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New York Times Source Code Stolen Using Exposed GitHub Token

The New York Times has confirmed that its internal source code was leaked on 4chan after being stolen from the company's GitHub repositories in January 2024. BleepingComputer reports: As first seen by VX-Underground, the internal data was leaked on Thursday by an anonymous user who posted a torrent to a 273GB archive containing the stolen data. "Basically all source code belonging to The New York Times Company, 270GB," reads the 4chan forum post. "There are around 5 thousand repos (out of them less than 30 are additionally encrypted I think), 3.6 million files total, uncompressed tar." While BleepingComputer did not download the archive, the threat actor shared a text file containing a complete list of the 6,223 folders stolen from the company's GitHub repository. The folder names indicate that a wide variety of information was stolen, including IT documentation, infrastructure tools, and source code, allegedly including the viral Wordle game. A 'readme' file in the archive states that the threat actor used an exposed GitHub token to access the company's repositories and steal the data. The company said that the breach of its GitHub account did not affect its internal corporate systems and had no impact on its operations. The Times said in a statement to BleepingComputer: "The underlying event related to yesterday's posting occurred in January 2024 when a credential to a cloud-based third-party code platform was inadvertently made available. The issue was quickly identified and we took appropriate measures in response at the time. There is no indication of unauthorized access to Times-owned systems nor impact to our operations related to this event. Our security measures include continuous monitoring for anomalous activity."

Read more of this story at Slashdot.

oneAPI-Focused UXL Foundation Now Collaborating With The Khronos Group

Last year it was announced that Intel's oneAPI software initiative evolved into the UXL Foundation for making compute accelerators more open as well as opening things up to more cross-vendor collaboration and adoption. Intel started the Unified Acceleration Foundation with the Linux Foundation, Google, Arm, Qualcomm, Samsung, and others. Announced today is that the UXL Foundation has begun collaborating with The Khronos Group...

Apple Made an iPad Calculator App After 14 Years

Jay Peters reports via The Verge: The iPad is finally getting a Calculator app as part of iPadOS 18. The long-requested app was just announced by Apple at WWDC 2024. On its face, the app looks a lot like the calculator you might be familiar with from iOS. But it also supports Apple Pencil, meaning that you can write down math problems and the app will solve them thanks to a feature Apple calls Math Notes. Other features included in iPadOS 18 include a new, customizable floating tab bar; enhanced SharePlay functionality for easier screen sharing and remote control of another person's iPad; and Smart Script, a handwriting feature that refines and improves legibility using machine learning.

Read more of this story at Slashdot.

The Word 'Bot' Is Increasingly Being Used As an Insult On Social Media

The definition of the word "bot" is shifting to become an insult to someone you know is human, according to researchers who analyzed more than 22 million tweets. Researchers found this shift began around 2017, with left-leaning users more likely to accuse right-leaning users of being bots. "A potential explanation might be that media frequently reported about right-wing bot networks influencing major events like the [2016] US election," says Dennis Assenmacher at Leibniz Institute for Social Sciences in Cologne, Germany. "However, this is just speculation and would need confirmation." NewScientist reports: To investigate, Assenmacher and his colleagues looked at how users perceive what is a bot or not. They did so by looking at how the word "bot" was used on Twitter between 2007 and December 2022 (the social network changed its name to X in 2023, following its purchase by Elon Musk), analyzing the words that appeared next to it in more than 22 million English-language tweets. The team found that before 2017, the word was usually deployed alongside allegations of automated behavior of the type that would traditionally fit the definition of a bot, such as "software," "script" or "machine." After that date, the use shifted. "Now, the accusations have become more like an insult, dehumanizing people, insulting them, and using this as a technique to deny their intelligence and deny their right to participate in a conversation," says Assenmacher. The study has been published in the journal Proceedings of the Eighteenth International AAAI Conference on Web and Social Media.

Read more of this story at Slashdot.

Apple Introduces Standalone 'Passwords' App

An anonymous reader quotes a report from MacRumors: iOS 18, iPadOS 18, and macOS Sequoia feature a new, dedicated Passwords app for faster access to important credentials. The Passwords app replaces iCloud Keychain, which is currently only accessible via a menu in Settings. Now, passwords are available directly via a standalone app for markedly quicker access, bringing it more in line with rival services. The Passwords app consolidates various credentials, including passwords, passkeys, and Wi-Fi passwords, into a single, easily accessible location. Users can filter and sort their accounts based on various criteria, such as recently created accounts, credential type, or membership in shared groups. Passwords is also compatible with Windows via the iCloud for Windows app, extending its utility to users who operate across different platforms. The developer beta versions of iOS 18, iPadOS 18, and macOS Sequoia are available today with official release to the public scheduled for the fall, providing an early look at the Passwords app.

