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Blocage de TikTok en Nouvelle-Calédonie : quels sont les enjeux ?

Tik tok tic tac

Le blocage du réseau social TikTok est une première pour la France. Mais la situation en Nouvelle-Calédonie est différente de celle en métropole, où mettre en place un tel blocage aurait été plus compliqué. Explications.

Depuis hier 20h, « l’état d’urgence est déclaré sur l’ensemble du territoire de la Nouvelle-Calédonie », comme en atteste le décret n° 2024-436 du 15 mai 2024. Cette décision est une réponse aux violentes émeutes (qui ont fait plusieurs morts, dont un gendarme) déclenchées suite à l’adoption, par l’Assemblée nationale et le Sénat, d’une « révision constitutionnelle réformant le corps électoral calédonien, dont les indépendantistes ne veulent pas », explique France Bleu.

Interdiction de TikTok : une mesure « sans précédent »

Le premier ministre, Gabriel Attal, explique que Louis Le Franc, haut-commissaire de la République en Nouvelle-Calédonie (qui est donc dépositaire de l’autorité de l’État dans l’archipel), a « interdit TikTok ». Le réseau social est ciblé, car il est très utilisé par les émeutiers, explique l’AFP.

« Cette mesure d’interdiction intervient également sur fond de craintes d’ingérences et de désinformation sur les réseaux sociaux venant de pays étrangers qui chercheraient à attiser les tensions », détaille le Monde en se basant sur des sources gouvernementales et de sécurité.

Ces dernières évoquent « des pays comme la Chine [ByteDance, le propriétaire de TikTok est chinois, ndlr] ou l’Azerbaïdjan ». Viginum (le service de détection des ingérences numériques étrangères) était déjà monté au créneau pour dénoncer une campagne de déstabilisation des JO de Paris liée à l’Azerbaïdjan Sur le blocage de Twitter, Emmanuel Poinas, vice-président du tribunal de Nouméa, expliquait ce matin à BFM que le réseau social offre « des possibilités de diffuser de l’information qui n’est pas forcément fiable. En l’état, la diffusion d’informations non fiables ne peut que développer des risques de trouble et d’émeutes ». TikTok n’est pas le seul dans ce cas, mais sa forte notoriété auprès des jeunes pourrait en faire une cible de choix. Pour rappel, la question du blocage des réseaux sociaux avait déjà été soulevée par Emmanuel Macron pendant les émeutes en métropole après la mort de Nahel.

Une mesure proportionnée ?

Nicolas Hervieu (spécialiste du droit public et européen), explique que « cette mesure (sans précédent…) est liée au régime de l'état d'urgence ». Il ajoute néanmoins que « la légalité de cette décision du ministère de l’Intérieur annoncée par Gabriel Attal est discutable. Car le lien avec le terrorisme est plus que douteux… ». En effet, le décret du 15 mai s’appuie sur la loi du 3 avril 1955 relative à l’état d’urgence, qui stipule : « Le ministre de l'Intérieur peut prendre toute mesure pour assurer l'interruption de tout service de communication au public en ligne provoquant à la commission d'actes de terrorisme ou en faisant l'apologie ». De son côté, Maitre « Eolas » (un pseudo, mais un vrai avocat) explique que « c’est une interdiction provisoire, dans le cadre de l’état d’urgence. S’il s’avérait que les émeutiers utilisent TikTok pour provoquer à la rébellion armée et se coordonner, c’est une mesure qui peut être proportionnée à la nécessité de rétablir l’ordre et la sécurité publique ». Cela laisse donc une ouverture aux citoyens de Nouvelle-Calédonie pour contester cette décision, en se basant « sur l’illégalité manifeste de cette décision compte tenu du fait que le blocage n’est possible qu’en cas de provocation ou apologie du terrorisme au sens stricte », explique Nicolas Hervieu au Figaro.

Le droit de l’Union européenne reste à distance

Alexandre Archambault, également avocat et spécialiste du numérique, ajoute que cette interdiction est « envisageable (en théorie) sur toute portion du territoire non soumise au droit de l'Union », mais qu’elle est « inopérante sur toute autre partie soumise au droit de l'Union ». Il explique en effet que les services de la Commission européenne estiment « que des troubles à l'ordre public dans un seul État ne peuvent fonder blocage VLOP ». Ce terme désigne les Très grandes plateformes en ligne, dont fait partie TikTok, qui sont soumises au DSA. La Nouvelle-Calédonie, la Polynésie française, Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon, les Terres australes et antarctiques françaises, Wallis-et-Futuna et Saint-Barthélemy sont en effet des pays et des territoires d’outre-mer (PTOM). Ils « ne sont pas intégrés à l’Union européenne, mais ils bénéficient d’un régime d’association », explique Une différence qui a donc toute son importance. De leur côté, Saint-Martin, la Martinique, La Réunion, Mayotte, la Guadeloupe, et la Guyane sont des régions ultrapériphériques (RUP). Elles « font partie intégrante de l’UE et sont assujetties au droit communautaire, au même titre que les autres régions européennes », explique la représentation permanente de la France auprès de l’Union européenne. La situation serait donc différente si les émeutes se déroulaient à la Réunion ou en métropole, par exemple, et que le gouvernement souhaitait bloquer TikTok.

