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Aujourd’hui — 12 juillet 2024LWN

GNOME Foundation Announces Transition of Executive Director

Par : jzb
12 juillet 2024 à 17:51

The GNOME Foundation has announced that executive director Holly Million is stepping down at the end of July, and will be replaced by Richard Littauer as interim executive director:

On behalf of the whole GNOME community, the Board of Directors would like to give our utmost thanks to Holly for her achievements during the past 10 months, including drafting a bold five-year strategic plan for the Foundation, securing two important fiscal sponsorship agreements with GIMP and Black Python Devs, writing our first funding proposal that will now enable the Foundation to apply for more grants, vastly improving our financial operations, and implementing a break-even budget to preserve our financial reserves.

The Foundation's Interim Executive Director, Richard Littauer, brings years of open source leadership as part of his work as an organizer of SustainOSS and CURIOSS, as a sustainability coordinator at the Open Source Initiative, and as a community development manager at Open Source Collective, and through open source contributions to many projects, such as Node.js and IPFS. The Board appointed Richard in June and is confident in his ability to guide the Foundation during this transitional period.

Million says she is leaving to pursue a PhD in psychology. The board plans to announce its search plan for a permanent executive directory after GUADEC, which takes place July 19 through 24.

[$] A look at Linux Mint 22

Par : jzb
12 juillet 2024 à 14:32

Linux Mint has released a beta of its next long-term-support (LTS) release, Linux Mint 22 (code-named "Wilma"), based on Ubuntu 24.04. Aside from the standard software updates that come with any major upgrade, some of Wilma's largest selling points are what it doesn't have; namely snap packages or GNOME applications that have broken theming on non-GNOME desktops like Mint's Cinnamon desktop.

À partir d’avant-hierLWN

Brown: Fixing a 6-year-old bug in Ubuntu MATE and Xubuntu

Par : jzb
10 juillet 2024 à 18:04

Doug Brown documents the long journey to fixing a bug in the GDebi utility for installing Debian packages. He first encountered the bug in Ubuntu MATE 18.04: "at the time I just ignored this issue. I didn't want to deal with it. I went off to the trusty Linux terminal and installed Chrome that way instead".

Two and a half years ago, I committed to doing more open-source contributions in my free time and was finally irritated enough about this problem to look into it. I searched around for more info. Lo and behold, lots of people were also affected and there was already an issue from 2019 on Ubuntu's bug tracker about it.

[...] As is commonly the case in software development, the difficult part of this fix had nothing to do with the code itself. All of my effort was spent figuring out Ubuntu's patch submission processes and advocating for my merge request. Nobody else seemed to be interested in doing the work to actually fix this bug that has been plaguing Ubuntu MATE and Xubuntu, not to mention some Debian users, for over 6 years. After dealing with the long process of getting my merge request approved, I think I'm starting to understand why!

Brown notes that the fix is now packaged for the upcoming Ubuntu 24.10 release, and should be backported to 22.04 and 24.04 eventually.

Fix for Fedora Atomic Desktop and Fedora IoT boot failure

Par : jzb
10 juillet 2024 à 17:20

Fedora Atomic Desktop and Fedora IoT systems installed before Fedora 40 may fail to boot after an update if secure boot is enabled. Fedora Magazine has a post by Timothée Ravier about the problem, how users can work around it, and what the project is doing to avoid the similar problems in the future:

On Fedora Atomic Desktops and Fedora IoT systems, the components that are part of the boot chain (Shim, GRUB) are not (yet) automatically updated alongside the rest of the system. Thus, if you have installed a Fedora Atomic Desktop or a Fedora IoT system before Fedora 40, it uses an old versions of the Shim and bootloader binaries to boot your system.

When Secure Boot is enabled, the EFI firmware loads Shim first. Shim is signed by the Microsoft Third Party Certificate Authority so that it can be verified on most hardware out of the box. The Shim binary includes the Fedora certificates used to verify binaries signed by Fedora. Then Shim loads GRUB, which in turn loads the Linux kernel. Both are signed by Fedora.

Until recently, the kernel binaries where signed two times, with an older key and a newer one. With the 6.9 kernel update, the kernel is no longer signed with the old key. If GRUB or Shim is old enough and does not know about the new key, the signature verification fails.

