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Aujourd’hui — 15 juin 2024Flux principal

[Ikea Family] Table Purificateur d’air dissimulé Starkvind

14 juin 2024 à 11:57
120€ - IKEA

Il faut passer la carte famille qui est gratuite pour obtenir le bon prix.

Disponible en noir également:

Disponible aussi sans la table pour 100€ au lieu de 150€ en blanc ou noir:

L’avantage de ce produit est le prix des filtres imbattables > 10€.

Livré sans le filtre au charbon actif donc n’oubliez pas de le prendre en rayon > 10€ ( Deux filtres dans la machine, charbon et hepa ).

En option le module connecté:

Ajouté par @2xdou

Le purificateur d'air peut être réglé sur le mode automatique, ce qui signifie que l'appareil détecte automatiquement les particules (PM2,5) en suspension et ajuste ensuite la vitesse du ventilateur.
Vous n'avez donc pas à y penser !

Profitez pleinement de STARKVIND dans l'application IKEA Home smart grâce à la passerelle DIRIGERA.
Réglez la vitesse de ventilation, vérifiez la qualité de l'air, définissez des minuteries et créez des scénarios avec vos autres produits connectés.

Grâce à l'application IKEA Home smart, vous pouvez allumer vos purificateurs d'air, même quand vous n'êtes pas à la maison.
La qualité de l'air sera ainsi satisfaisante quand vous rentrerez.

À la vitesse la plus faible, le purificateur est très silencieux et peut donc continuer de fonctionner pendant la nuit.
Si vous le connectez à l'application IKEA Home smart, il est également possible d'éteindre le voyant lumineux LED.

Vous pouvez dissimuler le câble dans l'un des pieds de table et à l'intérieur du purificateur d'air pour éviter qu'il ne vous encombre.

Purifie l'air dans un espace jusqu'à 20 mètres carrés en fonction de la vitesse du ventilateur sélectionnée.

Si la surface de la pièce est supérieure à 20m², il faudra plus de temps pour purifier l'air.
Il est toujours possible d'utiliser plusieurs purificateurs pour couvrir une plus grande surface.

Niveau sonore avec filtres pour particules et pour capturer les gaz polluants ou filtre pour particules uniquement : à la puissance la moins élevée 24/24 dB, à la puissance la plus élevée 51/53 dB.

Notice de montage

Longueur fil électrique: 1.50 m
Diamètre: 54 cm
Hauteur: 55 cm

GPT-4 Has Passed the Turing Test, Researchers Claim

Par : BeauHD
15 juin 2024 à 02:02
Drew Turney reports via Live Science: The "Turing test," first proposed as "the imitation game" by computer scientist Alan Turing in 1950, judges whether a machine's ability to show intelligence is indistinguishable from a human. For a machine to pass the Turing test, it must be able to talk to somebody and fool them into thinking it is human. Scientists decided to replicate this test by asking 500 people to speak with four respondents, including a human and the 1960s-era AI program ELIZA as well as both GPT-3.5 and GPT-4, the AI that powers ChatGPT. The conversations lasted five minutes -- after which participants had to say whether they believed they were talking to a human or an AI. In the study, published May 9 to the pre-print arXiv server, the scientists found that participants judged GPT-4 to be human 54% of the time. ELIZA, a system pre-programmed with responses but with no large language model (LLM) or neural network architecture, was judged to be human just 22% of the time. GPT-3.5 scored 50% while the human participant scored 67%. "Machines can confabulate, mashing together plausible ex-post-facto justifications for things, as humans do," Nell Watson, an AI researcher at the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), told Live Science. "They can be subject to cognitive biases, bamboozled and manipulated, and are becoming increasingly deceptive. All these elements mean human-like foibles and quirks are being expressed in AI systems, which makes them more human-like than previous approaches that had little more than a list of canned responses." Further reading: 1960s Chatbot ELIZA Beat OpenAI's GPT-3.5 In a Recent Turing Test Study

Read more of this story at Slashdot.

