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Aujourd’hui — 27 juin 2024Phoronix

NVIDIA 555.58 Stable Linux Driver Brings Wayland Explicit Sync, GSP Firmware Default

27 juin 2024 à 13:37
The NVIDIA 555.58 Linux driver has debuted this morning as the first stable version in the R555 driver series. The NVIDIA 555 Linux driver is the most exciting in recent times with offering Wayland explicit sync support, more stable Wayland support in general, and GSP firmware is now used by default on RTX 20 / Turing and newer GPUs where the GPU System Processor is present...

AMD's AOMP 19.0-2 Compiler Brings Zero-Copy For CPU-GPU Unified Shared Memory

27 juin 2024 à 09:56
AMD compiler engineers have released AOMP 19.0-2 as the newest version of their downstream LLVM/Clang compiler that carries all of their latest work around OpenMP/AOCC GPU device offloading to Radeon and Instinct hardware. With this updated AOMP compiler is now run-time support for zero-copy with CPU-GPU unified shared memory and various other new features for this GPU/accelerator-focused compiler...

Multi-Grain Timestamps Revived For Linux File-Systems

27 juin 2024 à 09:45
Last year a new kernel feature merged in Linux 6.6 was multi-grain(ed) timestamps for file-systems as a means of better timestamp handling originally for NFS compared to the existing coarse-grained timestamps with the once per jiffy timestamps being used for invalidating NFS caches. But multi-grain timestamps was reverted just weeks after landing in the mainline kernel due to corner cases like a newer file with a coarse-grained timestamp appearing earlier than another file with a fine-grained timestamp. Due to subtle bugs like that, multi-grain timestamps were dropped before Linux 6.6 was even released while now there is a revised attempt...
Hier — 26 juin 2024Phoronix

Intel Compute Runtime 24.22.29735.20 Brings Latest OpenCL & Level Zero Support On Linux

26 juin 2024 à 23:05
Intel today issued the Compute Runtime 24.22.29735.20 release as their open-source driver providing OpenCL and oneAPI Level Zero capabilities on Windows and Linux systems. This update was joined by an updated Intel Graphics Compiler, IGC 1.0.16900.23...
À partir d’avant-hierPhoronix