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Starliner a réussi à transporter 2 astronautes, mais ce n’est pas encore gagné

11 juin 2024 à 14:58

Starline Boeing Atlas ULA

Le Starliner a réussi la moitié de son test de vol habité. Il reste à accomplir l'autre moitié, qui consistera à ramener les deux astronautes sur Terre. Le vol de retour est attendu à partir du 18 juin 2024.

La Nasa active un plan pour préserver Hubble coûte que coûte

6 juin 2024 à 10:22

Pour assurer le futur du télescope spatial Hubble, l'agence spatiale américaine a validé un nouveau plan de fonctionnement. Désormais, l'engin ne comptera que sur un seul gyroscope. Le second encore fonctionnel sera gardé en réserve.

Le vaisseau Starliner de Boeing a de nouvelles fuites en plein vol

6 juin 2024 à 07:53

Le vaisseau Starliner de Boeing a rencontré deux autres fuites d'hélium durant son vol, en plus de celle déjà détectée avant le décollage. La capsule est néanmoins parvenue à s'amarrer à bord de la Station spatiale internationale.

Boeing Spacecraft Carrying Two Astronauts Lifts Off On Historic Maiden Voyage

Par : BeauHD
5 juin 2024 à 20:30
Slashdot readers destinyland and LazarusQLong share a report from CNN: The third attempt was the charm for Boeing's Starliner mission after launching its first crewed flight test Wednesday in a milestone that has been a decade in the making. The new spacecraft's maiden voyage with humans on board lifted off atop an Atlas V rocket at 10:52 a.m. ET from Cape Canaveral Space Force Station in Florida. Veteran NASA astronauts Butch Wilmore and Suni Williams are riding aboard the Starliner capsule on a journey that takes them to the International Space Station. The mission, known as the Crew Flight Test, is the culmination of Boeing's efforts to develop a spacecraft to rival SpaceX's Crew Dragon capsule and expand the United States' options for ferrying astronauts to the space station under NASA's Commercial Crew Program. The federal agency's initiative aims to foster collaboration with private industry partners. The flight marks only the sixth inaugural journey of a crewed spacecraft in US history, NASA Administrator Bill Nelson noted in a May news conference. "It started with Mercury, then with Gemini, then with Apollo, the space shuttle, then (SpaceX's) Dragon -- and now Starliner," Nelson said. Williams also made history as the first woman to fly aboard such a mission. NASA has a live recording of the launch on YouTube.

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Le télescope spatial Hubble déraille

4 juin 2024 à 12:47


Le télescope spatial Hubble a atteint un âge très honorable. S'il est toujours actif, des dysfonctionnements sont régulièrement rapportés. Il y en a eu un de plus fin mai. La Nasa est sur le coup pour rétablir l'observatoire. La science, en attendant, est en pause.

Après la crise du 737 Max, ces déboires du Starliner pourraient détruire la réputation de Boeing

3 juin 2024 à 10:06

La crédibilité de Boeing est en jeu avec ses difficultés dans les avions, mais aussi dans le spatial. Pour la énième fois, l'entreprise américaine a dû renoncer au vol de sa capsule Starliner lors d'une mission habitée vers l'ISS. Un nouveau tir est attendu le 5 juin.

Boeing Starliner Launched Scrubbed Until at Least Wednesday After Redundant Computer Issue

Par : EditorDavid
2 juin 2024 à 01:34
"The seemingly star-cross Boeing Starliner — within minutes of its long-delayed blastoff on the spacecraft's first piloted test flight — was grounded again Saturday," writes CBS News, "when one of three redundant computers managing the countdown from the base of the launch pad ran into a problem, triggering a last-minute scrub." More details from NPR: With 3:50 left in the countdown, the rocket's computer initiated a hold. The next launch attempt won't happen until at least Wednesday, NASA said. An issue with one of the three redundant computer systems at the base of the launch pad that are responsible for initiating the launch sequence prompted the automatic halt, said Tory Bruno, the head of United Launch Alliance, the government contractor trying to launch the Starliner. "We do require all three systems to be running — triple redundancy," ULA President and CEO Bruno said at a Saturday afternoon press briefing. "Those three big computers do a health check. ... Two came up normally. The third one came up, but it was slow to come up, and that tripped a red line that created an automatic hold." ULA engineers don't know why the computer halted, and will troubleshoot ground support equipment overnight, NASA said in an update on Saturday evening.