Un blocage « opérationnel » sur les mobiles

Toujours est-il que « c’est en vigueur et ça fonctionne opérationnellement (uniquement sur les téléphones). C’est l’office des postes et des télécommunications de Nouvelle-Calédonie qui intervient depuis hier pour bloquer les accès à l’application TikTok », confirme le cabinet du premier ministre à BFM. La méthode utilisée (blocage DNS, par IP, autres…) n’est pas précisée. Le blocage est d’autant plus simple à mettre en place, qu’en Nouvelle-Calédonie il y a un « unique régulateur et opérateur local, l'Office des Postes et Télécommunications de Nouvelle-Calédonie, l'OPT-NC », ajoute Alexandre Archambault à nos confrères. En métropole, la multiplication des opérateurs (fixes et mobiles) et la réglementation européenne auraient compliqué les choses. Reste maintenant la question de l’efficacité de cette mesure. Le blocage mis en place peut-il facilement être contourné ? Les émeutiers vont-ils rapidement changer de réseaux sociaux ? Combien de temps cette mesure va-t-elle rester en place ? Aucune réponse à ces questions n'a été formulée pour le moment. Concernant la Nouvelle-Calédonie, Gabriel Attal va présider une nouvelle cellule de crise ce matin à 8h30. Emmanuel Macron a de son côté proposé aux élus calédoniens un « échange par visioconférence », après une réunion de crise prévue à 11h. Rappelons enfin que le décalage horaire est important avec Paris, puisqu’il y a neuf heures de plus à Nouméa.

Blocage de TikTok en Nouvelle-Calédonie : quels sont les enjeux ?

Tik tok tic tac

Le blocage du réseau social TikTok est une première pour la France. Mais la situation en Nouvelle-Calédonie est différente de celle en métropole, où mettre en place un tel blocage aurait été plus compliqué. Explications.

Depuis hier 20h, « l’état d’urgence est déclaré sur l’ensemble du territoire de la Nouvelle-Calédonie », comme en atteste le décret n° 2024-436 du 15 mai 2024. Cette décision est une réponse aux violentes émeutes (qui ont fait plusieurs morts, dont un gendarme) déclenchées suite à l’adoption, par l’Assemblée nationale et le Sénat, d’une « révision constitutionnelle réformant le corps électoral calédonien, dont les indépendantistes ne veulent pas », explique France Bleu.

Interdiction de TikTok : une mesure « sans précédent »

Le premier ministre, Gabriel Attal, explique que Louis Le Franc, haut-commissaire de la République en Nouvelle-Calédonie (qui est donc dépositaire de l’autorité de l’État dans l’archipel), a « interdit TikTok ». Le réseau social est ciblé, car il est très utilisé par les émeutiers, explique l’AFP.

« Cette mesure d’interdiction intervient également sur fond de craintes d’ingérences et de désinformation sur les réseaux sociaux venant de pays étrangers qui chercheraient à attiser les tensions », détaille le Monde en se basant sur des sources gouvernementales et de sécurité.

Ces dernières évoquent « des pays comme la Chine [ByteDance, le propriétaire de TikTok est chinois, ndlr] ou l’Azerbaïdjan ». Viginum (le service de détection des ingérences numériques étrangères) était déjà monté au créneau pour dénoncer une campagne de déstabilisation des JO de Paris liée à l’Azerbaïdjan Sur le blocage de Twitter, Emmanuel Poinas, vice-président du tribunal de Nouméa, expliquait ce matin à BFM que le réseau social offre « des possibilités de diffuser de l’information qui n’est pas forcément fiable. En l’état, la diffusion d’informations non fiables ne peut que développer des risques de trouble et d’émeutes ». TikTok n’est pas le seul dans ce cas, mais sa forte notoriété auprès des jeunes pourrait en faire une cible de choix. Pour rappel, la question du blocage des réseaux sociaux avait déjà été soulevée par Emmanuel Macron pendant les émeutes en métropole après la mort de Nahel.

Une mesure proportionnée ?

