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Hier — 17 mai 2024Flux principal

[Bon plan] Écran Samsung 28" UHD (4K) IPS 60 Hz à 184,99 €

Vous avez envie de profiter de la 4K (3860 x 2160 pixels) pour un usage plutôt orienté bureautique (ou jeux de stratégie pourquoi pas) et pour un tarif tout doux ? C'est possible avec le Samsung U28R550UQP qu'il est possible d'obtenir aujourd'hui pour seulement 184,99 € et avec la possibilité de se...

Une dalle 4K 1000 Hz dévoilée à la Display Week 2024 !

Lors de la Display Week 2024 qui vient d'avoir lieu du 14 au 16 mai 2024 à San José en Californie, TCL CSOT a présenté un écran muni d'une dalle qui a de quoi faire rêver même si la plupart d'entre nous aurions du mal à y trouver un réel intérêt. Il s'agit en effet d'une dalle affichant une définiti...

Ghost of Tsushima permet de combiner le DLSS et le FSR3 pour le bonheur des possesseurs de GeForce RTX 30 et 20 !

D'habitude, il faut des mods non officiels pour qu'une telle chose soit possible mais Ghost of Tsushima inaugure une tendance que l'on espère voir se généraliser à l'avenir, permettant de combiner un upscaling et un frame generation de solutions techniques différentes. Le frame generation de NVIDIA,...

À partir d’avant-hierFlux principal

[Bon plan] Dragon Age: Inquisition GOTY et Machinika: Museum gratuits

L'Epic Games Store fête le lancement de ses "Méga soldes" en offrant un jeu qui mérite le coup d'œil pour les amateurs de RPG qui ne s'y seraient pas encore essayés : Dragon Age: Inquisition GOTY Edition. En bonne édition "Game Of The Year" qui se respecte, vous aurez droit à de nombreux contenus ad...

[Bon plan] ASUS GeForce RTX 4070 SUPER DUAL EVO + 1 jeu au choix à 597,99 €

Jolie offre chez Cybertek si l'un d'entre vous avait dans l'idée d'acquérir une NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4070 SUPER. Grâce à un code réduction de 52 €, la ASUS GeForce RTX 4070 SUPER DUAL EVO passe de 649,99 € à 597,99 € ce qui est déjà en soi très intéressant puisque c'est tout simplement le plus bas pri...

En Chine, la gravure 5 nm de SMIC serait prête pour Huawei !

Avec sa gravure en 7 nm, le fondeur chinois SMIC a déjoué de nombreux pronostics qui voyaient la chose impossible ou en tout cas au minimum non viable. Ainsi, les fonderies de la société ont notamment sortis en 7 nm les SoC HiSilicon Kirin 9000S en 2023 puis Kirin 9010 en 2024, qui équipent des smar...

MediaTek et NVIDIA sur le point d'annoncer une puce IA à 300 $ pour PC ?

Au Computex 2023, MediaTek et NVIDIA annonçaient leur collaboration pour mettre au point des puces dédiées au voitures, NVIDIA se chargeant d'apporter aux SoC développés conjointement son savoir-faire en matière de calculs liés à l'intelligence artificielle. Selon le média taïwanais United Daily New...

Fuite d'un document confidentiel chez Dell : que retenir comme informations croustillantes ?

Commençons de suite à rendre à César ce qui lui appartient : la découverte du document confidentiel dont nous allons parler aujourd'hui, nous la devons à nos confrères de VideoCardz, qui sont parvenus à mettre la main sur un fichier PDF diffusé sur la plateforme Scribd depuis le mois de février pour...

Plus de bundle de jeu chez AMD et NVIDIA ? ASUS prend la relève !

Du côté d'AMD et NVIDIA, les cordons de la bourse se sont resserrés puisque nous n'avons toujours pas vu le moindre bundle offrant un jeu pour l'achat d'une carte graphique Radeon ou GeForce en 2024. C'est donc avec un certain plaisir que l'on apprend que ASUS tente de remédier un peu à cela en offr...