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Suivez en direct le vol clé de la capsule Starliner, avec deux astronautes à bord

5 juin 2024 à 12:12

Dans le cadre d’un partenariat avec l’agence spatiale américaine, la société Boeing va mener un vol d’essai habité avec la capsule Starliner. À bord, deux astronautes, qui doivent rejoindre la Station spatiale internationale. La mission Boe-CFT peut être suivie en direct.

NASA's James Webb Space Telescope Finds Most Distant Known Galaxy

Par : BeauHD
31 mai 2024 à 07:00
With the help of NASA's James Webb Space Telescope (JWST), an international team of astronomers discovered a galaxy at a redshift of 14.32, indicating it existed just 290 million years post-Big Bang. In a NASA release today, Stefano Carniani from Scuola Normale Superiore in Pisa, Italy, and Kevin Hainline from the University of Arizona in Tucson, Arizona, described how this source was found and what its unique properties tell us about galaxy formation: "The instruments on Webb were designed to find and understand the earliest galaxies, and in the first year of observations as part of the JWST Advanced Deep Extragalactic Survey (JADES), we found many hundreds of candidate galaxies from the first 650 million years after the big bang. In early 2023, we discovered a galaxy in our data that had strong evidence of being above a redshift of 14, which was very exciting, but there were some properties of the source that made us wary. The source was surprisingly bright, which we wouldn't expect for such a distant galaxy, and it was very close to another galaxy such that the two appeared to be part of one larger object. When we observed the source again in October 2023 as part of the JADES Origins Field, new imaging data obtained with Webb's narrower NIRCam (Near-Infrared Camera) filters pointed even more toward the high-redshift hypothesis. We knew we needed a spectrum, as whatever we would learn would be of immense scientific importance, either as a new milestone in Webb's investigation of the early universe or as a confounding oddball of a middle-aged galaxy. In January 2024, NIRSpec observed this galaxy, JADES-GS-z14-0, for almost ten hours, and when the spectrum was first processed, there was unambiguous evidence that the galaxy was indeed at a redshift of 14.32, shattering the previous most-distant galaxy record (z = 13.2 of JADES-GS-z13-0). Seeing this spectrum was incredibly exciting for the whole team, given the mystery surrounding the source. This discovery was not just a new distance record for our team; the most important aspect of JADES-GS-z14-0 was that at this distance, we know that this galaxy must be intrinsically very luminous. From the images, the source is found to be over 1,600-light years across, proving that the light we see is coming mostly from young stars and not from emission near a growing supermassive black hole. This much starlight implies that the galaxy is several hundreds of millions of times the mass of the Sun! This raises the question: How can nature make such a bright, massive, and large galaxy in less than 300 million years? The data reveal other important aspects of this astonishing galaxy. We see that the color of the galaxy is not as blue as it could be, indicating that some of the light is reddened by dust, even at these very early times. JADES researcher Jake Helton of Steward Observatory and the University of Arizona also identified that JADES-GS-z14-0 was detected at longer wavelengths with Webb's MIRI (Mid-Infrared Instrument), a remarkable achievement considering its distance. The MIRI observation covers wavelengths of light that were emitted in the visible-light range, which are redshifted out of reach for Webb's near-infrared instruments. Jake's analysis indicates that the brightness of the source implied by the MIRI observation is above what would be extrapolated from the measurements by the other Webb instruments, indicating the presence of strong ionized gas emission in the galaxy in the form of bright emission lines from hydrogen and oxygen. The presence of oxygen so early in the life of this galaxy is a surprise and suggests that multiple generations of very massive stars had already lived their lives before we observed the galaxy. All of these observations, together, tell us that JADES-GS-z14-0 is not like the types of galaxies that have been predicted by theoretical models and computer simulations to exist in the very early universe. Given the observed brightness of the source, we can forecast how it might grow over cosmic time, and so far we have not found any suitable analogs from the hundreds of other galaxies we've observed at high redshift in our survey. Given the relatively small region of the sky that we searched to find JADES-GS-z14-0, its discovery has profound implications for the predicted number of bright galaxies we see in the early universe, as discussed in another concurrent JADES study (Robertson et al., recently accepted). It is likely that astronomers will find many such luminous galaxies, possibly at even earlier times, over the next decade with Webb. We're thrilled to see the extraordinary diversity of galaxies that existed at Cosmic Dawn!