Nicolas Hervieu (spécialiste du droit public et européen), explique que « cette mesure (sans précédent…) est liée au régime de l'état d'urgence ». Il ajoute néanmoins que « la légalité de cette décision du ministère de l’Intérieur annoncée par Gabriel Attal est discutable. Car le lien avec le terrorisme est plus que douteux… ». En effet, le décret du 15 mai s’appuie sur la loi du 3 avril 1955 relative à l’état d’urgence, qui stipule : « Le ministre de l'Intérieur peut prendre toute mesure pour assurer l'interruption de tout service de communication au public en ligne provoquant à la commission d'actes de terrorisme ou en faisant l'apologie ». De son côté, Maitre « Eolas » (un pseudo, mais un vrai avocat) explique que « c’est une interdiction provisoire, dans le cadre de l’état d’urgence. S’il s’avérait que les émeutiers utilisent TikTok pour provoquer à la rébellion armée et se coordonner, c’est une mesure qui peut être proportionnée à la nécessité de rétablir l’ordre et la sécurité publique ». Cela laisse donc une ouverture aux citoyens de Nouvelle-Calédonie pour contester cette décision, en se basant « sur l’illégalité manifeste de cette décision compte tenu du fait que le blocage n’est possible qu’en cas de provocation ou apologie du terrorisme au sens stricte », explique Nicolas Hervieu au Figaro.

Le droit de l’Union européenne reste à distance

Alexandre Archambault, également avocat et spécialiste du numérique, ajoute que cette interdiction est « envisageable (en théorie) sur toute portion du territoire non soumise au droit de l'Union », mais qu’elle est « inopérante sur toute autre partie soumise au droit de l'Union ». Il explique en effet que les services de la Commission européenne estiment « que des troubles à l'ordre public dans un seul État ne peuvent fonder blocage VLOP ». Ce terme désigne les Très grandes plateformes en ligne, dont fait partie TikTok, qui sont soumises au DSA. La Nouvelle-Calédonie, la Polynésie française, Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon, les Terres australes et antarctiques françaises, Wallis-et-Futuna et Saint-Barthélemy sont en effet des pays et des territoires d’outre-mer (PTOM). Ils « ne sont pas intégrés à l’Union européenne, mais ils bénéficient d’un régime d’association », explique Une différence qui a donc toute son importance. De leur côté, Saint-Martin, la Martinique, La Réunion, Mayotte, la Guadeloupe, et la Guyane sont des régions ultrapériphériques (RUP). Elles « font partie intégrante de l’UE et sont assujetties au droit communautaire, au même titre que les autres régions européennes », explique la représentation permanente de la France auprès de l’Union européenne. La situation serait donc différente si les émeutes se déroulaient à la Réunion ou en métropole, par exemple, et que le gouvernement souhaitait bloquer TikTok.

Un blocage « opérationnel » sur les mobiles

Toujours est-il que « c’est en vigueur et ça fonctionne opérationnellement (uniquement sur les téléphones). C’est l’office des postes et des télécommunications de Nouvelle-Calédonie qui intervient depuis hier pour bloquer les accès à l’application TikTok », confirme le cabinet du premier ministre à BFM. La méthode utilisée (blocage DNS, par IP, autres…) n’est pas précisée. Le blocage est d’autant plus simple à mettre en place, qu’en Nouvelle-Calédonie il y a un « unique régulateur et opérateur local, l'Office des Postes et Télécommunications de Nouvelle-Calédonie, l'OPT-NC », ajoute Alexandre Archambault à nos confrères. En métropole, la multiplication des opérateurs (fixes et mobiles) et la réglementation européenne auraient compliqué les choses. Reste maintenant la question de l’efficacité de cette mesure. Le blocage mis en place peut-il facilement être contourné ? Les émeutiers vont-ils rapidement changer de réseaux sociaux ? Combien de temps cette mesure va-t-elle rester en place ? Aucune réponse à ces questions n'a été formulée pour le moment. Concernant la Nouvelle-Calédonie, Gabriel Attal va présider une nouvelle cellule de crise ce matin à 8h30. Emmanuel Macron a de son côté proposé aux élus calédoniens un « échange par visioconférence », après une réunion de crise prévue à 11h. Rappelons enfin que le décalage horaire est important avec Paris, puisqu’il y a neuf heures de plus à Nouméa.

Geekerwan bat le record sous Geekbench 6 avec un Ipad grâce à un OC de 10 MHz sous Azote...

Nous ne sommes pas vendredi, mais cette histoire mériterait de passer un vendredi. Geekerwan, un overclockeur sur tablette, vient de battre le record du monde sous Geekbench 6, avec une puce M4, qui a été OC de 10 MHz, grâce à un refroidissement sous Azote liquide, qui clairement ne sert strictement à rien, mais pour le style, on peut le dire, c'est grave mieux. Le proco de la pomme fonctionnait ainsi à 4.41 GHz contre 4.40 GHz de base. Mais avec les 10 MHz de plus, la puce M4 est capable de délivrer plus de 4000 points sous Geekbench 6, ce qui est un record du monde. […]

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Des ventilateurs classiques et en reverse chez ASUS avec les TUF Gaming TR120

La gamme TUF Gaming s'enrichit de nouveaux ventilateurs avec l'annonce des TR120, des modèles qui permettent à ASUS de s'attaquer à un marché désormais très prisé : celui des ventilateurs avec une conception reverse, soit avec des pales inversées pour que le stator soit caché selon le sens de l'installation. Mais ce n'est pas tout et ASUS entend également jouer la carte de la performance grâce à un cadre qui passe de 25 mm à 28 mm, ce qui permet d'avoir des pales avec une plus grande surface. Bien entendu, l'éclairage RGB est également important avec des diodes au niveau du moteur, plus un éclairage qui vient se répéter sur le côté. Pour le reste, ASUS se veut classique et ne propose pas de système spécifique pour le chaînage, tandis que le roulement est de type hydrodynamique. […]

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Encore un ASUS annoncé avec le MQ16AHE : un écran OLED FHD transportable.

