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[$] Improving performance with SCHED_EXT and IOCost

Par : daroc
1 avril 2024 à 17:57

At SCALE this year Dan Schatzberg and Tejun Heo, both from Meta, gave back-to-back talks about some of the performance-engineering work that they do there. Schatzberg presented on the extensible BPF scheduler, which has been discussed extensively on the kernel mailing list. Heo presented on IOCost — a control group (cgroup) I/O controller optimized for solid-state disks (SSDs) — and the benchmark suite that is necessary to make it work well on different models of disk.

[$] How the XZ backdoor works

Par : daroc
2 avril 2024 à 20:41

Versions 5.6.0 and 5.6.1 of the XZ compression utility and library were shipped with a backdoor that targeted OpenSSH. Andres Freund discovered the backdoor by noticing that failed SSH logins were taking a lot of CPU time while doing some micro-benchmarking, and tracking down the backdoor from there. It was introduced by XZ co-maintainer "Jia Tan" — a probable alias for person or persons unknown. The backdoor is a sophisticated attack with multiple parts, from the build system, to link time, to run time.

V8 incorporates new sandbox

Par : daroc
4 avril 2024 à 17:46

V8, the JavaScript engine used in Chrome, announced that its memory sandbox is no longer experimental.

Chrome 123 could therefore be considered to be a sort of "beta" release for the sandbox. This blog post uses this opportunity to discuss the motivation behind the sandbox, show how it prevents memory corruption in V8 from spreading within the host process, and ultimately explain why it is a necessary step towards memory safety.

Eclipse Foundation announces collaboration for CRA compliance

Par : daroc
5 avril 2024 à 14:34

The Eclipse Foundation, the organization behind the Eclipse IDE and many other software projects, announced a collaboration between several different open-source-software foundations to create a specification describing secure software development best practices. This work is motivated by the European Union's Cyber Resilience Act (CRA).

The leading open source communities and foundations have for years developed and practised secure software development processes. These are processes that have often defined or set industry best practices around things such as coordinated disclosure, peer review, and release processes. These processes have been documented by each of these communities, albeit sometimes using different terminology and approaches. We hypothesise that the cybersecurity process technical documentation that already exists amongst the open source communities can provide a useful starting point for developing the cybersecurity processes required for regulatory compliance.

(Thanks to Martin Michlmayr.)

[$] Diagnosing workqueues

Par : daroc
9 avril 2024 à 13:51

There are many mechanisms for deferred work in the Linux kernel. One of them, workqueues, has seen increasing use as part of the move away from software interrupts. Alison Chaiken gave a talk at SCALE about how they compare to software interrupts, the new challenges they pose for system administrators, and what tools are available to kernel developers wishing to diagnose problems with workqueues as they become increasingly prevalent.

[$] Continued attacks on HTTP/2

Par : daroc
10 avril 2024 à 13:52

On April 3 security researcher Bartek Nowotarski published the details of a new denial-of-service (DoS) attack, called a "continuation flood", against many HTTP/2-capable web servers. While the attack is not terribly complex, it affects many independent implementations of the HTTP/2 protocol, even though multiple similar vulnerabilities over the years have given implementers plenty of warning.

Security updates for Friday

Par : daroc
12 avril 2024 à 13:25
Security updates have been issued by Debian (chromium), Fedora (rust, trafficserver, and upx), Mageia (postgresql-jdbc and x11-server, x11-server-xwayland, tigervnc), Red Hat (bind, bind9.16, gnutls, httpd:2.4, squid, unbound, and xorg-x11-server), SUSE (perl-Net-CIDR-Lite), and Ubuntu (apache2, maven-shared-utils, and nss).

[$] Cleaning up after BPF exceptions

Par : daroc
15 avril 2024 à 14:56

Kumar Kartikeya Dwivedi has been working to add support for exceptions to BPF since mid-2023. In July, Dwivedi posted the first patch set in this effort, which adds support for basic stack unwinding. In February 2024, he posted the second patch set aimed at letting the kernel release resources held by the BPF program when an exception occurs. This makes exceptions usable in many more contexts.

[$] Identifying dependencies used via dlopen()

Par : daroc
16 avril 2024 à 19:54

The recent XZ backdoor has sparked a lot of discussion about how the open-source community links and packages software. One possible security improvement being discussed is changing how projects like systemd link to dynamic libraries that are only used for optional functionality: using dlopen() to load those libraries only when required. This could shrink the attack surface exposed by dependencies, but the approach is not without downsides — most prominently, it makes discovering which dynamic libraries a program depends on harder. On April 11, Lennart Poettering proposed one way to eliminate that problem in a systemd RFC on GitHub.

Security updates for Wednesday

Par : daroc
17 avril 2024 à 12:36
Security updates have been issued by Debian (apache2 and cockpit), Fedora (firefox, kernel, mbedtls, python-cbor2, wireshark, and yyjson), Mageia (nghttp2), Red Hat (kernel, kernel-rt, opencryptoki, pcs, shim, squid, and squid:4), Slackware (firefox), SUSE (emacs, firefox, and kernel), and Ubuntu (linux-aws, linux-aws-5.15, linux-aws-6.5, linux-raspi, and linux-iot).

Security updates for Friday

Par : daroc
19 avril 2024 à 13:08
Security updates have been issued by AlmaLinux (gnutls, java-17-openjdk, mod_http2, and squid), Debian (firefox-esr), Fedora (editorconfig, perl-Clipboard, php, rust, and wordpress), Mageia (less, libreswan, puppet, and x11-server, x11-server-xwayland, and tigervnc), Slackware (aaa_glibc), and SUSE (firefox, graphviz, kernel, nodejs12, pgadmin4, tomcat, and wireshark).

[$] Weighted memory interleaving and new system calls

Par : daroc
19 avril 2024 à 14:12

Gregory Price recently posted a patch set that adds support for weighted memory interleaving — allowing a process's memory to be distributed between non-uniform memory access (NUMA) nodes in a more controlled way. According to his performance measurements, the patch set could provide a significant improvement for computers with network-attached memory. The patch set also introduces new system calls and paves the way for future extensions intended to give processes more control over their own memory.

[$] Existential types in Rust

Par : daroc
24 avril 2024 à 12:49

For several years, contributors to the Rust project have been working to improve support for asynchronous code. The benefits of these efforts are not confined to asynchronous code, however. Members of the Rust community have been working toward adding explicit existential types to Rust since 2017. Existential types are not a common feature of programming languages (something the RFC acknowledges), so the motivation for their inclusion might be somewhat obscure.

GitHub comments used to distribute malware (BleepingComputer)

Par : daroc
24 avril 2024 à 14:25

BleepingComputer reported on April 20 that some malware was being distributed via GitHub. Uploading files as part of a comment gives them a URL that appears to be associated with a repository, even if the comment is never posted.

A GitHub flaw, or possibly a design decision, is being abused by threat actors to distribute malware using URLs associated with Microsoft repositories, making the files appear trustworthy.

While most of the malware activity has been based around the Microsoft GitHub URLs, this "flaw" could be abused with any public repository on GitHub, allowing threat actors to create very convincing lures.

[$] Python JIT stabilization

Par : daroc
25 avril 2024 à 17:57

On April 11, Brandt Bucher posted PEP 744 ("JIT Compilation"), which summarizes the current state of Python's new copy-and-patch just-in-time (JIT) compiler. The JIT is currently experimental, but the PEP proposes some criteria for the circumstances under which it should become a non-experimental part of Python. The discussion of the PEP hasn't reached a conclusion, but several members of the community have already raised questions about how the JIT would fit into future iterations of the Python language.
