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Multiple Attacks Force CISA to Order US Agencies to Upgrade or Remove End-of-Life Ivanti Appliance

Par : EditorDavid
16 septembre 2024 à 11:34
On Tuesday Ivanti issued a "high severity vulnerability" announcement for version 4.6 of its Cloud Service Appliance (or CSA). "Successful exploitation could lead to unauthorized access to the device running the CSA." And Friday that announcement got an update: Ivanti "has confirmed exploitation of this vulnerability in the wild." While Ivanti released a security update, they warned that "with the end-of-life status this is the last fix that Ivanti will backport for this version. Customers must upgrade to Ivanti CSA 5.0 for continued support." This prompted a response from CISA (the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency, part of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security). The noted that Ivanti is urging customers to upgrade to version 5.0, as "Ivanti no longer supports CSA 4.6 (end-of-life)." But in addition, CISA "ordered all federal civilian agencies to remove CSA 4.6. from service or upgrade to the 5.0. by October 4," reports the Record: Ivanti said users will know they are impacted by exploitation of the bug by looking to see if there are modified or newly added administrative users. They also urged customers to check security alerts if they have certain security tools involved. The issue arose one day after another Ivanti bug caused alarm among defenders. The company pledged a security overhaul in April after a cascade of headline-grabbing nation-state attacks broke through the systems of government agencies in the U.S. and Europe using vulnerabilities in Ivanti products.

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Admins Wonder If the Cloud Was Such a Good Idea After All

Par : msmash
4 septembre 2024 à 18:47
After an initial euphoric rush to the cloud, admins are questioning the value and promise of the tech giant's services. The Register: According to a report published by UK cloud outfit Civo, more than a third of organizations surveyed reckoned that their move to the cloud had failed to live up to promises of cost-effectiveness. Over half reported a rise in their cloud bill. Although the survey, unsurprisingly, paints Civo in a flattering light, some of its figures may make uncomfortable reading for customers sold on the promises from hyperscalers. Like-for-like comparisons for a simple three-node cluster with 200 GB of persistent storage and a 5 TB data transfer showed prices going from $1,278.58 in 2022 to $1,458.68 in 2024 on Microsoft Azure. For Google, the price went from $1,107.61 to $1,250.35. According to Civo's figures, the cost at AWS increased from $1,142.46 to $1,234.59. "The Kubernetes prices were taken from the hyperscalers' very own pricing calculators," a Civo spokesperson told The Register. In the IT world, there is an expectation that bang for buck increases as time goes by, but in this example, prices are rising faster than the rate of inflation, and what customers receive for their money remains unchanged.

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Cloud Growth Puts Hyperscalers On Track To 60% of Data Capacity By 2029

Par : BeauHD
9 août 2024 à 00:45
Dan Robinson writes via The Register: Hyperscalers are forecast to account for more than 60 percent of datacenter space by 2029, a stark reversal on just seven years ago when the majority of capacity was made up of on-premises facilities. This trend is the result of demand for cloud services and consumer-oriented digital services such as social networking, e-commerce and online gaming pushing growth in hyperscale bit barns, those operated by megacorps including Amazon, Microsoft and Meta. The figures were published by Synergy Research Group, which says they are drawn from several detailed quarterly tracking research services to build an analysis of datacenter volume and trends. As of last year's data, those hyperscale companies accounted for 41 percent of the entire global data dormitory capacity, but their share is growing fast. Just over half of the hyperscaler capacity is comprised of own-build facilities, with the rest made up of leased server farms, operated by providers such as Digital Realty or Equinix. On-premises datacenters run by enterprises themselves now account for 37 percent of the total, a drop from when they made up 60 percent a few years ago. The remainder (22 percent) is accounted for by non-hyperscale colocation datacenters. What the figures appear to show is that hyperscale volume is growing faster than colocation or on-prem capacity -- by an average of 22 percent each year. Hence Synergy believes that while colocation's share of the total will slowly decrease over time, actual colo capacity will continue to rise steadily. Likewise, the proportion of overall bit barn space represented by on-premise facilities is forecast by Synergy to decline by almost three percentage points each year, although the analyst thinks the actual total capacity represented by on-premises datacenters is set to remain relatively stable. It's a case of on-prem essentially standing still in an expanding market.

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