ASUS ne délaisse pas non plus les besoins des baroudeurs en nous proposant le MQ16AHE, un écran transportable de type OLED. Il propose une définition FHD (1920 x 1080) et affiche 1,07 milliards de couleurs avec un taux de contraste de 1 000 000:1 et un taux de rafraîchissement de 60 Hz. Il propose aussi un temps de réponse de 1 ms (étrange pour de l'OLED, à prendre avec des pincettes…) et une luminance de 400 cd/m². Il est capable de couvrir 100 % de l'espace colorimétrique DCI-P3. […]

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ASUS annonce également le ROG Strix XG27ACG : un Fast IPS avec ELMB-Sync.

ASUS lance un nouvel écran de la série ROG, mais avec un socle au look distinctif qui dévie de l'esthétique habituelle, mais qui permet maintenir son smartphone. Malgré ce changement esthétique, la dalle reste inchangée. Sur le XG27ACG, dont le support ressemble davantage à celui des TUF, nous trouvons une dalle de 27 pouces capable d'atteindre jusqu'à 180 Hz avec une résolution QHD (2560 x 1440). Il prend bien entendu en charge le G-Sync Compatible de NVIDIA et le FreeSync d'AMD, avec un temps de réponse de 1 ms. L'écran affiche 1,07 milliard de couleurs, couvrant 125 % de l'espace colorimétrique et 95 % du DCI-P3, le tout avec une luminance maximale de 400 cd/m² et un taux de contraste de 1000:1. Comme on peut s'y attendre, avec ces caractéristiques techniques, il s'agit bien d'une dalle de type IPS. […]

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Microsoft's AI Push Imperils Climate Goal As Carbon Emissions Jump 30%

Microsoft's ambitious goal to be carbon negative by 2030 is threatened by its expanding AI operations, which have increased its carbon footprint by 30% since 2020. To meet its targets, Microsoft must quickly adopt green technologies and improve efficiency in its data centers, which are critical for AI but heavily reliant on carbon-intensive resources. Bloomberg reports: Now to meet its goals, the software giant will have to make serious progress very quickly in gaining access to green steel and concrete and less carbon-intensive chips, said Brad Smith, president of Microsoft, in an exclusive interview with Bloomberg Green. "In 2020, we unveiled what we called our carbon moonshot. That was before the explosion in artificial intelligence," he said. "So in many ways the moon is five times as far away as it was in 2020, if you just think of our own forecast for the expansion of AI and its electrical needs." [...] Despite AI's ravenous energy consumption, this actually contributes little to Microsoft's hike in emissions -- at least on paper. That's because the company says in its sustainability report that it's 100% powered by renewables. Companies use a range of mechanisms to make such claims, which vary widely in terms of credibility. Some firms enter into long-term power purchase agreements (PPAs) with renewable developers, where they shoulder some of a new energy plant's risk and help get new solar and wind farms online. In other cases, companies buy renewable energy credits (RECs) to claim they're using green power, but these inexpensive credits do little to spur new demand for green energy, researchers have consistently found. Microsoft uses a mix of both approaches. On one hand, it's one of the biggest corporate participants in power purchase agreements, according to BloombergNEF, which tracks these deals. But it's also a huge purchaser of RECs, using these instruments to claim about half of its energy use is clean, according to its environmental filings in 2022. By using a large quantity of RECs, Microsoft is essentially masking an even larger growth in emissions. "It is Microsoft's plan to phase out the use of unbundled RECs in future years," a spokesperson for the company said. "We are focused on PPAs as a primary strategy." So what else can be done? Smith, along with Microsoft's Chief Sustainability Officer Melanie Nakagawa, has laid out clear steps in the sustainability report. High among them is to increase efficiency, which is to use the same amount of energy or computing to do more work. That could help reduce the need for data centers, which will reduce emissions and electricity use. On most things, "our climate goals require that we spend money," said Smith. "But efficiency gains will actually enable us to save money." Microsoft has also been at the forefront of buying sustainable aviation fuels that has helped reduce some of its emissions from business travel. The company also wants to partner with those who will "accelerate breakthroughs" to make greener steel, concrete and fuels. Those technologies are starting to work at a small scale, but remain far from being available in commercial quantities even if expensive. Cheap renewable power has helped make Microsoft's climate journey easier. But the tech giant's electricity consumption last year rivaled that of a small European country -- beating Slovenia easily. Smith said that one of the biggest bottlenecks for it to keep getting access to green power is the lack of transmission lines from where the power is generated to the data centers. That's why Microsoft says it's going to increase lobbying efforts to get governments to speed up building the grid. If Microsoft's emissions remain high going into 2030, Smith said the company may consider bulk purchases of carbon removal credits, even though it's not "the desired course." "You've got to be willing to invest and pay for it," said Smith. Climate change is "a problem that humanity created and that humanity can solve."

