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Aujourd’hui — 15 mai 2024Actualités numériques

Intel publie les drivers Graphiques Arc et Iris Xe 101.5518 beta

15 mai 2024 à 07:19

Intel publie de nouveaux drivers graphiques, les Arc et Iris Xe 101.5518 beta, l'aspect beta est évidemment incompatible avec une signature numérique, les nouveaux venus promettent des performances optimales dans les jeux Ghost of Tsushima DIRECTOR'S CUT et Homeworld 3, ainsi que la correction de certains bugs. Le téléchargement est possible sur cette page. […]

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Aerocool se lance dans le boitier panoramique Micro ATX avec le Viewport Mini

15 mai 2024 à 07:17

Aerocool va donc débarquer avec un nouveau boitier, le Viewport Mini. Un boitier de type panoramique qui est au format Micro ATX. Le tout mesure 212 x 437 x 377.5 mm, pèse dans les 6 kilos et sera disponible en noir ou en blanc. Le boitier propose deux panneaux en verre trempé, à l'avant et sur le côté gauche. Trois ventilateurs de 120 mm sont présents de base, deux à l'avant et un à l'arrière. Les modèles avant sont en Reverse. […]

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Avec Thunderbolt Share, Intel se met à la page et booste sa technologie

15 mai 2024 à 07:01

Intel a annoncé Thunderbolt Share, une nouvelle solution logicielle permettant des expériences de PC à PC qui changent fondamentalement la façon dont les utilisateurs interagissent avec deux PCs. Thunderbolt Share est proposé avec certains PCs et accessoires dotés de ports Thunderbolt 4 ou Thunderbolt 5. Il permet un partage d'écran réactif et des transferts de fichiers de PC à PC rapides pour des flux de travail plus flexibles et plus productifs. "Nous sommes ravis de continuer à mener l'industrie en matière de solutions de connectivité avec Thunderbolt. Thunderbolt Share répond à notre aspiration d'apporter des solutions innovantes sur le marché et d'offrir de nouvelles expériences aux utilisateurs pour qu'ils tirent le meilleur parti de leurs PCs. Désormais, les utilisateurs peuvent accéder en toute transparence à un PC à partir d'un autre à la vitesse de Thunderbolt. Cela change vraiment la façon dont les utilisateurs peuvent être plus productifs et efficaces". -- Jason Ziller, vice-président d'Intel et directeur général de la division Connectivité client […]

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AMD lance ses processeurs Ryzen 8400F et 8700F, sans partie graphique

15 mai 2024 à 06:51

Présentés brièvement courant mars, les nouveaux processeurs AMD Ryzen 8000F se dévoilent officiellement aujourd'hui, avec une disponibilité immédiate. Sont ainsi proposés les Ryzen 5 8400F et Ryzen 7 8700F, deux processeurs qui font l'impasse sur la partie graphique afin de réduire encore un peu le prix, environ 210 U+20AC et 330 U+20AC respectivement, pour mieux s'attaquer à deux références Intel dépourvues de partie graphique : les Core i5-13400F et Core i5-14400F. Qui sont actuellement disponibles à environ 205 U+20AC et 240 U+20AC. […]

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☕️ Arm se lancerait pleinement dans l’intelligence artificielle en 2025

15 mai 2024 à 06:09

Selon Nikkei Asia, la société compterait se lancer dans le développement de puces dédiées pour l’intelligence artificielle l’année prochaine, avec un prototype dès le printemps 2025. Bien évidemment, aucun détail n’est pour le moment donné.

Le développement sera assuré par Arm (avec la participation de son principal actionnaire SoftBank), dans le but ensuite de scinder la branche IA et de la placer sous le contrôle de SoftBank, selon nos confrères. « SoftBank négocie déjà avec Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Corp. [TSMC, ndlr] et d’autres afin de sécuriser la capacité de production ».

Selon Nikkei, Arm disposerait d’une fenêtre intéressante : « NVIDIA est actuellement en tête du domaine mais ne peut pas répondre à la demande croissante. SoftBank y voit une opportunité ». Arm n’est pas le seul en piste, loin de là. De nombreuses sociétés (y compris en France) se sont déjà lancées dans la conception de puces pour l’intelligence artificielle.

☕️ Arm se lancerait pleinement dans l’intelligence artificielle en 2025

15 mai 2024 à 06:09

Selon Nikkei Asia, la société compterait se lancer dans le développement de puces dédiées pour l’intelligence artificielle l’année prochaine, avec un prototype dès le printemps 2025. Bien évidemment, aucun détail n’est pour le moment donné.

