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Aujourd’hui — 5 juin 2024LWN

Kali Linux 2024.2 released

Par : jzb
5 juin 2024 à 19:14

Version 2024.2 of the Kali Linux penetration testing distribution has been released. This release includes an update to GNOME 46, a high-resolution (HiDPI) mode for Xfce, as well as a number of new packages such as the AutoRecon network reconnaissance tool, pspy command-line utility for snooping on Linux processes, and SploitScan tool for fetching and displaying CVE information. Kali Linux is based on Debian testing, and 2024.2 incorporates Debian's work to transition to 64-bit time_t to avoid year 2038 problems. Users with existing Kali systems should be sure to follow the documentation when upgrading.

FreeBSD 14.1 released

Par : jzb
5 juin 2024 à 17:39

Version 14.1 of FreeBSD has been released. This is the second release of the 14.x stable branch. Highlights of this release include upgrades to OpenZFS 2.2.4, Clang/LLVM 18.1.5, and OpenSSH 9.7p1. FreeBSD 14.1 also features cloud-init support, sound subsystem improvements, and more. See the what's new blog post from the FreeBSD Foundation, release notes, and errata for more information.

[$] Rethinking the PostgreSQL CommitFest model

Par : jzb
5 juin 2024 à 16:22

Many years ago, the PostgreSQL project started holding regular CommitFests to help tackle the work of reviewing and committing patches in a more organized fashion. That has served the project well, but some in the project are concerned that CommitFests are no longer meeting the needs of PostgreSQL or its contributors. A lengthy discussion on the pgsql-hackers mailing list turned up a number of complaints, a few suggestions for improvement, but little consensus or momentum toward a solution.

The state of SourceHut

Par : jzb
5 juin 2024 à 15:09

Drew DeVault has published an update about the state of the SourceHut software development platform and its plans for the coming months. This is the first update since the January post-mortem following a distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attack that resulted in a prolonged outage:

As you can imagine, it has been a stressful time for us. However, I wish to stress that everything we've been dealing with is planned for in our models, both technical and financial. There is no existential threat to SourceHut. Nevertheless, we are grateful for your patience and support.

[...] We have been focusing on two things this year: provisioning and managing our infrastructure and getting as much rest as possible. Our situation has calmed down, and while we still have a lot of loose ends to attend to I'm happy to say that we're resuming a sense of normalcy here and preparing to resume our work on the features you need.

Security updates for Wednesday

Par : jzb
5 juin 2024 à 13:32
Security updates have been issued by Fedora (deepin-qt5integration, deepin-qt5platform-plugins, dotnet8.0, dwayland, fcitx-qt5, fcitx5-qt, gammaray, kddockwidgets, keepassxc, kf5-akonadi-server, kf5-frameworkintegration, kf5-kwayland, plasma-integration, python-qt5, qadwaitadecorations, qgnomeplatform, qt5, qt5-qt3d, qt5-qtbase, qt5-qtcharts, qt5-qtconnectivity, qt5-qtdatavis3d, qt5-qtdeclarative, qt5-qtdoc, qt5-qtgamepad, qt5-qtgraphicaleffects, qt5-qtimageformats, qt5-qtlocation, qt5-qtmultimedia, qt5-qtnetworkauth, qt5-qtquickcontrols, qt5-qtquickcontrols2, qt5-qtremoteobjects, qt5-qtscript, qt5-qtscxml, qt5-qtsensors, qt5-qtserialbus, qt5-qtserialport, and qt5-qtspeech), Oracle (389-ds-base and ruby:3.1), Red Hat (389-ds-base, glibc, and kernel), SUSE (python-PyMySQL), and Ubuntu (libarchive).
À partir d’avant-hierLWN

LyX 2.4.0 Released

Par : jzb
3 juin 2024 à 20:51

Version 2.4.0 of the LyX document processor has been released. LyX is a "What You See Is What You Mean" (WYSIWYM) application that offers GUI editing of LaTeX documents with import and export to PDF, HTML, OpenDocument, Word, and other formats. LyX 2.4.0 is the first major release in six years, and brings support for EPUB, DocBook 5, improved table styles, and now uses Unicode (utf8) as its default encoding. See the full list of new features on the LyX wiki, and release notes for information on known issues and caveats for those upgrading from earlier versions of LyX.