Read more of this story at Slashdot.

Scammers' New Way of Targeting Small Businesses: Impersonating Them

Copycats are stepping up their attacks on small businesses. Sellers of products including merino socks and hummingbird feeders say they have lost customers to online scammers who use the legitimate business owners' videos, logos and social-media posts to assume their identities and steer customers to cheap knockoffs or simply take their money. WSJ: "We used to think you'd be targeted because you have a brand everywhere," said Alastair Gray, director of anticounterfeiting for the International Trademark Association, a nonprofit that represents brand owners. "It now seems with the ease at which these criminals can replicate websites, they can cut and paste everything." Technology has expanded the reach of even the smallest businesses, making it easy to court customers across the globe. But evolving technology has also boosted opportunities for copycats; ChatGPT and other advances in artificial intelligence make it easier to avoid language or spelling errors, often a signal of fraud. Imitators also have fine-tuned their tactics, including by outbidding legitimate brands for top position in search results. "These counterfeiters will market themselves just like brands market themselves," said Rachel Aronson, co-founder of CounterFind, a Dallas-based brand-protection company. Policing copycats is particularly challenging for small businesses with limited financial resources and not many employees. Online giants such as and Meta Platforms say they use technology to identify and remove misleading ads, fake accounts or counterfeit products.

Read more of this story at Slashdot.

Apple Announces visionOS 2 With 3D Photo Transformations and An Ultrawide Mac Display

Apple has announced visionOS 2 for its Vision Pro spatial computing headset, bringing mouse support, an ultrawide virtual Mac display option, and new Photo features. The company says it's expected to launch "later this year." The Verge reports: The most significant update, for all the productivity heads out there, is a new ultrawide virtual display feature. Apple says that in visionOS 2, you'll be able to connect a Vision Pro to a Mac to generate a dual 4K-equivalent curved ultrawide display. Right now, the virtual display feature only does a single up to 5K one. Also, the company will finally add mouse support to the Vision Pro -- at launch, the headset could work with trackpads like the one on a MacBook Air or the standalone Magic Trackpad 2, but oddly left out mouse support. You can still use one inside a mirrored display in the Vision Pro, but not outside of that screen in, say, an iPad or Vision Pro app. Apple says that in the new update, users will be able to convert any image in the Photos app to a spatial one. Also, visionOS 2 will have train support, so the Vision Pro's travel mode will no longer be limited to just airplanes. The company also says it's adding SharePlay to the visionOS Photos app, which means that you can share the app with another Vision Pro owner using Spatial Personas [...]. The company says Red Bull is making a new immersive sports series, while Apple is making its first scripted immersive feature. Apple also said that Canon is releasing a new spatial lens for the EOS R7, one designed specifically for creating content for the Vision Pro. Finally, the company is rolling out the Vision Pro abroad. Apple is going to start taking preorders in China, Hong Kong, Japan, and Singapore on June 13th at 6PM PT, and it'll be available in those countries on June 28th. Australia, Canada, France, Germany, and the UK will get preorders later, on June 28th at 5AM PT, with the headset officially available on July 12th.

Read more of this story at Slashdot.

One-Line Patch For Intel Meteor Lake Yields Up To 72% Better Performance

Michael Larabel reports via Phoronix: Covered last week on Phoronix was a new patch from Intel that with tuning to the P-State CPU frequency scaling driver was showing big wins for Intel Core Ultra "Meteor Lake" performance and power efficiency. I was curious with the Intel claims posted for a couple benchmarks and thus over the weekend set out to run many Intel Meteor Lake benchmarks on this one-line kernel patch... The results are great for boosting the Linux performance of Intel Core ultra laptops with as much as 72% better performance. [...] When looking at the CPU power consumption overall, for the wide variety of workloads tested it was just a slight uptick in power use and thus overall leading to slightly better power efficiency too. See all the data here. So this is quite a nice one-line Linux kernel patch for Meteor Lake and will hopefully be mainlined to the Linux kernel for Linux 6.11 if not squeezing it in as a "fix" for the current Linux 6.10 cycle. It's just too bad though that it took six months after launch for this tuned EPP value to be determined. Fresh benchmarks between Intel Core Ultra and AMD Ryzen on the latest Linux software will be coming up soon on Phoronix.

