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Soldes été 2024 : les seules offres tech à ne pas manquer chez Boulanger, Fnac, Cdiscount et Amazon

Les soldes d’été 2024 débutent officiellement aujourd'hui ! Ce mercredi 26 juin, les toutes premières offres tech soldées se dévoilent sur les boutiques en ligne, avec une diversité qui nécessite parfois un tri judicieux -- pour ne pas se faire avoir par de faux prix barrés. Pour cette occasion, nous avons préparé une sélection des meilleures promotions à découvrir chez les grandes enseignes telles que Boulanger, Darty, Fnac, Amazon et autres, qui proposent d'ores et déjà une variété d'offres avantageuses.

[$] Programming in Unison

Unison is a MIT-licensed programming language, in development since 2013, that explores the ramifications of making code immutable and stored in a database, instead of a set of text files. Unison supports a greatly simplified model for distributed programming — one that describes the configuration of and communication between programs in the same language as the programs themselves. Along the way, it introduces a new approach to interfacing with programming languages, which is tailored to its design.

Darktable 4.8.0 released

Version 4.8.0 of the darktable photo editor has been released. Changes include performance improvements for large collections, addition of more EXIF fields in the image information module, and two new modules for image composition: Enlarge Canvas and Overlay. Enlarge Canvas allows adding areas to an image, while Overlay allows adding new content by overlaying pixels from the current image or another image. LWN last looked at darktable in 2022. Users are "strongly advised" to make a backup of their configuration and library before upgrading, as they will not be compatible with darktable 4.6.

[$] Making containers bootable for fun and profit

Dan Walsh, Stef Walter, and Colin Walters all walk into a presentation and Walter asks, "why would you want to boot your containers?" This isn't the setup for some technology joke, this is part of the trio's keynote at in Brno, Czech Republic on June 14 about bootable containers (bootc). The talk, which was streamed to YouTube for those of us who didn't attend in person, provided a solid overview of bootc and the problems it is intended to solve. The idea behind bootc is to make creating operating-system images just as easy as creating application-container images while using the same tools.