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Wallet Recovery Firms Buzz as Locked-out Crypto Investors Panic in Bitcoin Boom

The recent surge in bitcoin prices has the phones at crypto wallet recovery firms ringing off the hook, as retail investors locked out of their digital vaults make frantic calls to regain access to their accounts. From a report: Cryptocurrencies exist on a decentralized digital ledger known as blockchain and investors may opt to access their holdings either through a locally stored software wallet or a hardware wallet, to avoid risks related to owning crypto with an exchange, as in the case of the former FTX. Losing access to a crypto wallet is a well-known problem. Investors forgetting their intricate passwords is a primary reason, but loss of access to two-factor authentication devices, unexpected shutdowns of cryptocurrency exchanges and cyberattacks are also common. Wallet passwords are usually alphanumeric and the wallet provider also offers a set of randomized words, known as "seed phrases," for additional security - both these are known only to the user. If investors lose the passwords and phrases, access to their wallets is cut off. With bitcoin prices regaining traction since last October and hitting a record high of $73,803.25 in March, investors seem to be suffering from a classic case of FOMO, or the fear of missing out. Reuters spoke to nearly a dozen retail investors who had lost access to their crypto wallets. Six of them contacted a recovery services firm and managed to regain access to their holdings.

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MIT Students Stole $25 Million In Seconds By Exploiting ETH Blockchain Bug, DOJ Says

An anonymous reader quotes a report from Ars Technica: Within approximately 12 seconds, two highly educated brothers allegedly stole $25 million by tampering with the ethereum blockchain in a never-before-seen cryptocurrency scheme, according to an indictment that the US Department of Justice unsealed Wednesday. In a DOJ press release, US Attorney Damian Williams said the scheme was so sophisticated that it "calls the very integrity of the blockchain into question." "The brothers, who studied computer science and math at one of the most prestigious universities in the world, allegedly used their specialized skills and education to tamper with and manipulate the protocols relied upon by millions of ethereum users across the globe," Williams said. "And once they put their plan into action, their heist only took 12 seconds to complete." Anton, 24, and James Peraire-Bueno, 28, were arrested Tuesday, charged with conspiracy to commit wire fraud, wire fraud, and conspiracy to commit money laundering. Each brother faces "a maximum penalty of 20 years in prison for each count," the DOJ said. The indictment goes into detail explaining that the scheme allegedly worked by exploiting the ethereum blockchain in the moments after a transaction was conducted but before the transaction was added to the blockchain. To uncover the scheme, the special agent in charge, Thomas Fattorusso of the IRS Criminal Investigation (IRS-CI) New York Field Office, said that investigators "simply followed the money." "Regardless of the complexity of the case, we continue to lead the effort in financial criminal investigations with cutting-edge technology and good-ol'-fashioned investigative work, on and off the blockchain," Fattorusso said.

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Bay Area City Orders Scientists To Stop Controversial Cloud Brightening Experiment

Last month, researchers from the University of Washington started conducting an experiment on a decommissioned naval ship in Alameda to test if spraying salt water into the air could brighten clouds and cool the planet. However, their project was forced to stop this month after the city got word of what was going on. SFGate reports: According to a city press release, scientists were ordered to halt the experiment because it violated Alameda's lease with the USS Hornet, the aircraft carrier from which researchers were spraying saltwater into the air using "a machine resembling a snowmaker." The news was first reported by the Alameda Post. "City staff are working with a team of biological and hazardous materials consultants to independently evaluate the health and environmental safety of this particular experiment," the press release states. Specifically, chemicals present in the experiment's aerosol spray are being evaluated to study whether or not they pose any threats to humans, animals or the environment. So far, there isn't any evidence that they do, the city stated. The prospect of a city-conducted review was not unexpected, the University of Washington said in a statement shared with SFGATE. "In fact, the CAARE (Coastal Aerosol Research and Engagement) facility is designed to help regulators, community members and others engage with the research closely, and we consider the current interactions with the city to be an integral part of that process," the statement reads. "We are happy to support their review and it has been a highly constructive process so far." The marine cloud brightening (MCB) technique involves spraying fine particles of sea salt into the atmosphere from ships or specialized machines. These sea salt particles are chosen because they are a natural source of cloud-forming aerosols and can increase the number of cloud droplets, making the clouds more reflective. The particles sprayed are extremely small, about 1/1000th the width of a human hair, ensuring they remain suspended in the air and interact with cloud droplets effectively. By reflecting more sunlight, these brightened clouds can reduce the amount of solar energy reaching the Earth's surface, leading to localized cooling. If implemented on a large scale, this cooling effect could potentially offset some of the warming caused by greenhouse gases. You can learn more about the experiment here.