Read more of this story at Slashdot.

Législatives 2024 : le décret est en ligne, avec les modalités et détails de l’élection

Dimanche, allez voter !

Hier, la soirée était chargée avec le résultat des élections européennes – dominées par le Rassemblement national (RN) avec 31,37 % des voix (les résultats au niveau européen se trouvent par ici) – et l’annonce dans la foulée de la dissolution de l’Assemblée nationale. Un pouvoir dont dispose le président de la République.

Il n’avait pas été utilisé depuis 1997, lorsque Jacques Chirac avait dissous l’Assemblée nationale. Cela avait abouti à une cohabitation, avec Lionel Jospin comme Premier ministre. C’est maintenant l’enjeu de ces élections législatives : élire les députés, puis par ricochet désigner le Premier ministre. Il est nommé par le président, mais doit appartenir au groupe majoritaire.

Tout d’abord, un rappel sur les délais. L’article 12 de la Constitution stipule que, après une dissolution, « les élections générales ont lieu vingt jours au moins et quarante jours au plus après la dissolution ». On est donc dans la fourchette basse, mais dans la fourchette quand même.

Code électoral vs Constitution

Sur X, Jean-Jacques Urvoas (ex-garde des Sceaux et professeur de droit public) expliquait dimanche soir que les dates choisies étaient « curieuses ». Il citait le Code électoral qui explique que les déclarations de candidatures doivent être déposées « à la préfecture au plus tard à 18 heures le quatrième vendredi précédant le jour du scrutin ».

Un délai qui repousserait le premier tour au 7 juillet, alors qu’il est programmé pour le 30 juin. Très tôt lundi matin, il ajoutait que, « après recherche l’art. 12 de la Constitution écrase l’art L157 comme l’a jugé le Conseil Constitutionnel décision no 88-5 ELEC du 4 juin 1988 ».

« C’est donc le décret de convocation des électeurs qui règlera la question du délai de dépôt des candidatures pour les prochaines législatives », décret qui est désormais en ligne (n° 2024-527 du 9 juin) et apporte quelques précisions sur le déroulement des faits.

Le décret fixe les détails

On commence par un rappel du calendrier : « Les électeurs sont convoqués le dimanche 30 juin 2024 » et, « par dérogation aux dispositions de l’alinéa précédent, les électeurs sont convoqués le samedi 29 juin 2024 à Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon, à Saint-Barthélemy, à Saint-Martin, en Guadeloupe, en Martinique, en Guyane, en Polynésie française et dans les bureaux de vote ouverts par les ambassades et postes consulaires situés sur le continent américain ». Le second tour se déroulera le 7 juillet, ou le 6 juillet pour les dérogations.

Il est précisé que « les déclarations de candidatures seront reçues par le représentant de l’État à partir du mercredi 12 et jusqu’au dimanche 16 juin 2024 à 18 heures (heure légale locale) ». Pour le second tour, les déclarations seront à déposer à partir de la publication des résultats et jusqu’au mardi 2 juillet 2024 à 18h. La campagne électorale débutera dans la foulée, soit à partir du « lundi 17 juin 2024 à zéro heure ».

Pas d’inscription sur les listes, vote électronique

Le décret ne permet par contre pas de s’inscrire sur les listes électorales : « L’élection aura lieu à partir des listes électorales et des listes électorales consulaires extraites du répertoire électoral unique et à jour des tableaux prévus aux articles R. 13 et R.14 du Code électoral telles qu’arrêtées à la date du présent décret ». Une exception : « Toutefois, en Nouvelle-Calédonie, l’élection aura lieu à partir des listes électorales arrêtées le 29 février 2024 ».

Vous pouvez vérifier votre situation électorale sur cette page. Pour une procuration, c’est par là que ça se passe.

L’Article 10 précise que « le vote par voie électronique pour l’élection des députés des Français établis hors de France est ouvert le mardi précédant la date du scrutin, à 12 heures, et clos le jeudi précédant le scrutin, à 12 heures ».