Le développement sera assuré par Arm (avec la participation de son principal actionnaire SoftBank), dans le but ensuite de scinder la branche IA et de la placer sous le contrôle de SoftBank, selon nos confrères. « SoftBank négocie déjà avec Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Corp. [TSMC, ndlr] et d’autres afin de sécuriser la capacité de production ».

Selon Nikkei, Arm disposerait d’une fenêtre intéressante : « NVIDIA est actuellement en tête du domaine mais ne peut pas répondre à la demande croissante. SoftBank y voit une opportunité ». Arm n’est pas le seul en piste, loin de là. De nombreuses sociétés (y compris en France) se sont déjà lancées dans la conception de puces pour l’intelligence artificielle.

Homeworld 3 se paye un Performance Test

Bien qu'annoncé en 2019, Homeworld 3 a fini par arriver dans toutes les bonnes crèmeries. Le jeu de stratégie dans l'espace temps réel est animé par l'Unreal Engine 4, gage en général de bonnes performances et de graphismes plutôt léchés. Puisqu'il est là, il est bien de voir globalement quelles son...

AVerMedia Live Gamer ULTRA 2.1, une grosse mise à jour pour le firmware

15 mai 2024 à 06:02

Annoncée en fin d'année, la carte d'acquisition externe GC553G2 s'offre une très grosse mise à jour côté firmware. AVerMedia ajoute ainsi la prise en charge de l'enregistrement en 2160p144 (MJPEG) avec le logiciel RECentral sous Windows, tandis que pour les utilisateurs Mac, OBS permet en enregistrement en 2160p60. Autre ajout intéressant, le support du son en 5.1 en enregistrement et en pass-through avec les deux logiciels. Enfin, et ce point est plus anecdotique, le boitier est désormais compatible avec l'éclairage dynamique de Windows 11, qui permet de centraliser la gestion du RGB au sein des options du système d'exploitation. […]

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Bientôt une nouvelle manette chez SCUF !

15 mai 2024 à 05:41

Après une première manette Envision, SCUF semble vouloir remettre le couvert avec une nouveauté qui se fait pour l'instant mystérieuse. Présentée sur les réseaux sociaux avec un lien qui renvoie vers une page pour s'inscrire à une liste de diffusion, cette nouvelle venue semble plus entrée de gamme que l'actuelle Envision si on se fie à l'absence de bouton sur le côté. On peut également découvrir un motif légèrement revu sur le grip des poignées, tandis que celui des joysticks semble un peu plus dense. […]

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Ghost of Tsushima n'a pas de multijoueur sur Steam Deck, un faux scandale ?

15 mai 2024 à 05:33

Décidément, Sony ne semble pas être un grand spécialiste de la communication en ce moment ! Après une superbe polémique concernant HELLDIVERS II, c'est au tour de Ghost of Tsushima d'être au coeur de la tempête, et ce via deux points. Le premier renvoie directement au PSN et le jeu a donc été retiré de la vente dans de très nombreux pays. Mais c'est plus le deuxième qui nous intéresse aujourd'hui, à savoir que le jeu n'a pas de prise en charge du multijoueur sur Steam Deck. Nixxes, qui s'occupe du portage sur PC, a partagé les détails sur Steam : You may notice that Steam marks the game as 'Unsupported' for Steam Deck. This is due to the Legends co-op multiplayer mode requiring Windows to access PlayStation Network integrated features. Il n'en fallait pas plus pour que de nombreux joueurs s'insurgent sur les réseaux sociaux et les discussions Steam contre le fait de payer plein tarif pour un jeu incomplet. Mais... […]

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Revolutionary Genetics Research Shows RNA May Rule Our Genome