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La Nasa laisse partir des astronautes alors que leur capsule Boeing a une fuite

30 mai 2024 à 08:43

L'agence spatiale américaine (Nasa) approuve le décollage de la mission Boe-CFT de Boeing en direction de l'ISS, le 1er juin 2024. Cela, alors qu'une fuite d'hélium a été repérée dans le véhicule qui transporte deux astronautes.

La sonde interstellaire Voyager 1 est presque sauvée de son bug tenace

Par : Nelly Lesage
25 mai 2024 à 09:58

La Nasa a presque réussi à sauver complètement Voyager 1 de son bug étrange. La sonde interstellaire envoie de nouveau des données scientifiques correctes. Mais il reste encore 2 instruments à recalibrer.

The First Crew Launch of Boeing's Starliner Capsule Is On Hold Indefinitely

Par : BeauHD
22 mai 2024 à 22:40
Longtime Slashdot reader schwit1 shares a report from Ars Technica: The first crewed test flight of Boeing's long-delayed Starliner spacecraft won't take off as planned Saturday and could face a longer postponement as engineers evaluate a stubborn leak of helium from the capsule's propulsion system. NASA announced the latest delay of the Starliner test flight late Tuesday. Officials will take more time to consider their options for how to proceed with the mission after discovering the small helium leak on the spacecraft's service module. The space agency did not describe what options are on the table, but sources said they range from flying the spacecraft "as is" with a thorough understanding of the leak and confidence it won't become more significant in flight, to removing the capsule from its Atlas V rocket and taking it back to a hangar for repairs. Theoretically, the former option could permit a launch attempt as soon as next week. The latter alternative could delay the launch until at least late summer. "The team has been in meetings for two consecutive days, assessing flight rationale, system performance, and redundancy," NASA said in a statement Tuesday night. "There is still forward work in these areas, and the next possible launch opportunity is still being discussed. NASA will share more details once we have a clearer path forward."

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La Nasa vous jette dans un trou noir en toute sécurité

8 mai 2024 à 15:38

trou noir nasa

Que cela fait-il de tomber dans un trou noir ? De nombreux contenus en ligne répondent à cette question. La Nasa apporte sa pierre à l'édifice, en publiant une vidéo à 360° d'un plongeon simulé dans la singularité. L'occasion de regarder ce qui se passe dans ce voyage sans retour, en toute sécurité.

La Nasa est soulagée qu’Elon Musk ne dirige pas trop SpaceX

7 mai 2024 à 09:40

Le patron de la Nasa est très satisfait que SpaceX soit surtout dirigé par Gwynne Shotwell. Il était interrogé sur l'influence négative que pourrait avoir Elon Musk sur l'entreprise américaine, au regard de ses frasques et de ses multiples activités.

Suivez en direct le vol décisif de la capsule Starliner, avec deux astronautes à bord

5 mai 2024 à 15:03

Atlas V

Dans le cadre d'un partenariat avec l'agence spatiale américaine, la société Boeing va mener un vol d'essai habité avec la capsule Starliner. À bord, deux astronautes, qui doivent rejoindre la Station spatiale internationale. La mission Boe-CFT peut être suivie en direct.