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Netflix To Take On Google and Amazon By Building Its Own Ad Server

Lauren Forristal writes via TechCrunch: Netflix announced during its Upfronts presentation on Wednesday that it's launching its own advertising technology platform only a year and a half after entering the ads business. This move pits it against other industry heavyweights with ad servers, like Google, Amazon and Comcast. The announcement signifies a significant shake-up in the streaming giant's advertising approach. The company originally partnered with Microsoft to develop its ad tech, letting Netflix enter the ad space quickly and catch up with rivals like Hulu, which has had its own ad server for over a decade. With the launch of its in-house ad tech, Netflix is poised to take full control of its advertising future. This strategic move will empower the company to create targeted and personalized ad experiences that resonate with its massive user base of 270 million subscribers. [...] Netflix didn't say exactly how its in-house solution will change the way ads are delivered, but it's likely it'll move away from generic advertisements. According to the Financial Times, Netflix wants to experiment with "episodic" campaigns, which involve a series of ads that tell a story rather than delivering repetitive ads. During the presentation, Netflix also noted that it'll expand its buying capabilities this summer, which will now include The Trade Desk, Google's Display & Video 360 and Magnite as partners. Notably, competitor Disney+ also has an advertising agreement with The Trade Desk. Netflix also touted the success of its ad-supported tier, reporting that 40 million global monthly active users opt for the plan. The ad tier had around 5 million users within six months of launching.

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US Regulators Approve Rule That Could Speed Renewables

Longtime Slashdot reader necro81 writes: The U.S. Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC), which controls interstate energy infrastructure, approved a rule Monday that should boost new transmission infrastructure and make it easier to connect renewable energy projects. (More coverage here, here, and here.) Some 11,000 projects totaling 2,600 GW of capacity are in planning, waiting to break ground, or connect to the grid. But they're stymied by the need for costly upgrades, or simply waiting for review. The frustrations are many. Each proposed project undergoes a lengthy grid-impact study and assessed the cost of necessary upgrades. Each project is considered in isolation, regardless of whether similar projects are happening nearby that could share the upgrade costs or auger different improvements. The planning process tends to be reactive -- examining only the applications in front of them -- rather than considering trends over the coming years. It's a first-come, first-served queue: if one project is ready to break ground, it must wait behind another project that's still securing funding or permitting. Two years in development, the dryly-named Improvements to Generator Interconnection Procedures and Agreements directs utility operators to plan infrastructure improvements with a 20-yr forecast of new energy sources and increased demand. Rather than examining each project in isolation, similar projects will be clustered and examined together. Instead of a First-Come, First-Served serial process, operators will instead examine First-Ready, allowing shovel-ready projects to jump the queue. The expectation is that these new rules will speed up and streamline the process of developing and connecting new energy projects through more holistic planning, penalties for delays, sensible cost-sharing for upgrades, and justification for long-term investments.

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UK Police Could Get Ghostbusters-style Backpack Devices To Halt Ebike Getaways

Police officers in Britain could be armed with Ghostbusters-style devices that fire electromagnetic rays to shut down the engines of ebikes being used in a crime. From a report: Gavin Stephens, chair of the National Police Chiefs' Council (NPCC), said the weapon was in development and could be months away from being available, though it is expected to be longer than that. He said it would be housed in a backpack, reminiscent of the equipment used in the Ghostbusters series of movies. It could tackle crime linked to newer vehicles such as electric bikes and electric scooters. The device is being developed with the Defence Science and Technology Lab, which is overseen by the Ministry of Defence, alongside other technological innovations that British police are hoping to use. It would fire an electromagnetic pulse at a vehicle that an officer wants to stop because the rider is suspected of involvement in a crime. The electromagnetic weapon works by tricking the engine into thinking it is overheating, which shuts down the engine and brings the vehicle to a stop. It requires a line of sight to work, Stephens said. Stephens told a media briefing: "Basically, it interferes with the electric motor, to trick the electric motor into thinking it is overheating. It sends a signal to confuse the electric motor. All these electric motors apparently have an inbuilt safety system that if it thinks it's overheating, it shuts down. At the minute, it's like a ginormous backpack." The equipment was demonstrated to police leaders at the Farnborough technology show earlier this year. Stephens said: "They were also telling me it has the potential to be useful with normal combustion engine vehicles."

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Arizona Accuses Amazon of Unfair, Deceptive Business Practices

Arizona Attorney General Kris Mayes filed two lawsuits Wednesday against the international online retail giant, accusing it of deceptive and unfair business practices. Courthouse News Service: The two lawsuits, filed in state court, say Amazon's Prime cancellation process and the algorithm that decides whether a product is offered through a "buy now" or "add to cart" option violate the Arizona Consumer Fraud Act and the Arizona Uniform State Antitrust Act. Mayes, a Democrat, accuses Amazon of artificially inflating prices and boxing our third-party retailers that rely on the site for business. "Amazon must be held accountable for these violations of our state laws," Mayes said in a statement. "No matter how big and powerful, all businesses must play by the same rules and follow the same laws as everyone else."