Par : BeauHD
15 mai 2024 à 07:00
Philip Ball reports via Scientific American: Thomas Gingeras did not intend to upend basic ideas about how the human body works. In 2012 the geneticist, now at Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory in New York State, was one of a few hundred colleagues who were simply trying to put together a compendium of human DNA functions. Their Âproject was called ENCODE, for the Encyclopedia of DNA Elements. About a decade earlier almost all of the three billion DNA building blocks that make up the human genome had been identified. Gingeras and the other ENCODE scientists were trying to figure out what all that DNA did. The assumption made by most biologists at that time was that most of it didn't do much. The early genome mappers estimated that perhaps 1 to 2 percent of our DNA consisted of genes as classically defined: stretches of the genome that coded for proteins, the workhorses of the human body that carry oxygen to different organs, build heart muscles and brain cells, and do just about everything else people need to stay alive. Making proteins was thought to be the genome's primary job. Genes do this by putting manufacturing instructions into messenger molecules called mRNAs, which in turn travel to a cell's protein-making machinery. As for the rest of the genome's DNA? The "protein-coding regions," Gingeras says, were supposedly "surrounded by oceans of biologically functionless sequences." In other words, it was mostly junk DNA. So it came as rather a shock when, in several 2012 papers in Nature, he and the rest of the ENCODE team reported that at one time or another, at least 75 percent of the genome gets transcribed into RNAs. The ENCODE work, using techniques that could map RNA activity happening along genome sections, had begun in 2003 and came up with preliminary results in 2007. But not until five years later did the extent of all this transcription become clear. If only 1 to 2 percent of this RNA was encoding proteins, what was the rest for? Some of it, scientists knew, carried out crucial tasks such as turning genes on or off; a lot of the other functions had yet to be pinned down. Still, no one had imagined that three quarters of our DNA turns into RNA, let alone that so much of it could do anything useful. Some biologists greeted this announcement with skepticism bordering on outrage. The ENCODE team was accused of hyping its findings; some critics argued that most of this RNA was made accidentally because the RNA-making enzyme that travels along the genome is rather indiscriminate about which bits of DNA it reads. Now it looks like ENCODE was basically right. Dozens of other research groups, scoping out activity along the human genome, also have found that much of our DNA is churning out "noncoding" RNA. It doesn't encode proteins, as mRNA does, but engages with other molecules to conduct some biochemical task. By 2020 the ENCODE project said it had identified around 37,600 noncoding genes -- that is, DNA stretches with instructions for RNA molecules that do not code for proteins. That is almost twice as many as there are protein-coding genes. Other tallies vary widely, from around 18,000 to close to 96,000. There are still doubters, but there are also enthusiastic biologists such as Jeanne Lawrence and Lisa Hall of the University of Massachusetts Chan Medical School. In a 2024 commentary for the journal Science, the duo described these findings as part of an "RNA revolution." What makes these discoveries revolutionary is what all this noncoding RNA -- abbreviated as ncRNA -- does. Much of it indeed seems involved in gene regulation: not simply turning them off or on but also fine-tuning their activity. So although some genes hold the blueprint for proteins, ncRNA can control the activity of those genes and thus ultimately determine whether their proteins are made. This is a far cry from the basic narrative of biology that has held sway since the discovery of the DNA double helix some 70 years ago, which was all about DNA leading to proteins. "It appears that we may have fundamentally misunderstood the nature of genetic programming," wrote molecular biologists Kevin Morris of Queensland University of Technology and John Mattick of the University of New South Wales in Australia in a 2014 article. Another important discovery is that some ncRNAs appear to play a role in disease, for example, by regulating the cell processes involved in some forms of cancer. So researchers are investigating whether it is possible to develop drugs that target such ncRNAs or, conversely, to use ncRNAs themselves as drugs. If a gene codes for a protein that helps a cancer cell grow, for example, an ncRNA that shuts down the gene might help treat the cancer.

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2023 Temperatures Were Warmest We've Seen For At Least 2,000 Years

