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Linux Mint 22.1 released

Par : jzb

Linux Mint version 22.1, a long-term-support (LTS) release with support until 2029, is now available. Notable changes in this release include a transition to Aptkit for background package management tasks, Captain to install Debian packages, and a new default theme with improved Wayland compatibility. See the release notes for known issues.

Six vulnerabilities discovered in rsync

Par : daroc

Nick Tait announced on the oss-security mailing list that rsync, the widely used file transfer program, had a number of serious vulnerabilities. Users can mitigate all six vulnerabilities by upgrading to version 3.4.0, which was released on January 14. While all users should upgrade, servers that use rsyncd are especially impacted:

In the most severe CVE, an attacker only requires anonymous read access to a rsync server, such as a public mirror, to execute arbitrary code on the machine the server is running on.

Security updates for Wednesday

Par : jzb
Security updates have been issued by Arch Linux (rsync), Debian (rsync), Fedora (perl-Net-OAuth and redis), Red Hat (ipa, raptor2, rsync, and tuned), Slackware (rsync), SUSE (apache2-mod_jk, git, kernel, rclone, rsync, and webkit2gtk3), and Ubuntu (git, linux-azure-5.4, pdns, pdns-recursor, python-django, rlottie, and rsync).

Anne piégée par Brad Pitt : que s’est-il vraiment passé avec cette arnaque sentimentale ?

L'affaire agite les réseaux sociaux depuis le 12 janvier : Anne, 53 ans, est tombée amoureuse d'un faux Brad Pitt rencontré sur Internet. Grâce à un mécanisme bien huilé, les brouteurs ont réussi à lui dérober 830 000 euros en un an et demi. La victime conteste le reportage de TF1 et nie toute naïveté, alors que les auteurs de l'arnaque auraient été identifiés.