[Bon plan] Envie d'un casque gaming ? HyperX casse quelques prix et il y en a pour tous les goûts.

Voici un Bon plan très sympathique si vous cherchez actuellement un casque gaming. La boutique en ligne HyperX casse quelques prix et permet de cumuler en plus un code réduction, de quoi obtenir des tarifs vraiment exceptionnels sur trois références HyperX Cloud dont la réputation n'est plus à faire...

How Microsoft Employees Pressured the Company Over Its Oil Industry Ties

Par : EditorDavid
13 mai 2024 à 11:34
The non-profit environmental site Grist reports on "an internal, employee-led effort to raise ethical concerns about Microsoft's work helping oil and gas producers boost their profits by providing them with cloud computing resources and AI software tools." There's been some disappointments — but also some successes, starting with the founding of an internal sustainability group within Microsoft that grew to nearly 10,000 employees: Former Microsoft employees and sources familiar with tech industry advocacy say that, broadly speaking, employee pressure has had an enormous impact on sustainability at Microsoft, encouraging it to announce industry-leading climate goals in 2020 and support key federal climate policies. But convincing the world's most valuable company to forgo lucrative oil industry contracts proved far more difficult... Over the past seven years, Microsoft has announced dozens of new deals with oil and gas producers and oil field services companies, many explicitly aimed at unlocking new reserves, increasing production, and driving up oil industry profits... As concerns over the company's fossil fuel work mounted, Microsoft was gearing up to make a big sustainability announcement. In January 2020, the company pledged to become "carbon negative" by 2030, meaning that in 10 years, the tech giant would pull more carbon out of the air than it emitted on an annual basis... For nearly two years, employees watched and waited. Following its carbon negative announcement, Microsoft quickly expanded its internal carbon tax, which charges the company's business groups a fee for the carbon they emit via electricity use, employee travel, and more. It also invested in new technologies like direct air capture and purchased carbon removal contracts from dozens of projects worldwide. But Microsoft's work with the oil industry continued unabated, with the company announcing a slew of new partnerships in 2020 and 2021 aimed at cutting fossil fuel producers' costs and boosting production. The last straw for one technical account manager was a 2023 LinkedIn post by a Microsoft technical architect about the company's work on oil and gas industry automation. The post said Microsoft's cloud service was "unlocking previously inaccessible reserves" for the fossil fuel industry, promising that with Microsoft's Azure service, "the future of oil and gas exploration and production is brighter than ever." The technical account manager resigned from the position they'd held for nearly a decade, citing the blog post in a resignation letter which accused Microsoft of "extending the age of fossil fuels, and enabling untold emissions." Thanks to Slashdot reader joshuark for sharing the news.

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OpenAI's Sam Altman Wants AI in the Hands of the People - and Universal Basic Compute?