Par : BeauHD
15 mai 2024 à 03:30
An anonymous reader quotes a report from Ars Technica: Starting in June of last year, global temperatures went from very hot to extreme. Every single month since June, the globe has experienced the hottest temperatures for that month on record -- that's 11 months in a row now, enough to ensure that 2023 was the hottest year on record, and 2024 will likely be similarly extreme. There's been nothing like this in the temperature record, and it acts as an unmistakable indication of human-driven warming. But how unusual is that warming compared to what nature has thrown at us in the past? While it's not possible to provide a comprehensive answer to that question, three European researchers (Jan Esper, Max Torbenson, and Ulf Buntgen) have provided a partial answer: the Northern Hemisphere hasn't seen anything like this in over 2,000 years. [...] The first thing the three researchers did was try to align the temperature record with the proxy record. If you simply compare temperatures within the instrument record, 2023 summer temperatures were just slightly more than 2C higher than the 1850-1900 temperature records. But, as mentioned, the record for those years is a bit sparse. A comparison with proxy records of the 1850-1900 period showed that the early instrument record ran a bit warm compared to a wider sampling of the Northern Hemisphere. Adjusting for this bias revealed that the summer of 2023 was about 2.3 C above pre-industrial temperatures from this period. But the proxy data from the longest tree ring records can take temperatures back over 2,000 years to year 1 CE. Compared to that longer record, summer of 2023 was 2.2 C warmer (which suggests that the early instrument record runs a bit warm). So, was the summer of 2023 extreme compared to that record? The answer is very clearly yes. Even the warmest summer in the proxy record, CE 246, was only 0.97 C above the 2,000-year average, meaning it was about 1.2 C cooler than 2023. The coldest summer in the proxies was 536 CE, which came in the wake of a major volcanic eruption. That was roughly 4 C cooler than 2023. While the proxy records have uncertainties, those uncertainties are nowhere near large enough to encompass 2023. Even if you take the maximum temperature with the 95 percent confidence range of the proxies, the summer of 2023 was more than half a degree warmer. Obviously, this analysis is limited to comparing a portion of one year to centuries of proxies, as well as limited to one area of the globe. It doesn't tell us how much of an outlier the rest of 2023 was or whether its extreme nature was global. The findings have been published in the journal Nature.

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Comcast To Launch Peacock, Netflix and Apple TV+ Bundle

Par : BeauHD
15 mai 2024 à 02:10
Later this month, Comcast will launch a three-way bundle with Peacock, Netflix and Apple TV+. It will "come at a vastly reduced price to anything in the market today," said. Comcast chief Brian Roberts. Variety reports: The goal is to "add value to consumers" and at the same time "take some of the dollars out of" other companies' streaming businesses, he added, while reinforcing Comcast's broadband service offerings. Comcast's impending launch of the StreamSaver bundle come as other media companies have been assembling similar offerings. [...] Like the other streaming bundling strategies, Comcast's forthcoming Peacock, Netflix and Apple TV+ package is an effort to reduce cancelation rates (aka "churn") and provide a more efficient means of subscriber acquisition -- coming as the traditional cable TV business continues to deteriorate. Last week, Disney and Warner Bros. Discovery announced a three-way bundle comprising of Max, Disney+ and Hulu.

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Project Astra Is Google's 'Multimodal' Answer to the New ChatGPT

Par : BeauHD
15 mai 2024 à 01:30
At Google I/O today, Google introduced a "next-generation AI assistant" called Project Astra that can "make sense of what your phone's camera sees," reports Wired. It follows yesterday's launch of GPT-4o, a new AI model from OpenAI that can quickly respond to prompts via voice and talk about what it 'sees' through a smartphone camera or on a computer screen. It "also uses a more humanlike voice and emotionally expressive tone, simulating emotions like surprise and even flirtatiousness," notes Wired. From the report: In response to spoken commands, Astra was able to make sense of objects and scenes as viewed through the devices' cameras, and converse about them in natural language. It identified a computer speaker and answered questions about its components, recognized a London neighborhood from the view out of an office window, read and analyzed code from a computer screen, composed a limerick about some pencils, and recalled where a person had left a pair of glasses. [...] Google says Project Astra will be made available through a new interface called Gemini Live later this year. [Demis Hassabis, the executive leading the company's effort to reestablish leadership inÂAI] said that the company is still testing several prototype smart glasses and has yet to make a decision on whether to launch any of them. Hassabis believes that imbuing AI models with a deeper understanding of the physical world will be key to further progress in AI, and to making systems like Project Astra more robust. Other frontiers of AI, including Google DeepMind's work on game-playing AI programs could help, he says. Hassabis and others hope such work could be revolutionary for robotics, an area that Google is also investing in. "A multimodal universal agent assistant is on the sort of track to artificial general intelligence," Hassabis said in reference to a hoped-for but largely undefined future point where machines can do anything and everything that a human mind can. "This is not AGI or anything, but it's the beginning of something."