Electricity Bills Forecasted To Climb With Summer Heat

Par : BeauHD
15 juin 2024 à 01:25
The Energy Information Administration (EIA) expects Americans' monthly electricity bills to average $173 between June through August, compared to $168 last summer. "The slight bump in costs comes from consumers cranking up their air conditioning more to cope with a warmer season than last year," writes The Verge's Justine Calma. "Bills would have jumped higher, if not for lower residential electricity prices helping to balance out some of the increased energy use from air conditioning." From the report: Some regions are likely to be harder hit by the weather than others. Because of heat and humidity along the Gulf Coast, residents in Southern states typically use the most electricity in the summer to cool their homes. The Pacific Coast, meanwhile, faces the biggest potential percentage increase in retail electricity prices in the nation -- a 7 percent jump since last year. Wholesale electricity costs there have risen since 2022, in part because of a heat and drought-induced shortfall in hydroelectricity generation. Households along the Pacific could see their electricity bills go up an average of $11 per month this summer, according to the EIA. To be sure, the EIA says that weather is "the main source of uncertainty" in its forecasts for folks' utility bills. If this summer winds up being hotter than expected, households could wind up paying even more. Residential electricity use typically peaks in the summer for most of the US because of air conditioning. Extreme heat can even trigger power outages if demand suddenly rises too sharply. California, the Southwest, the Midwest, Texas, and New England are at "elevated risk" of electricity supply shortages during any extreme weather this summer, according to an assessment (PDF) by the North American Electric Reliability Corporation.

Read more of this story at Slashdot.

Set de cloches bimétalliques ou en métal dur Parkside

14 juin 2024 à 07:23
12,99€ - Lidl

PARKSIDE® Set de cloches bimétalliques ou en métal dur Caractéristiques

  • Dans la mallette de rangement pratique avec insert de mousse protectrice
  • Épaisseur du matériau des scies cloches : 1,2 mm
  • Set de scies cloches bimétalliques
    • Idéal pour couper l'aluminium, le cuivre, le bronze, le zinc, la tôle d'étain, le bois, le PVC et l'acrylique
    • Set de 9 pièces : 6 scies cloches, 2 forets de centrage, 1 adaptateur double
    • Profondeur de coupe max. : 38 mm
    • Diamètre de la scie cloches : 19 / 25 / 38 / 44 / 68 / 83 mm
    • Diamètre du filetage d'adaptateur 2 voies : 12,2 / 15,3 mm
    • Longueur du foret de centrage : 86 / 87 mm
    • Filetage d'adaptateur 2 voies
    • Foret de centrage
  • Set de scies cloches en métal dur
    • Convient pour toutes les perceuses manuelles courantes et les perceuses-visseuses sans fil
    • Idéal pour couper la pierre, le béton léger, le mortier, les carreaux, les murs de cloison sèche
    • Set de 9 pièces : 6 scies cloches, 2 forets de centrage avec adaptateur, 1 clé à six pans creux
    • Profondeur de coupe max. : 25 mm
    • Diamètre de la scie cloches : 19 / 25 / 38 / 44 / 68 / 83 mm
    • Diamètre du filetage de l'adaptateur : 9,7 mm / 13,6 mm
    • Longueur du foret de centrage (adaptateur incl.) : 99 / 102 mm
    • Filetage de l’adaptateur
    • Foret de centrage (adaptateur incl.)


  • Set de scies cloches bimétalliques : Acier HSS, acier au carbone, plastique
  • Set de scies cloches en métal dur : Acier, acier au carbone, plastique


environ 24,5 x 17 x 6,5 cm (Lxlxh)


  • Set de scies cloches bimétalliques : environ 1310 g
  • Set de scies cloches en métal dur : environ 790 g

Ransomware Attackers Quickly Weaponize PHP Vulnerability With 9.8 Severity Rating