Par : EditorDavid
13 mai 2024 à 07:34
OpenAI CEO Sam Altman gave an hour-long interview to the "All-In" podcast (hosted by Chamath Palihapitiya, Jason Calacanis, David Sacks and David Friedberg). And when asked about this summer's launch of the next version of ChatGPT, Altman said they hoped to "be thoughtful about how we do it, like we may release it in a different way than we've released previous models... Altman: One of the things that we really want to do is figure out how to make more advanced technology available to free users too. I think that's a super-important part of our mission, and this idea that we build AI tools and make them super-widely available — free or, you know, not-that-expensive, whatever that is — so that people can use them to go kind of invent the future, rather than the magic AGI in the sky inventing the future, and showering it down upon us. That seems like a much better path. It seems like a more inspiring path. I also think it's where things are actually heading. So it makes me sad that we have not figured out how to make GPT4-level technology available to free users. It's something we >really want to do... Q: It's just very expensive, I take it? Altman: It's very expensive. But Altman said later he's confident they'll be able to reduce cost. Altman: I don't know, like, when we get to intelligence too cheap to meter, and so fast that it feels instantaneous to us, and everything else, but I do believe we can get there for, you know, a pretty high level of intelligence. It's important to us, it's clearly important to users, and it'll unlock a lot of stuff. Altman also thinks there's "great roles for both" open-source and closed-source models, saying "We've open-sourced some stuff, we'll open-source more stuff in the future. "But really, our mission is to build toward AGI, and to figure out how to broadly distribute its benefits... " Altman even said later that "A huge part of what we try to do is put the technology in the hands of people..." Altman: The fact that we have so many people using a free version of ChatGPT that we don't — you know, we don't run ads on, we don't try to make money on it, we just put it out there because we want people to have these tools — I think has done a lot to provide a lot of value... But also to get the world really thoughtful about what's happening here. It feels to me like we just stumbled on a new fact of nature or science or whatever you want to call it... I am sure, like any other industry, I would expect there to be multiple approaches and different peoiple like different ones. Later Altman said he was "super-excited" about the possibility of an AI tutor that could reinvent how people learn, and "doing faster and better scientific discovery... that will be a triumph." But at some point the discussion led him to where the power of AI intersects with the concept of a universal basic income: Altman: Giving people money is not going to go solve all the problems. It is certainly not going to make people happy. But it might solve some problems, and it might give people a better horizon with which to help themselves. Now that we see some of the ways that AI is developing, I wonder if there's better things to do than the traditional conceptualization of UBI. Like, I wonder — I wonder if the future looks something more like Universal Basic Compute than Universal Basic Income, and everybody gets like a slice of GPT-7's compute, and they can use it, they can re-sell it, they can donate it to somebody to use for cancer research. But what you get is not dollars but this like slice — you own part of the the productivity. Altman was also asked about the "ouster" period where he was briefly fired from OpenAI — to which he gave a careful response: Altman: I think there's always been culture clashes at — look, obviously not all of those board members are my favorite people in the world. But I have serious respect for the gravity with which they treat AGI and the importance of getting AI safety right. And even if I stringently disagree with their decision-making and actions, which I do, I have never once doubted their integrity or commitment to the sort of shared mission of safe and beneficial AGI... I think a lot of the world is, understandably, very afraid of AGI, or very afraid of even current AI, and very excited about it — and even more afraid, and even more excited about where it's going. And we wrestle with that, but I think it is unavoidable that this is going to happen. I also think it's going to be tremendously beneficial. But we do have to navigate how to get there in a reasonable way. And, like a lot of stuff is going to change. And change is pretty uncomfortable for people. So there's a lot of pieces that we've got to get right... I really care about AGI and think this is like the most interesting work in the world.

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Will Smarter Cars Bring 'Optimized' Traffic Lights?

Par : EditorDavid
13 mai 2024 à 03:54
"Researchers are exploring ways to use features in modern cars, such as GPS, to make traffic safer and more efficient," reports the Associated Press. "Eventually, the upgrades could do away entirely with the red, yellow and green lights of today, ceding control to driverless cars." Among those reimagining traffic flows is a team at North Carolina State University led by Ali Hajbabaie, an associate engineering professor. Rather than doing away with today's traffic signals, Hajbabaie suggests adding a fourth light, perhaps a white one, to indicate when there are enough autonomous vehicles on the road to take charge and lead the way. "When we get to the intersection, we stop if it's red and we go if it's green," said Hajbabaie, whose team used model cars small enough to hold. "But if the white light is active, you just follow the vehicle in front of you." He points out that this approach could be years aways, since it requires self-driving capability in 40% to 50% of the cars on the road. But the article notes another approach which could happen sooner, talking to Henry Liu, a civil engineering professor who is leading ">a study through the University of Michigan: They conducted a pilot program in the Detroit suburb of Birmingham using insights from the speed and location data found in General Motors vehicles to alter the timing of that city's traffic lights. The researchers recently landed a U.S. Department of Transportation grant under the bipartisan infrastructure law to test how to make the changes in real time... Liu, who has been leading the Michigan research, said even with as little as 6% of the vehicles on Birmingham's streets connected to the GM system, they provide enough data to adjust the timing of the traffic lights to smooth the flow... "The beauty of this is you don't have to do anything to the infrastructure," Liu said. "The data is not coming from the infrastructure. It's coming from the car companies." Danielle Deneau, director of traffic safety at the Road Commission in Oakland County, Michigan, said the initial data in Birmingham only adjusted the timing of green lights by a few seconds, but it was still enough to reduce congestion. "Even bigger changes could be in store under the new grant-funded research, which would automate the traffic lights in a yet-to-be announced location in the county."