NASA Officially Greenlights $3.35 Billion Mission To Saturn's Moon Titan

Par : BeauHD
23 avril 2024 à 10:00
NASA last week formally approved a $3.35 billion mission to explore Saturn's largest moon with a quadcopter drone. "Dragonfly is a spectacular science mission with broad community interest, and we are excited to take the next steps on this mission," said Nicky Fox, associate administrator of NASA's science mission directorate. "Exploring Titan will push the boundaries of what we can do with rotorcraft outside of Earth." The mission has a launch date of July 2028. Ars Technica reports: After reaching Titan, the eight-bladed rotorcraft lander will soar from place to place on Saturn's hazy moon, exploring environments rich in organic molecules, the building blocks of life. Dragonfly will be the first mobile robot explorer to land on any other planetary body besides the Moon and Mars, and only the second flying drone to explore another planet. NASA's Ingenuity helicopter on Mars was the first. Dragonfly will be more than 200 times as massive as Ingenuity and will operate six times farther from Earth. Despite its distant position in the cold outer Solar System, Titan appears to be reminiscent of the ancient Earth. A shroud of orange haze envelops Saturn's largest moon, and Titan's surface is covered with sand dunes and methane lakes. Titan's frigid temperatures -- hovering near minus 290 degrees Fahrenheit (minus 179 degrees Celsius) -- mean water ice behaves like bedrock. NASA's Cassini spacecraft, which flew past Titan numerous times before its mission ended in 2017, discovered weather systems on the hazy moon. Observations from Cassini found evidence for hydrocarbon rains and winds that appear to generate waves in Titan's methane lakes. Clearly, Titan is an exotic world. Most of what scientists know about Titan comes from measurements collected by Cassini and the European Space Agency's Huygens probe, which Cassini released to land on Titan in 2005. Huygens returned the first pictures from Titan's surface, but it only transmitted data for 72 minutes. Dragonfly will explore Titan for around three years, flying tens of kilometers about once per month to measure the prebiotic chemistry of Titan's surface, study its soupy atmosphere, and search for biosignatures that could be indications of life. The mission will visit more than 30 locations within Titan's equatorial region, according to a presentation by Elizabeth Turtle, Dragonfly's principal investigator at the Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory. "The Dragonfly mission is an incredible opportunity to explore an ocean world in a way that we have never done before," Turtle said in a statement. "The team is dedicated and enthusiastic about accomplishing this unprecedented investigation of the complex carbon chemistry that exists on the surface of Titan and the innovative technology bringing this first-of-its-kind space mission to life."

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Voyager 1 est en train de s’en sortir, à des milliards de km de la Terre

23 avril 2024 à 08:16

voyager 1 jupiter

La sonde Voyager 1 est toujours opérationnelle et elle peut envoyer des données de télémétrie exploitables. Maintenant, il reste à rétablir la liaison pour récupérer des données scientifiques. La Nasa est sur la bonne voie.

Voyager 1 Resumes Sending Updates To Earth

Par : BeauHD
23 avril 2024 à 07:00
quonset writes: Just over two weeks ago, NASA figured out why its Voyager 1 spacecraft stopped sending useful data. They suspected corrupted memory in its flight data system (FDS) was the culprit. Today, for the first time since November, Voyager 1 is sending useful data about its health and the status of its onboard systems back to NASA. How did NASA accomplish this feat of long distance repair? They broke up the code into smaller pieces and redistributed them throughout the memory. From NASA: "... So they devised a plan to divide the affected code into sections and store those sections in different places in the FDS. To make this plan work, they also needed to adjust those code sections to ensure, for example, that they all still function as a whole. Any references to the location of that code in other parts of the FDS memory needed to be updated as well. The team started by singling out the code responsible for packaging the spacecraft's engineering data. They sent it to its new location in the FDS memory on April 18. A radio signal takes about 22 1/2 hours to reach Voyager 1, which is over 15 billion miles (24 billion kilometers) from Earth, and another 22 1/2 hours for a signal to come back to Earth. When the mission flight team heard back from the spacecraft on April 20, they saw that the modification worked: For the first time in five months, they have been able to check the health and status of the spacecraft. During the coming weeks, the team will relocate and adjust the other affected portions of the FDS software. These include the portions that will start returning science data.

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Suivez en direct le départ d’un prototype de voile solaire de la Nasa

23 avril 2024 à 05:56


L'agence spatiale américaine va expérimenter un satellite équipé d'une voile solaire. Un test qui durera quelques mois et qui doit permettre de glaner des informations pour envisager de futures voiles solaires plus ambitieuses.