L’Arcom commence son décompte demain matin

De son côté, l’Arcom explique que, « compte tenu de la brièveté de cette campagne, [l’autorité] appelle les éditeurs à une particulière vigilance quant au respect des règles en vigueur ». Elle leur demande de commencer les décomptes liés à l’élection à compter de ce mardi 11 juin 2024, dès 6h.

« Le principe de l’équité s’applique pendant toute la période précédant le scrutin. Afin de corriger d’éventuels déséquilibres des temps de parole dans les délais impartis, les médias audiovisuels devront transmettre les relevés à l’Arcom deux fois par semaine à compter du 17 juin 2024 pour ce qui concerne le premier tour », précise enfin l’Autorité.

Législatives 2024 : le décret est en ligne, avec les modalités et détails de l’élection

Dimanche, allez voter !

Hier, la soirée était chargée avec le résultat des élections européennes – dominées par le Rassemblement national (RN) avec 31,37 % des voix (les résultats au niveau européen se trouvent par ici) – et l’annonce dans la foulée de la dissolution de l’Assemblée nationale. Un pouvoir dont dispose le président de la République.

Il n’avait pas été utilisé depuis 1997, lorsque Jacques Chirac avait dissous l’Assemblée nationale. Cela avait abouti à une cohabitation, avec Lionel Jospin comme Premier ministre. C’est maintenant l’enjeu de ces élections législatives : élire les députés, puis par ricochet désigner le Premier ministre. Il est nommé par le président, mais doit appartenir au groupe majoritaire.

Tout d’abord, un rappel sur les délais. L’article 12 de la Constitution stipule que, après une dissolution, « les élections générales ont lieu vingt jours au moins et quarante jours au plus après la dissolution ». On est donc dans la fourchette basse, mais dans la fourchette quand même.

Code électoral vs Constitution

Sur X, Jean-Jacques Urvoas (ex-garde des Sceaux et professeur de droit public) expliquait dimanche soir que les dates choisies étaient « curieuses ». Il citait le Code électoral qui explique que les déclarations de candidatures doivent être déposées « à la préfecture au plus tard à 18 heures le quatrième vendredi précédant le jour du scrutin ».

Un délai qui repousserait le premier tour au 7 juillet, alors qu’il est programmé pour le 30 juin. Très tôt lundi matin, il ajoutait que, « après recherche l’art. 12 de la Constitution écrase l’art L157 comme l’a jugé le Conseil Constitutionnel décision no 88-5 ELEC du 4 juin 1988 ».

« C’est donc le décret de convocation des électeurs qui règlera la question du délai de dépôt des candidatures pour les prochaines législatives », décret qui est désormais en ligne (n° 2024-527 du 9 juin) et apporte quelques précisions sur le déroulement des faits.

Le décret fixe les détails

On commence par un rappel du calendrier : « Les électeurs sont convoqués le dimanche 30 juin 2024 » et, « par dérogation aux dispositions de l’alinéa précédent, les électeurs sont convoqués le samedi 29 juin 2024 à Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon, à Saint-Barthélemy, à Saint-Martin, en Guadeloupe, en Martinique, en Guyane, en Polynésie française et dans les bureaux de vote ouverts par les ambassades et postes consulaires situés sur le continent américain ». Le second tour se déroulera le 7 juillet, ou le 6 juillet pour les dérogations.

Il est précisé que « les déclarations de candidatures seront reçues par le représentant de l’État à partir du mercredi 12 et jusqu’au dimanche 16 juin 2024 à 18 heures (heure légale locale) ». Pour le second tour, les déclarations seront à déposer à partir de la publication des résultats et jusqu’au mardi 2 juillet 2024 à 18h. La campagne électorale débutera dans la foulée, soit à partir du « lundi 17 juin 2024 à zéro heure ».

Pas d’inscription sur les listes, vote électronique

Le décret ne permet par contre pas de s’inscrire sur les listes électorales : « L’élection aura lieu à partir des listes électorales et des listes électorales consulaires extraites du répertoire électoral unique et à jour des tableaux prévus aux articles R. 13 et R.14 du Code électoral telles qu’arrêtées à la date du présent décret ». Une exception : « Toutefois, en Nouvelle-Calédonie, l’élection aura lieu à partir des listes électorales arrêtées le 29 février 2024 ».