Security updates for Wednesday

Par : jzb
10 juillet 2024 à 13:15
Security updates have been issued by AlmaLinux (buildah, gvisor-tap-vsock, kernel-rt, libreswan, linux-firmware, pki-core, and podman), Fedora (firefox and jpegxl), Gentoo (Buildah, HarfBuzz, and LIVE555 Media Server), Oracle (buildah, gvisor-tap-vsock, kernel, libreswan, and podman), Red Hat (containernetworking-plugins, dotnet6.0, dotnet8.0, fence-agents, kernel, libreswan, libvirt, perl-HTTP-Tiny, python39:3.9, toolbox, and virt:rhel and virt-devel:rhel modules), SUSE (firefox, freeradius-server, haproxy, jbigkit, kernel, kernel-firmware, pam, ppp, python3-cryptography, skopeo, and tar), and Ubuntu (dotnet6, dotnet8, exim4, firefox, golang-1.21, golang-1.22, openssh, and python-django).

[$] Giving bootloaders the boot with nmbl

Par : jzb
8 juillet 2024 à 18:10

At 2024, Marta Lewandowska gave a talk to discuss a new approach for booting Linux systems, "No more boot loader: Please use the kernel instead". The talk, available on YouTube, introduced a new project called nmbl (for "no more bootloader", pronounced "nimble"). The idea is to get rid of bootloaders (e.g., GNU GRUB) with a Unified Kernel Image (UKI) that removes the need for a separate bootloader altogether. It is early days for nmbl, currently the project is only being tested for use with virtual machines, but the idea is compelling. If successful, nmbl could offer security, performance, and maintenance benefits compared to GRUB and other separate bootloaders.

[$] Debian debate over tag2upload reaches compromise

Par : jzb
3 juillet 2024 à 17:01

Debian's proposed tag2upload service would be worthy of an article even if it wasn't so contentious; tag2upload promises a streamlined way for Debian developers using Git to upload packages to the Debian Archive. But tag2upload has been in limbo for years due to disagreement and a communication breakdown between the team behind tag2upload and the ftpmasters team. It took the threat of a General Resolution (GR), weeks of discussion, and more than 1,000 emails to finally move forward.

Universal Blue images need manual intervention for updates

Par : jzb
3 juillet 2024 à 15:12

The Universal Blue project, which produces operating system images based on Fedora's Atomic Desktops, has issued an announcement that manual steps are required to continue receiving updates. Jorge Castro wrote:

If you use Bazzite, Bluefin, Aurora, or any other Universal Blue image (including our toolboxes) then you need to follow the instructions in this announcement in order to ensure that your device is getting updates. We were rotating our cosign keypairs this morning, which is the method that we use to sign our images.

During this process I made a critical error which has resulted in forcing you to take manual steps to migrate to our newly signed images.

This applies to all Universal Blue images released before July 2, 2024. See the full announcement for instructions. LWN covered Bluefin in December, 2023.

Security updates for Wednesday

Par : jzb
3 juillet 2024 à 13:15
Security updates have been issued by AlmaLinux (golang and kernel), Fedora (ghostscript and openssh), Mageia (espeak-ng), Red Hat (389-ds, c-ares, container-tools, cups, fontforge, go-toolset, iperf3, less, libreoffice, libuv, linux-firmware, nghttp2, openldap, pki-core, python-idna, python-jinja2, python-pillow, python3, python3.11-PyMySQL, qemu-kvm, and xmlrpc-c), SUSE (ghostscript, git, libndp, libxml2, openssh, pgadmin4, podman, podofo, postgresql14, postgresql15, postgresql16, python39, squid, and wireshark), and Ubuntu (firefox and openvpn).

[$] FreeDOS turns 30

Par : jzb
28 juin 2024 à 19:45

FreeDOS is an open-source operating system designed to be compatible with the now-defunct MS-DOS. Three decades have now passed since the FreeDOS project was first announced, and it is still alive and well with a small community of developers and users committed to running legacy DOS software, classic DOS games, and developing modern applications that extend its functionality well beyond the original MS-DOS. It may well be around in another 30 years.

