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Aujourd’hui — 27 juin 2024LWN
Hier — 26 juin 2024LWN

Types Team Update and Roadmap (Rust Blog)

Par : corbet
26 juin 2024 à 13:16
The Rust Blog is carrying an update on what the Rust Types Team has been up to and its near-future plans.

There has been a lot of work on the next-generation trait solver. The initiative posted a separate update at the end of last year. While we would have liked to stabilize its use in coherence a few months ago, this surfaced additional small behavior regressions and hangs, causing delays. We are working on fixing these issues and intend to merge the stabilization PR soon. We are getting close to compiling the standard library and the compiler with the new solver enabled everywhere, after which will be able to run crater to figure out the remaining issues.
À partir d’avant-hierLWN

Not all "open source" AI models are actually open (Nature)

Par : corbet
25 juin 2024 à 13:31
Nature looks at a recent paper on the openness of "open-source" language models.

It is not yet clear how many of these models will fit the EU's definition of open source. Under the act, this would refer to models that are released under a "free and open" licence that, for example, allows users to modify a model but says nothing about access to training data. Refining this definition will probably form "a single pressure point that will be targeted by corporate lobbies and big companies", the paper says.

Security updates for Tuesday

Par : corbet
25 juin 2024 à 13:18
Security updates have been issued by AlmaLinux (python3.11), Debian (composer), Fedora (thunderbird), Mageia (chromium-browser-stable, python-aiohttp, python-gunicorn, python-werkzeug, and virtualbox), Oracle (libreswan and python3.11), Red Hat (git, kpatch-patch, python3.11, python3.9, and thunderbird), and SUSE (avahi, ghostscript, grafana and mybatis, hdf5, kernel, openssl-1_1-livepatches, python-docker, and wget).

Min: sched_ext: scheduler architecture and interfaces

Par : corbet
24 juin 2024 à 16:33
Changwoo Min has posted an introduction to writing custom schedulers with sched_ext.

In a particular situation, when each scheduling policy needs its specific action, the core kernel scheduler calls an operation defined in struct sched_class. For example, when the core kernel scheduler needs to select a task to be scheduled, it calls the sched_class.pick_next_task(rq) callback of a concrete scheduling policy. When a task becomes runnable, the core kernel scheduler calls sched_class.enqueue(rq, p, flags) so the concrete scheduling policy enqueues task p to run queue rq. When a task's runtime state needs to be updated, the core kernel scheduler calls sched_class.update_curr(rq).

Emacs 29.4 released

Par : corbet
24 juin 2024 à 14:07
Version 29.4 of the Emacs editor has been released. This is "an emergency bugfix release" fixing a vulnerability that can cause the editor to execute arbitrary shell code in Org mode. Anybody who runs Emacs on untrusted files — including those using Gnus or one of the Emacs mail modes — should be looking to update. For those who cannot update, a pair of messages from Russ Allbery and Florian Weimer investigates how to disable the Org-mode evaluation, a task that is seemingly more complicated than it should be.

Tor Browser 13.5 released

Par : corbet
20 juin 2024 à 20:10
Version 13.5 of the privacy-focused Tor browser has been released.

Regular readers of our release posts will know that for the past two years we've been gradually increasing our capacity to not only maintain, but bring tangible improvements to Tor Browser for Android. In that respect, Tor Browser 13.5 feels like a milestone: in addition to the dozens of bug fixes and minor improvements noted in the changelog below, this release features major changes to Android's connection experience in preparation for the future addition of Connection Assist, including full access to Settings before connecting and a new, permanent home for Tor logs.

The release also features desktop user-interface improvements and enhanced fingerprinting protection.

[$] A capability set for user namespaces

Par : corbet
20 juin 2024 à 18:37
User namespaces in Linux create an environment in which all privileges are granted, but their effect is contained within the namespace; they have become an important tool for the implementation of containers. They have also become a significant source of worries for people who do not like the increased attack surface they create for the kernel. Various attempts have been made to restrict that attack surface over the years; the latest is user namespace capabilities, posted by Jonathan Calmels.

[$] How kernel CVE numbers are assigned

Par : corbet
19 juin 2024 à 13:48
It has been four months since Greg Kroah-Hartman and MITRE announced that the Linux kernel project had become its own CVE Numbering Authority (CNA). Since then, the Linux CNA Team has developed workflows and mechanisms to help manage the various tasks associated with this challenge. There does however, appear to be a lack of understanding among community members of the processes and rules the team have been working within. The principal aim of this article, written by a member of the Linux kernel CNA team, is to clarify how the team works and how kernel CVE numbers are assigned.

Plasma 6.1 released

Par : corbet
18 juin 2024 à 13:26
Version 6.1 of the Plasma desktop environment has been released.

Plasma 6 hits its stride with version 6.1. While Plasma 6.0 was all about getting the migration to the underlying Qt 6 frameworks correct (and what a massive job that was), 6.1 is where developers start implementing the features that will take you desktop to a new level.

Enhancements include better remote-desktop support, improved customization, persistent apps, smoother animation under Wayland, and more; see the changelog for the full list.

Security updates for Tuesday

Par : corbet
18 juin 2024 à 13:03
Security updates have been issued by Debian (php7.3), Fedora (galera, ghostscript, and mariadb), Mageia (cups, iperf, and libndp), Oracle (firefox and flatpak), Red Hat (container-tools:rhel8, Firefox, firefox, and flatpak), SUSE (booth, bouncycastle, firefox, ghostscript, less, libaom, openssl-1_1, openssl-3, podman, python-Authlib, python-requests, python-Werkzeug, webkit2gtk3, and xdg-desktop-portal), and Ubuntu (ghostscript, ruby-rack, ruby2.7, ruby3.0, ruby3.1, ruby3.2, and sssd).

PostmarketOS v24.06 released

Par : corbet
17 juin 2024 à 18:45
PostmarketOS is an Alpine Linux derivative distribution aimed at mobile devices; the v24.06 release claims support for over 250 devices, though the level of that support varies widely. "This release is geared mainly towards Linux enthusiasts. We are working hard on stability improvements and automated testing, but if you expect Android or iOS levels of polish, then this is not for you yet." Changes include an upgrade to Alpine Linux 3.20, newer GNOME and KDE versions, and more.

[$] Nested bottom-half locking for realtime kernels

Par : corbet
17 juin 2024 à 14:27
Software-interrupt handlers (also called "bottom halves") have a long history in the Linux kernel; for much of that history, developers have wished that they could go away. One of their unfortunate characteristics is that they can add unexpected latency to the execution of unrelated processes; this problem is felt especially acutely in the realtime-preemption community. The solution adopted there has created problems of its own, though; in response Sebastian Andrzej Siewior is proposing a new locking mechanism for realtime builds of the kernel that may have benefits for non-realtime users as well.