Vous pouvez vérifier votre situation électorale sur cette page. Pour une procuration, c’est par là que ça se passe.

L’Article 10 précise que « le vote par voie électronique pour l’élection des députés des Français établis hors de France est ouvert le mardi précédant la date du scrutin, à 12 heures, et clos le jeudi précédant le scrutin, à 12 heures ».

L’Arcom commence son décompte demain matin

De son côté, l’Arcom explique que, « compte tenu de la brièveté de cette campagne, [l’autorité] appelle les éditeurs à une particulière vigilance quant au respect des règles en vigueur ». Elle leur demande de commencer les décomptes liés à l’élection à compter de ce mardi 11 juin 2024, dès 6h.

« Le principe de l’équité s’applique pendant toute la période précédant le scrutin. Afin de corriger d’éventuels déséquilibres des temps de parole dans les délais impartis, les médias audiovisuels devront transmettre les relevés à l’Arcom deux fois par semaine à compter du 17 juin 2024 pour ce qui concerne le premier tour », précise enfin l’Autorité.

Apple Brings ChatGPT To Its Apps, Including Siri

Apple is bringing ChatGPT, OpenAI's AI-powered chatbot experience, to Siri and other first-party apps and capabilities across its operating systems. From a report: "We're excited to partner with Apple to bring ChatGPT to their users in a new way," OpenAI CEO Sam Altman said in a statement. "Apple shares our commitment to safety and innovation, and this partnership aligns with OpenAI's mission to make advanced AI accessible to everyone." Soon, Siri will be able to tap ChatGPT for "expertise" where it might be helpful, Apple says. For example, if you need menu ideas for a meal to make for friends using some ingredients from your garden, you can ask Siri, and Siri will automatically feed that info to ChatGPT for an answer after you give it permission to do so. You can include photos with the questions you ask ChatGPT via Siri, or ask questions related to your docs or PDFs. Apple's also integrated ChatGPT into system-wide writing tools like Writing Tools, which lets you create content with ChatGPT -- including images -- or ask an initial idea and send it to ChatGPT to get a revision or variation back. Apple said ChatGPT within Apple's apps is free and data isn't being shared with the Microsoft-backed firm. ChatGPT subscribers can connect their accounts and access paid features right from these experiences, the company said. Apple Intelligence -- Apple's efforts to combine the power of generative models with personal context -- is free to Apple device owners but works with "iOS 18" on iPhone 15 Pro, macOS 15 and iPadOS 17.

Read more of this story at Slashdot.

ISPs Ask FCC For Tax On Big Tech To Fund Broadband Networks and Discounts

An anonymous reader quotes a report from Ars Technica: Internet service providers are again urging the Federal Communications Commission to impose new fees on Big Tech firms and use the money to subsidize broadband network deployment and affordability programs. If approved, the request would force Big Tech firms to pay into the FCC's Universal Service Fund (USF), which in turn distributes money to broadband providers. The request was made on June 6 by USTelecom, a lobby group for AT&T, Verizon, CenturyLink/Lumen, and smaller telcos. USTelecom has made similar arguments before, but its latest request to the FCC argues that the recent death of a broadband discount program should spur the FCC to start extracting money from Big Tech. "Through focusing on the Big Tech companies who benefit most from broadband connectivity, the Commission will fairly allocate the burden of sustaining USF," USTelecom wrote in the FCC filing last week. The USF spends about $8 billion a year. Phone companies must pay a percentage of their revenue into the fund, and telcos generally pass those fees on to consumers with a "Universal Service" line item on telephone bills. The money is directed back to the telco industry with programs like the Connect America Fund and Rural Digital Opportunity Fund, which subsidize network construction in unserved and underserved areas. The USF also funds Lifeline program discounts for people with low incomes. FCC Chairwoman Jessica Rosenworcel hasn't stated any intention to expand USF contributions to Big Tech. Separately, she rejected calls to impose Universal Service fees on broadband, leaving phone service as the only source of USF revenue. The USTelecom filing came in response to the FCC asking for input on its latest analysis of competition in the communications marketplace. USTelecom says the USF is relevant to the proceeding because "the Universal Service Fund is critical for maintaining a competitive marketplace and an expanded contributions base is necessary to sustain the fund." No changes to the USF would be made in this proceeding, though USTelecom's comments could be addressed in the FCC's final report.

Read more of this story at Slashdot.