Highlights from the FreeBSD Developer Summit

Par : jzb
27 juin 2024 à 20:08

The FreeBSD Foundation has published a set of reports from the May 2024 FreeBSD Developer Summit held in Ottawa, Canada. The topics include FreeBSD Core Team updates, FreeBSD 15 release planning, Integration with Rust, and OCI containers on FreeBSD:

Doug Rabson began by providing an overview of the current state of FreeBSD support for OCI containers, noting that while FreeBSD has long supported containers through its jail and vnet features, the ecosystem around OCI containers requires further development. "FreeBSD has been able to do containers for a long time, but we need to align better with OCI standards to make our containers more compatible and easier to use," Rabson remarked​​.

Free Software Foundation adds three board members

Par : jzb
27 juin 2024 à 18:04

The Free Software Foundation (FSF) has announced the addition of three new members to its board: John Gilmore, Christina Haralanova, and Maria Chiara Pievatolo. This is part of FSF governance changes announced in January 2023. The next step is a review of current board members:

These three new members of the FSF's board of directors are the first to be appointed since 2020, when Odile Bénassy joined. Given the importance of the FSF to the free software movement, and the importance of its board to ensure preservation of the software freedom definition, the board has not taken its task lightly. Next, the FSF will evaluate current board members with the FSF's associate members in August, after which the voting members will review the feedback received and decide if each current board member should remain.

More information on the process, and a short biography of each new board member, is available in the full announcement.

[$] Python grapples with Apple App Store rejections

Par : jzb
27 juin 2024 à 14:00

An upgrade from Python 3.11 to 3.12 has led to the rejection of some Python apps by Apple's app stores. That led to Eric Froemling submitting a bug report against CPython. That, in turn, led to an interesting discussion among Python developers about how far the project was willing to go to accommodate app store review processes. Developers reached a quick consensus, and a solution that may arrive as soon as Python 3.13.

Security updates for Thursday

Par : jzb
27 juin 2024 à 13:00
Security updates have been issued by Debian (ffmpeg, kernel, libvpx, and linux-5.10), Fedora (chromium, firefox, freeipa, moodle, and openvpn), Oracle (git), Red Hat (golang and java-1.8.0-ibm), and Ubuntu (linux-oracle-6.5,, openssl, plasma-workspace, ruby2.7, ruby3.0, ruby3.1, sqlite3, and wget).

OpenSUSE Leap Micro 6.0 is now available

Par : jzb
26 juin 2024 à 15:06

The openSUSE project has announced Leap Micro version 6.0. Leap Micro is an image-based, lightweight Linux distribution that is designed to run containerized and virtualized applications. It is based on SUSE Linux Enterprise (SLE) Micro. Changes in this release include the support for full-disk encryption, the addition of Cockpit for web-based system management, and an optional real-time kernel for x86_64. Boot support for legacy BIOS on x86_64 is deprecated with 6.0, and will be removed in a later release. See the SLE Micro release notes for more information.

Hutterer: GNOME tablet support papercut fixes

Par : jzb
26 juin 2024 à 14:17

Peter Hutterer has written a summary of "papercut fixes" for GNOME tablet support that are planned to ship with GNOME 47.

If you're an avid tablet user, you may have multiple stylus tools - but it's also likely that you have multiple tools of the same type which makes differentiating them in the GUI hard. Which is why they're highlighted now - if you bring the tool into proximity, the matching image is highlighted to make it easier to know which stylus you're about to configure. Oh, and in the process we added a new SVG for AES styli too to make the picture look more like the actual physical tool. The <blink> tag may no longer be cool but at least we can disco our way through the stylus configuration now.

Security updates for Wednesday

Par : jzb
26 juin 2024 à 13:10
Security updates have been issued by AlmaLinux (git, python3.11, and python3.9), Debian (chromium, emacs, git, linux-5.10, and org-mode), Fedora (libopenmpt, nginx-mod-modsecurity, and thunderbird), Mageia (emacs, python-ansible-core, and python-authlib), Oracle (git, python3.11, and python3.9), Red Hat (kernel, kernel-rt, and samba), and Ubuntu (ansible, cups, google-guest-agent, google-osconfig-agent, libheif, openvpn, roundcube, and salt).