[$] Debian's /tmpest in a teapot

Par : jzb
3 juin 2024 à 16:16

Debian had a major discussion about mounting /tmp as a RAM-based tmpfs in 2012 but inertia won out in the end. Debian systems have continued to store temporary files on disk by default. Until now. A mere 12 years later, the project will be switching to a RAM-based /tmp in the Debian 13 ("Trixie") release. Additionally, starting with Trixie, the default will be to periodically clean up temporary files automatically in /tmp and /var/tmp. Naturally, it involved a lengthy discussion first.

Fedora Linux 40 election results

Par : jzb
2 juin 2024 à 18:44

The Fedora Project has announced the results of the Fedora Linux 40 election cycle. Four seats were open on the Fedora Engineering Steering Committee (FESCo), and the winners are Stephen Gallagher, Neal Gompa, Michel Lind, and Fabio Valentini. The Fedora Council had two seats open, and the winners are Aleksandra Fedorova and Adam Samalik. One seat was open on the Fedora Mindshare Committee, and the winner is Sumantro Mukherjee. Four seats were open for the first election to select members of the EPEL Steering Committee, which went to Troy Dawson, Kevin Fenzi, Carl George, and Jonathan Wright.

Opt Green: KDE Eco's New Sustainable Software Project

Par : jzb
31 mai 2024 à 19:24

KDE Eco, a KDE project focused on reducing software's environmental impact, has announced its Opt Green campaign to reduce e-waste:

Over the next two years, the "Opt Green" initiative will bring what KDE Eco has been doing for sustainable software directly to end users. A particular target group for the project is those whose consumer behavior is driven by principles related to the environment, and not just price or convenience: the "eco-consumers".

Through online and offline campaigns as well as installation workshops, we will demonstrate the power of Free Software to drive down resource and energy consumption, and keep devices in use for the lifespan of the hardware, not the software.

Our motto: The most environmentally-friendly device is the one you already own.

See the KDE Eco Get Involved page for more information on how to participate.

[$] Fedora approves shipping pre-built macOS binaries

Par : jzb
29 mai 2024 à 18:15

The Asahi Linux project works to support Linux on Apple Silicon hardware. The project's flagship distribution is the Fedora Asahi Remix, which has its own installer (rather than Anaconda) to accommodate the unique requirements of installing on Apple's hardware. Previously the installer was built by the Asahi project, but it has asked for (and received) an exception from the Fedora Engineering Steering Committee (FESCo) to include two binaries from upstream open-source projects so that the installer can be built on Fedora infrastructure.

Results from the 2024 FreeBSD Community Survey Report

Par : jzb
29 mai 2024 à 17:41

The FreeBSD Foundation has announced the 2024 FreeBSD Community Survey Report. The report provides a summary of 1,446 responses to an anonymous online survey of FreeBSD users. It provides insights into user profiles, typical usage, how the FreeBSD project is viewed, as well as recommendations for expanding the FreeBSD community and contributor base:

Currently fewer than half of users consider FreeBSD their daily driver; Individuals are less likely than Corporate Users to consider FreeBSD primary. The barrier seems to be less about software and more about hardware support, particularly around Wi-Fi drivers (which are at the top of the wish list for the Foundation to focus on in the coming year). A relatively high number of those who don't consider FreeBSD their main OS say they would consider doing so with hardware support for desktops and laptops that was equivalent to Linux.

The raw data for the survey is available as well.