Apple is Bringing RCS To the iPhone in iOS 18

Apple has announced that its Messages app will support RCS in iOS 18. From a report: The new standard will replace SMS as the default communication protocol between Android and iOS devices. The move comes after years of taunting, cajoling, and finally, some regulatory scrutiny from the EU. Right now, when people on iOS and Android message each other, the service falls back to SMS -- photos and videos are sent at a lower quality, messages are shortened, and importantly, conversations are not end-to-end encrypted like they are in iMessage. Messages from Android phones show up as green bubbles in iMessage chats and chaos ensues.

Read more of this story at Slashdot.

Apple Unveils Apple Intelligence

As rumored, Apple today unveiled Apple Intelligence, its long-awaited push into generative artificial intelligence (AI), promising highly personalized experiences built with safety and privacy at its core. The feature, referred to as "A.I.", will be integrated into Apple's various operating systems, including iOS, macOS, and the latest, VisionOS. CEO Tim Cook said that Apple Intelligence goes beyond artificial intelligence, calling it "personal intelligence" and "the next big step for Apple." Apple Intelligence is built on large language and intelligence models, with much of the processing done locally on the latest Apple silicon. Private Cloud Compute is being added to handle more intensive tasks while maintaining user privacy. The update also includes significant changes to Siri, Apple's virtual assistant, which will now support typed queries and deeper integration into various apps, including third-party applications. This integration will enable users to perform complex tasks without switching between multiple apps. Apple Intelligence will roll out to the latest versions of Apple's operating systems, including iOS and iPadOS 18, macOS Sequoia, and visionOS 2.

Read more of this story at Slashdot.

Apple Unveils macOS 15 'Sequoia' at WWDC, Introduces Window Tiling and iPhone Mirroring

At its Worldwide Developers Conference, Apple formally introduced macOS 15, codenamed "Sequoia." The new release combines features from iOS 18 with Mac-specific improvements. One notable addition is automated window tiling, allowing users to arrange windows on their screen without manual resizing or switching to full-screen mode. Another feature, iPhone Mirroring, streams the iPhone's screen to the Mac, enabling app use with the Mac's keyboard and trackpad while keeping the phone locked for privacy. Gamers will appreciate the second version of Apple's Game Porting Toolkit, simplifying the process of bringing Windows games to macOS and vice versa. Sequoia also incorporates changes from iOS and iPadOS, such as RCS support and expanded Tapback reactions in Messages, a redesigned Calculator app, and the Math Notes feature for typed equations in Notes. Additionally, all Apple platforms and Windows will receive a new Passwords app, potentially replacing standalone password managers. A developer beta of macOS Sequoia is available today, with refined public betas coming in July and a full release planned for the fall.

Read more of this story at Slashdot.

Malicious VSCode Extensions With Millions of Installs Discovered

A group of Israeli researchers explored the security of the Visual Studio Code marketplace and managed to "infect" over 100 organizations by trojanizing a copy of the popular 'Dracula Official theme to include risky code. Further research into the VSCode Marketplace found thousands of extensions with millions of installs. From a report: Visual Studio Code (VSCode) is a source code editor published by Microsoft and used by many professional software developers worldwide. Microsoft also operates an extensions market for the IDE, called the Visual Studio Code Marketplace, which offers add-ons that extend the application's functionality and provide more customization options. Previous reports have highlighted gaps in VSCode's security, allowing extension and publisher impersonation and extensions that steal developer authentication tokens. There have also been in-the-wild findings that were confirmed to be malicious.

Read more of this story at Slashdot.

Mandiant Says Hackers Stole a 'Significant Volume of Data' From Snowflake Customers

Security researchers say they believe financially motivated cybercriminals have stolen a "significant volume of data" from hundreds of customers hosting their vast banks of data with cloud storage giant Snowflake. TechCrunch: Incident response firm Mandiant, which is working with Snowflake to investigate the recent spate of data thefts, said in a blog post Monday that the two firms have notified around 165 customers that their data may have been stolen. It's the first time that the number of affected Snowflake customers has been disclosed since the account hacks began in April. Snowflake has said little to date about the attacks, only that a "limited number" of its customers are affected. The cloud data giant has more than 9,800 corporate customers, like healthcare organizations, retail giants and some of the world's largest tech companies, which use Snowflake for data analytics.

Read more of this story at Slashdot.