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Google Targets Filmmakers With Veo, Its New Generative AI Video Model

Par : BeauHD
15 mai 2024 à 00:50
At its I/O developer conference today, Google announced Veo, its latest generative AI video model, that "can generate 'high-quality' 1080p resolution videos over a minute in length in a wide variety of visual and cinematic styles," reports The Verge. From the report: Veo has "an advanced understanding of natural language," according to Google's press release, enabling the model to understand cinematic terms like "timelapse" or "aerial shots of a landscape." Users can direct their desired output using text, image, or video-based prompts, and Google says the resulting videos are "more consistent and coherent," depicting more realistic movement for people, animals, and objects throughout shots. Google DeepMind CEO Demis Hassabis said in a press preview on Monday that video results can be refined using additional prompts and that Google is exploring additional features to enable Veo to produce storyboards and longer scenes. As is the case with many of these AI model previews, most folks hoping to try Veo out themselves will likely have to wait a while. Google says it's inviting select filmmakers and creators to experiment with the model to determine how it can best support creatives and will build on these collaborations to ensure "creators have a voice" in how Google's AI technologies are developed. Some Veo features will also be made available to "select creators in the coming weeks" in a private preview inside VideoFX -- you can sign up for the waitlist here for an early chance to try it out. Otherwise, Google is also planning to add some of its capabilities to YouTube Shorts "in the future." Along with its new AI models and tools, Google said it's expanding its AI content watermarking and detection technology. The company's new upgraded SynthID watermark imprinting system "can now mark video that was digitally generated, as well as AI-generated text," reports The Verge in a separate report.

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1 In 4 US Teens Say They Play Games On a VR Headset

Par : BeauHD
15 mai 2024 à 00:10
An anonymous reader quotes a report from UploadVR: 1 in 4 U.S. teens told Pew Research Center they play games on a VR headset. The survey was conducted on 1453 U.S. teens aged 13 to 17. Pew claims the participants were "recruited primarily through national, random sampling of residential addresses" and "weighted to be representative of U.S. teens ages 13 to 17 who live with their parents by age, gender, race and ethnicity, household income, and other categories." Broken out by gender, 32% of boys and 15% of girls said they play games on a VR headset. The survey doesn't ask whether they actually own the headset, so this will include those who play on a sibling or parent's headset.

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systemd 256-rc2 Released With A Few More Features

15 mai 2024 à 00:33
The first release candidate of systemd 256 came just under one month ago with new features like run0 as the new sudo alternative, a new "systemd-vpick" binary, importctl as another new tool, Zboot kernel support with systemd ukify, systemd-homed improvements, and much more. Systemd 256-rc2 is out this evening with a few more features and other fixes collected over the past several weeks...

Linus Torvalds Is Doing More ARM64 Linux Testing Now That He Has A More Powerful System

15 mai 2024 à 00:29
Linux kernel and Git creator Linus Torvalds is known for his current use of an AMD Ryzen Threadripper workstation as his main system after years of using Intel hardware. The past few years he's also been doing more ARM64 testing now that he has an Apple MacBook using Apple Silicon that serves as a nice travel device and for routinely compiling new ARM64 Linux kernel builds. More recently, his ARM64 Linux testing has increased now that he has a more powerful AArch64 system to complement his collection of routine gear...

OpenAI's Chief Scientist and Co-Founder Is Leaving the Company

Par : BeauHD
14 mai 2024 à 23:30
OpenAI's co-founder and Chief Scientist, Ilya Sutskever, is leaving the company to work on "something personally meaningful," wrote CEO Sam Altman in a post on X. "This is very sad to me; Ilya is easily one of the greatest minds of our generation, a guiding light of our field, and a dear friend. [...] I am forever grateful for what he did here and committed to finishing the mission we started together." He will be replaced by OpenAI researcher Jakub Pachocki. Here's Altman's full X post announcing the departure: Ilya and OpenAI are going to part ways. This is very sad to me; Ilya is easily one of the greatest minds of our generation, a guiding light of our field, and a dear friend. His brilliance and vision are well known; his warmth and compassion are less well known but no less important. OpenAI would not be what it is without him. Although he has something personally meaningful he is going to go work on, I am forever grateful for what he did here and committed to finishing the mission we started together. I am happy that for so long I got to be close to such genuinely remarkable genius, and someone so focused on getting to the best future for humanity. Jakub is going to be our new Chief Scientist. Jakub is also easily one of the greatest minds of our generation; I am thrilled he is taking the baton here. He has run many of our most important projects, and I am very confident he will lead us to make rapid and safe progress towards our mission of ensuring that AGI benefits everyone. The New York Times notes that Ilya joined three other board members to force out Altman in a chaotic weekend last November. Ultimately, Altman returned as CEO five days later. Ilya said he regretted the move.

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