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Quantum Internet Draws Near Thanks To Entangled Memory Breakthroughs

An anonymous reader quotes a report from New Scientist: Efforts to build a global quantum internet have received a boost from two developments in quantum information storage that could one day make it possible to communicate securely across hundreds or thousands of kilometers. The internet as it exists today involves sending strings of digital bits, or 0s and 1s, in the form of electrical or optical signals, to transmit information. A quantum internet, which could be used to send unhackable communications or link up quantum computers, would use quantum bits instead. These rely on a quantum property called entanglement, a phenomenon in which particles can be linked and measuring one particle instantly influences the state of another, no matter how far apart they are. Sending these entangled quantum bits, or qubits, over very long distances, requires a quantum repeater, a piece of hardware that can store the entangled state in memory and reproduce it to transmit it further down the line. These would have to be placed at various points on a long-distance network to ensure a signal gets from A to B without being degraded. Quantum repeaters don't yet exist, but two groups of researchers have now demonstrated long-lasting entanglement memory in quantum networks over tens of kilometers, which are the key characteristics needed for such a device. Can Knaut at Harvard University and his colleagues set up a quantum network consisting of two nodes separated by a loop of optical fibre that spans 35 kilometers across the city of Boston. Each node contains both a communication qubit, used to transmit information, and a memory qubit, which can store the quantum state for up to a second. "Our experiment really put us in a position where we're really close to working on a quantum repeater demonstration," says Knaut. To set up the link, Knaut and his team entangled their first node, which contains a type of diamond with an atom-sized hole in it, with a photon that they sent to their second node, which contains a similar diamond. When the photon arrives at the second diamond, it becomes entangled with both nodes. The diamonds are able to store this state for a second. A fully functioning quantum repeater using similar technology could be demonstrated in the next couple of years, says Knaut, which would enable quantum networks connecting cities or countries. In separate work, Xiao-Hui Bao at the University of Science and Technology of China and his colleagues entangled three nodes together, each separated by around 10 kilometers in the city of Hefei. Bao and his team's nodes use supercooled clouds of hundreds of millions of rubidium atoms to generate entangled photons, which they then sent across the three nodes. The central of the three nodes is able to coordinate these photons to link the atom clouds, which act as a form of memory. The key advance for Bao and his team's network is to match the frequency of the photons meeting at the central node, which will be crucial for quantum repeaters connecting different nodes. While the storage time was less than Knaut's team, at 100 microseconds, it is still long enough to perform useful operations on the transmitted information.

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TSMC: Performance-Optimized 3nm N3P Process on Track for Mass Production This Year

As part of the second leg of TSMC's spring technology symposium series, the company offered an update on the state of its 3nm-class processes, both current and future. Building on the back of their current-generation N3E process, the optical shrink of this process technology, N3P, is now on track to enter mass production in the second half of 2024. Thanks to that shrink, N3P is expected to offer both increased performance efficiency as well as increased transistor density over N3E.

N3E in Production, Yielding Well

With N3E already in volume production, TSMC is reporting that they're seeing "great" yields on the second-generation 3nm-class process note. According to the company, the D0 defect density of N3E is at relative parity with N5, matching the defect rate of the older node for the same point in its respective lifecycle. This is no small feat, given the additional complexities that come with developing one last, ever-finer generation of FinFET technology. So for TSMC's bleeding-edge customers such as Apple, who just launched their M4 SoC, this is allowing them to reap the benefits of the improved process node relatively quickly.

"N3E started volume production in the fourth quarter of last year, as planned," a TSMC executive said at the event. "We have seen great yield performance on customers' products, so they did go to market as planned."

TSMC's N3E node is a relaxed version of N3B, eliminating some EUV layers and completely avoiding the usage of EUV double patterning. This makes it a bit cheaper to produce, and in some cases it widens the process window and yields, though it comes at the cost of some transistor density.

N3P on Track For Second-Half 2024

Meanwhile, looking towards the immediate future at TSMC, N3P has finished qualification and its yield performance is close to N3E, according to the company. Being an optical shrink, the N3P node is set to enable processor developers to either increase performance by 4% at the same leakage or reduce power consumption by 9% at the same clocks (previously the range was between 4% ~ 10% depending on design). The new node is also set to boost transistor density by 4% for a 'mixed' chip design, which TSMC defines as a processor consisting of 50% logic, 30% SRAM, and 20% analog circuits.

Advertised PPA Improvements of New Process Technologies
Data announced during conference calls, events, press briefings and press releases
Power -25-30% -32% -5% ~ 10% higher
Performance +10-15% +18% +5% +5%
Fmax @ 1.2V
Chip Density ? ? 1.04x same
SRAM Cell Size 0.0199µm² (-5% vs N5) 0.021µm² (same as N5) ? ?
Late 2022 H2 2023 H2 2024 2025

While it looks like the original N3 (aka N3B) will have a relatively muted lifecycle since Apple has been its only major customer, N3E will be adopted by a wide range of TSMC's customers, which includes many of the industry's biggest chip designers. 

