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A Startup's Faster-Than-E-Ink Android Tablet Challenges Apple's IPad

Par : EditorDavid
26 mai 2024 à 07:34
It's "one of the most talked about devices in Silicon Valley," according to tech writer/investor Om Malik. The company's web site calls it "the computer, de-invented," promising a tablet with "the world's first full-speed paper-like display." But Its founder has structured the company as a Public Benefit Corporation, with its web site describing the eyestrain-relieving tablet as "designed for deep focus and wellbeing. We refuse to accept a future where our devices are exhausting, addictive, and distracting." Malik writes that Daylight Computer founder Anjan Katta suffers from ADHD, and "wanted something that allowed him few distractions and allowed him to work with intent." What the company has created is a beautiful tablet — about the size of a normal iPad Air. It is just a "little less than white," white, with a gorgeous screen. It is very simple, elegant, and lovely. It has an e-ink screen, and the matte monochrome paper-like display is optimized for reading, writing, and note-taking. It refreshes at 60 frames per second, a pretty big deal for e-ink displays. This different screen technology developed by the company is called LivePaper and it feels as snappy as anything you have experienced on an iPad. This is what puts it a notch above other e-ink tablets. This is precisely why the new Daylight tablet is much less stressful on the eye and easy to use even in direct sunlight. It has 8 GB memory, about 128 GB in-built storage, an 8-core chip, microphones, speakers, and a powerful battery. There is no camera — thank God! An ad from the company suggests the tablet "might change the way you think about screens," promising their device is "less distraction. Less addiction. Less eyestrain. Less blue light... Technology that feels a little bit more human, a bit less demanding." The blog of product designer Arun Venkatesan calls it one of those devices that "signals an exciting new era where we can harness the power of technology without sacrificing our ability to live intentional, balanced lives." Tom's Guide notes the tablet "is designed to run normal Android apps, and comes pre-installed with apps like Audible, Kindle, Google Docs and more" — and this may be the only the beginning: Based on various podcast interviews we could find of Katta, the DC1 isn't the end goal of the company. Katta wants to see the Live Paper display in all kinds of devices like monitors, laptops and watches. Is the Daylight DC1 a technology flash in the pan or will we see a wave of Live Paper devices in the future? It'll be interesting to see how this devices truly works once its in people's hands.

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Volla Successfully Crowdfunds a Privacy-Focused Tablet on Kickstarter

Par : EditorDavid
21 avril 2024 à 01:34
It's "the new generation of Tablet for simplicity and privacy..." according to its Kickstarter page. "Top-tier performance, lightweight design and completely Google-free." And it's already reached its funding goal of $53,312 — climbing to over $75,000 from 115 backers with another 26 days still to go. 9to5Linux reports: Volla, the maker of the Volla Phone smartphones, has launched a crowdfunding campaign on Kickstarter for their first tablet device, the Volla Tablet, which will also support the Ubuntu Touch mobile OS. Featuring a 12.3-inch Quad HD display with 2650Ã--1600 pixel resolution, the Volla Tablet uses a powerful MediaTek Gaming G99 8-core processor, 12 GB RAM, and 256 GB internal storage. It also comes with a long-lasting 10,000 mAh battery, 2G/3G/4G cellular network support, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, and a 13+5 MP main camera. By default, Volla Tablet ships with Volla OS 13, Volla's in-house operating system based on the free Android Open Source Project (AOSP), but users will be able to buy the tablet with Ubuntu Touch featuring built-in convergence and support for Android apps with WayDroid container. "Users will also be able to use desktop apps like Firefox or LibreOffice thanks to the help of the Libertine container," according to the article. ("Volla says that Volla Tablet with Ubuntu Touch is ideal for Linux enthusiasts and minimalists seeking a simplified, efficient, and familiar operating system experience.") Its Kickstarter page points out the tablet even offers options like " VPN" and private speech recognition that's "cloud-independent for secure, confidential interactions." ("For U.S. users, please note that only roaming SIM cards from abroad can be used.")

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