Par : BeauHD
15 juin 2024 à 00:45
A critical vulnerability in the PHP programming language (CVE-2024-4577) has been exploited by ransomware criminals, leading to the infection of up to 1,800 servers primarily in China with the TellYouThePass ransomware. This vulnerability, which affects PHP when run in CGI mode, allows attackers to execute malicious code on web servers. Ars Technica's Dan Goodin reports: As of Thursday, Internet scans performed by security firm Censys had detected 1,000 servers infected by a ransomware strain known as TellYouThePass, down from 1,800 detected on Monday. The servers, primarily located in China, no longer display their usual content; instead, many list the site's file directory, which shows all files have been given a .locked extension, indicating they have been encrypted. An accompanying ransom note demands roughly $6,500 in exchange for the decryption key. The vulnerability, tracked as CVE-2024-4577 and carrying a severity rating of 9.8 out of 10, stems from errors in the way PHP converts Unicode characters into ASCII. A feature built into Windows known as Best Fit allows attackers to use a technique known as argument injection to convert user-supplied input into characters that pass malicious commands to the main PHP application. Exploits allow attackers to bypass CVE-2012-1823, a critical code execution vulnerability patched in PHP in 2012. CVE-2024-4577 affects PHP only when it runs in a mode known as CGI, in which a web server parses HTTP requests and passes them to a PHP script for processing. Even when PHP isn't set to CGI mode, however, the vulnerability may still be exploitable when PHP executables such as php.exe and php-cgi.exe are in directories that are accessible by the web server. This configuration is extremely rare, with the exception of the XAMPP platform, which uses it by default. An additional requirement appears to be that the Windows locale -- used to personalize the OS to the local language of the user -- must be set to either Chinese or Japanese. The critical vulnerability was published on June 6, along with a security patch. Within 24 hours, threat actors were exploiting it to install TellYouThePass, researchers from security firm Imperva reported Monday. The exploits executed code that used the mshta.exe Windows binary to run an HTML application file hosted on an attacker-controlled server. Use of the binary indicated an approach known as living off the land, in which attackers use native OS functionalities and tools in an attempt to blend in with normal, non-malicious activity. In a post published Friday, Censys researchers said that the exploitation by the TellYouThePass gang started on June 7 and mirrored past incidents that opportunistically mass scan the Internet for vulnerable systems following a high-profile vulnerability and indiscriminately targeting any accessible server. The vast majority of the infected servers have IP addresses geolocated to China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, or Japan, likely stemming from the fact that Chinese and Japanese locales are the only ones confirmed to be vulnerable, Censys researchers said in an email. Since then, the number of infected sites -- detected by observing the public-facing HTTP response serving an open directory listing showing the server's filesystem, along with the distinctive file-naming convention of the ransom note -- has fluctuated from a low of 670 on June 8 to a high of 1,800 on Monday. Censys researchers said in an email that they're not entirely sure what's causing the changing numbers.

Read more of this story at Slashdot.

Vélo Urbain Bmc 257 Al Four Powder Mettalic Grey - Tailles M et L

14 juin 2024 à 13:54
799,99€ - Private Sport Shop

Utilisation : Urbain
Cadre : Aluminium
Garantie : 3 ans*
Freins : Disques
Transmission : Shimano Deore 1x 11V
Roues : 700C
Poids : 13 kg


  • Cadre : 257 Aluminium de qualité supérieure soudé, Tube supérieur décalé, Finition de revêtement en poudre, Acheminement des câbles internes, Support inférieur fileté BSA, Montage disque Flat Mount, Axe traversant 12x142mm
  • Fourche : 257 Aluminium de qualité supérieure, Supports de garde-boue, Montage disque Flat Mount, Axe traversant 12x100mm
  • Classification ASTM : niveau 2
  • Limite de poids : 120 kg

  • Pédalier : FSA Vero Pro 40 dents
  • Cassette : SHIMANO Deore CS-M5100 11V 11-42 dents
  • Chaîne : SHIMANO Deore CN-HG601 11V
  • Dérailleur arrière : SHIMANO Deore RD-M5120 11V
  • Manette : SHIMANO Deore SL-M5100 Rapidfire Plus
  • Leviers de frein : SHIMANO MT200
  • Étriers de frein : BR-U300
  • Disque : SHIMANO RT10 180 / 180mm


  • Jantes : PFR300
  • Moyeux : CL-712 / RXC-142S
  • Pneus : Pirelli Angel GT - 37 mm
  • Largeur max. pneus : 42 mm

  • Cintre : BMC LSB 03
  • Potence : BMC RSM01
  • Tige de selle : BMC LSP 02
  • Selle : Selle Royal Vivo
  • Garde-boue : avant / arrière
  • Béquille : Oui
  • Pédales : Non fournies

  • S : < 168 cm
  • M : 168-1780 cm
  • L : 178-190 cm
  • XL : >190 cm