Since N3P is an optical shrink of N3E, it is compatible with its predecessor in terms of IP blocks, process rules, electronic design automation (EDA) tools, and design methodology. As a result, TSMC expects the majority of new tape outs to use N3P, not N3E or N3. This is logical as N3P provides higher performance efficiency than N3E at a lower cost than N3.

The most important aspect of N3P is that it is on track to be production ready in the second half of this year, so expect chip designers to adopt it straight away. 

"We have also successfully delivered N3P technology," the TSMC executive said. "It has passed qualification and yield performance is close to N3E. [The process technology] has also received product customer tape outs and will start on production in the second half of this year. Because of [PPA advantages] of N3P, we expect the majority of tape outs on N3 to go to N3P."

Google Opens Up Its Smart Home To Everyone

Google is opening up API access to its Google Home smart home platform, allowing app developers to access over 600 million connected devices and tap into the Google Home automation engine. In addition, Google announced that it'll be turning Google TVs into Google Home hubs and Matter controllers. The Verge reports: The Home APIs can access any Matter device or Works with Google Home device, and allows developers to build their own experiences using Google Home devices and automations into their apps on both iOS and Android. This is a significant move for Google in opening up its smart home platform, following shutting down its Works with Nest program back in 2019. [...] The Home APIs are already available to Google's early access partners, and Google is opening up a waitlist for any developer to sign up today. "We are opening up access on a rolling basis so they can begin building and testing within their apps," Anish Kattukaran, head of product at Google Home and Nest, told The Verge. "The first apps using the home APIs will be able to publish to the Play and App stores in the fall." The access is not just limited to smart home developers. In the blog post, Matt Van Der Staay, engineering director at Google Home, said the Home APIs could be used to connect smart home devices to fitness or delivery apps. "You can build a complex app to manage any aspect of a smart home, or simply integrate with a smart device to solve pain points -- like turning on the lights automatically before the food delivery driver arrives." The APIs allow access to most devices connected to Google Home and to the Google Home structure, letting apps control and manage devices such as Matter light bulbs or the Nest Learning Thermostat. They also leverage Google Home's automation signals, such as motion from sensors, an appliance's mode changing, or Google's Home and Away mode, which uses various signals to determine if a home is occupied. [...] What's also interesting here is that developers will be able to use the APIs to access and control any device that works with the new smart home standard Matter and even let people set up Matter devices directly in their app. This should make it easier for them to implement Matter into their apps, as it will add devices to the Google Home fabric, so they won't have to develop their own. In addition, Google announced that it's vastly expanding its Matter infrastructure by turning Google TVs into Google Home hubs and Matter controllers. Any app using the APIs would need a Google hub in a customer's home in order to control Matter devices locally. Later this year, Chromecast with Google TV, select panel TVs with Google TV running Android 14 or higher, and some LG TVs will be upgraded to become Google Home hubs. Additionally, Kattukaran said Google will upgrade all of its existing home hubs -- which include Nest Hub (second-gen), Nest Hub Max, and Google Wifi -- with a new ability called Home runtime. "With this update, all hubs for Google Home will be able to directly route commands from any app built with Home APIs (such as the Google Home app) to a customer's Matter device locally, when the phone is on the same Wi-Fi network as the hub," said Kattukaran. This means you should see "significant latency improvements using local control via a hub for Google Home," he added.

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Apple Brings Eye-Tracking To Recent iPhones and iPads

This week, in celebration of Global Accessibility Awareness Day, Apple is introducing several new accessibility features. Noteworthy additions include eye-tracking support for recent iPhone and iPad models, customizable vocal shortcuts, music haptics, and vehicle motion cues. Engadget reports: The most intriguing feature of the set is the ability to use the front-facing camera on iPhones or iPads (at least those with the A12 chip or later) to navigate the software without additional hardware or accessories. With this enabled, people can look at their screen to move through elements like apps and menus, then linger on an item to select it. That pause to select is something Apple calls Dwell Control, which has already been available elsewhere in the company's ecosystem like in Mac's accessibility settings. The setup and calibration process should only take a few seconds, and on-device AI is at work to understand your gaze. It'll also work with third-party apps from launch, since it's a layer in the OS like Assistive Touch. Since Apple already supported eye-tracking in iOS and iPadOS with eye-detection devices connected, the news today is the ability to do so without extra hardware. [...] There are plenty more features coming to the company's suite of products, including Live Captions in VisionOS, a new Reader mode in Magnifier, support for multi-line braille and a virtual trackpad for those who use Assistive Touch. It's not yet clear when all of these announced updates will roll out, though Apple has historically made these features available in upcoming versions of iOS. With its developer conference WWDC just a few weeks away, it's likely many of today's tools get officially released with the next iOS. Apple detailed all the new features in a press release.

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