Security updates for Wednesday

Par : jzb
29 mai 2024 à 13:20
Security updates have been issued by AlmaLinux (glibc and tomcat), Fedora (chromium, fcitx5-qt, python-pyqt6, qadwaitadecorations, qgnomeplatform, qt6, qt6-qt3d, qt6-qt5compat, qt6-qtbase, qt6-qtcharts, qt6-qtcoap, qt6-qtconnectivity, qt6-qtdatavis3d, qt6-qtdeclarative, qt6-qtgraphs, qt6-qtgrpc, qt6-qthttpserver, qt6-qtimageformats, qt6-qtlanguageserver, qt6-qtlocation, qt6-qtlottie, qt6-qtmqtt, qt6-qtmultimedia, qt6-qtnetworkauth, qt6-qtopcua, qt6-qtpositioning, qt6-qtquick3d, qt6-qtquick3dphysics, qt6-qtquicktimeline, qt6-qtremoteobjects, qt6-qtscxml, qt6-qtsensors, qt6-qtserialbus, qt6-qtserialport, qt6-qtshadertools, qt6-qtspeech, qt6-qtsvg, qt6-qttools, qt6-qttranslations, qt6-qtvirtualkeyboard, qt6-qtwayland, qt6-qtwebchannel, qt6-qtwebengine, qt6-qtwebsockets, qt6-qtwebview, and zeal), Red Hat (glibc, kernel, kernel-rt, kpatch-patch, linux-firmware, mod_http2, pcp, pcs, protobuf, python3, rpm-ostree, and rust), SUSE (git, glibc-livepatches, kernel, libxml2, openssl-1_1, SUSE Manager Client Tools, SUSE Manager Client Tools, salt, and xdg-desktop-portal), and Ubuntu (amavisd-new, firefox, flask-security, frr, git, intel-microcode, jinja2, libreoffice, linux-intel-iotg, unbound, and webkit2gtk).

[$] Readying DNF5 for Fedora 41

Par : jzb
24 mai 2024 à 16:51

With the release of Fedora 40 it's time to start looking ahead to what Fedora 41 has in store. One of the largest changes planned for the next release is a switch to DNF5, a C++ rewrite of the DNF package manager. A previous attempt to make the switch, during the Fedora 39 cycle, was called off, and deferred to Fedora 41. The developers have had nearly a year to address compatibility problems and bring DNF5 to a state suitable to replace DNF4. Signs point to a successful switch in the upcoming release, though there may be a few surprises lurking for Fedora users.

KDE Gear 24.05.0

Par : jzb
23 mai 2024 à 14:16

The KDE Project has announced the release of KDE Gear 24.05.0, with new features and updates for the more than 200 applications that are part of the project. In addition to new versions of the Dolphin file manager, Kdenlive video editor, and Elisa music player, this release includes five applications new to KDE Gear: the Audex CD-ripper application, an application Accessibility Inspector, the Francis Pomodoro timer, Kalm to teach breathing techniques, and a Sokoban-like game called Skladnik. See the full changelog for a complete list of changes.

[$] The KeePassXC kerfuffle

Par : jzb
22 mai 2024 à 16:30

KeePassXC is an open-source (GPLv3), cross-platform password manager with local-only data storage. The project comes with a number of build options that can be used to toggle optional features, such as browser integration and password database sharing. However, controversy ensued when Debian Developer Julian Klode decided to make use of these compile flags to disable these features to improve security in the keepassxc package uploaded to Debian unstable for the upcoming Debian 13 ("Trixie") release.

Security updates for Wednesday

Par : jzb
22 mai 2024 à 13:28
Security updates have been issued by Debian (webkit2gtk), Fedora (kernel), Mageia (chromium-browser-stable, djvulibre, gdk-pixbuf2.0, nss & firefox, postgresql15 & postgresql13, python-pymongo, python-sqlparse, stb, thunderbird, and vim), Red Hat (go-toolset:rhel8, nodejs, and varnish:6), SUSE (gitui, glibc, and kernel), and Ubuntu (libspreadsheet-parseexcel-perl, linux-aws, linux-aws-5.15, linux-gke, linux-gcp, python-idna, and thunderbird).

AlmaLinux forms engineering steering committee

Par : jzb
21 mai 2024 à 16:11

The AlmaLinux project has announced the formation of the AlmaLinux Engineering Steering Committee (ALESCo):

[It] is dedicated to guiding the technical direction of the AlmaLinux distribution on a day-to-day basis within the guidelines set forth by the board, ensuring its robustness, reliability, sustainability, and relevance in the open-source ecosystem. ALESCo will work collaboratively with, and oversee relevant technical-focused Special Interest Groups (SIGs) to achieve these goals. It is "air traffic control" for engineering matters.

The initial members of ALESCo appointed by the AlmaLinux OS Foundation board are Andrew Lukoshko, Ben Thomas, Cody Robertson, Elkhan Mammadli, Jonathan Wright, and Neal Gompa. The AlmaLinux Wiki has more information on the committee's activities and how to get involved.
