last nerve" after Adobe was caught selling AI-generated images imitating the late photographer's work. The Verge reports: While Adobe permits AI-generated images to be hosted and sold on its stock image platform, users are required to hold the appropriate rights or ownership over the content they upload. Adobe Stock's Contributor Terms specifically prohibits content "created using prompts containing other artist names, or created using prompts otherwise intended to copy another artist." Adobe responded to the callout, saying it had removed the offending content and had privately messaged the Adams estate to get in touch directly in the future. The Adams estate, however, said it had contacted Adobe directly multiple times since August 2023. "Assuming you want to be taken seriously re: your purported commitment to ethical, responsible AI, while demonstrating respect for the creative community, we invite you to become proactive about complaints like ours, & to stop putting the onus on individual artists/artists' estates to continuously police our IP on your platform, on your terms," said the Adams estate on Threads. "It's past time to stop wasting resources that don't belong to you." Adobe Stock Vice President Matthew Smith previously told The Verge that the company generally moderates all "crowdsourced" Adobe Stock assets before they are made available to customers, employing a "variety" of methods that include "an experienced team of moderators who review submissions." As of January 2024, Smith said the strongest action the company can take to enforce its platform rules is to block Adobe Stock users who violate them. Bassil Elkadi, Adobe's Director of Communications and Public Relations, told The Verge that Adobe is "actively in touch with Ansel Adams on this matter," and that "appropriate steps were taken given the user violated Stock terms." The Adams estate has since thanked Adobe for removing the images, and said that it expects "it will stick this time." "We don't have a problem with anyone taking inspiration from Ansel's photography," said the Adams estate. "But we strenuously object to the unauthorized use of his name to sell products of any kind, including digital products, and this includes AI-generated output -- regardless of whether his name has been used on the input side, or whether a given model has been trained on his work."

Read more of this story at Slashdot.

Elections européennes : le RN et le PS, premiers bénéficiaires de la volatilité électorale

Qu’ils soient incertains quant à leur intention de se rendre aux urnes ou sur le choix de leur candidat, les électeurs changeants représentent 23 % de l’électorat depuis la dernière enquête Ipsos, en partenariat avec le Cevipof, l’Institut Montaigne, la Fondation Jean Jaurès et « Le Monde » de mars. Une part volatile qui, elle, a peu évolué en trois mois.


Lors des élections européennes de 2019, au Touquet (Pas-de-Calais).

« Ceux qui appellent à la fois à un cessez-le-feu dans Gaza et à la création d’un “Etat palestinien maintenant” éludent les contradictions d’un tel scénario »

Alors que Benyamin Nétanyahou s’y oppose, que ses ministres d’extrême droite prônent l’annexion de la Cisjordanie et que l’opinion publique préfère la sécurité à la paix, la proposition de créer aujourd’hui un Etat palestinien manque de réalisme, explique dans une tribune au « Monde », le politiste Samy Cohen.


Des palestiniens, à Gaza, le 31 mai 2024.

Le chef de la diplomatie russe, une nouvelle fois en tournée en Afrique

Après une première étape en Guinée, Sergueï Lavrov est attendu au Congo-Brazzaville et au Tchad, trois pays proches de la France, mais qui se tiennent à distance de la lutte d’influence entre Moscou et Paris.

© Russian Foreign Ministry / via REUTERS

Le ministre russe des affaires étrangères, Sergueï Lavrov, serrant la main de son homologue guinéen, Morissanda Kouyaté, à Conakry le 3 juin 2024.

Lot de 122 comics (Red Sonja, Vampirella, Jennifer Blood, Army of Darkness, ...), DRM Free (Dématérialisé)

2 juin 2024 à 15:35
18,46€ - Humble Bundle

74 titres pour 122 comics : Explosive action, unforgettable heroes

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Obtenez des dizaines de volumes (des milliers de pages en tout !), y compris les favoris des fans comme Red Sonja, Project Superpowers, Army of Darkness, Vampirella et bien d'autres.

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