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Australia Criticized For Ramping Up Gas Extraction Through '2050 and Beyond'

Par : EditorDavid
13 mai 2024 à 01:34
Slashdot reader sonlas shared this report from the BBC: Australia has announced it will ramp up its extraction and use of gas until "2050 and beyond", despite global calls to phase out fossil fuels. Prime Minister Anthony Albanese's government says the move is needed to shore up domestic energy supply while supporting a transition to net zero... Australia — one of the world's largest exporters of liquefied natural gas — has also said the policy is based on "its commitment to being a reliable trading partner". Released on Thursday, the strategy outlines the government's plans to work with industry and state leaders to increase both the production and exploration of the fossil fuel. The government will also continue to support the expansion of the country's existing gas projects, the largest of which are run by Chevron and Woodside Energy Group in Western Australia... The policy has sparked fierce backlash from environmental groups and critics — who say it puts the interest of powerful fossil fuel companies before people. "Fossil gas is not a transition fuel. It's one of the main contributors to global warming and has been the largest source of increases of CO2 [emissions] over the last decade," Prof Bill Hare, chief executive of Climate Analytics and author of numerous UN climate change reports told the BBC... Successive Australian governments have touted gas as a key "bridging fuel", arguing that turning it off too soon could have "significant adverse impacts" on Australia's economy and energy needs. But Prof Hare and other scientists have warned that building a net zero policy around gas will "contribute to locking in 2.7-3C global warming, which will have catastrophic consequences".

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Linux Kernel 6.9 Officially Released

Par : EditorDavid
12 mai 2024 à 22:34
"6.9 is now out," Linus Torvalds posted on the Linux kernel mailing list, "and last week has looked quite stable (and the whole release has felt pretty normal)." Phoronix writes that Linux 6.9 "has a number of exciting features and improvements for those habitually updating to the newest version." And Slashdot reader prisoninmate shared this report from 9to5Linux: Highlights of Linux kernel 6.9 include Rust support on AArch64 (ARM64) architectures, support for the Intel FRED (Flexible Return and Event Delivery) mechanism for improved low-level event delivery, support for AMD SNP (Secure Nested Paging) guests, and a new dm-vdo (virtual data optimizer) target in device mapper for inline deduplication, compression, zero-block elimination, and thin provisioning. Linux kernel 6.9 also supports the Named Address Spaces feature in GCC (GNU Compiler Collection) that allows the compiler to better optimize per-CPU data access, adds initial support for FUSE passthrough to allow the kernel to serve files from a user-space FUSE server directly, adds support for the Energy Model to be updated dynamically at run time, and introduces a new LPA2 mode for ARM 64-bit processors... Linux kernel 6.9 will be a short-lived branch supported for only a couple of months. It will be succeeded by Linux kernel 6.10, whose merge window has now been officially opened by Linus Torvalds. Linux kernel 6.10 is expected to be released in mid or late September 2024. "Rust language has been updated to version 1.76.0 in Linux 6.9," according to the article. And Linus Torvalds shared one more details on the Linux kernel mailing list. "I now have a more powerful arm64 machine (thanks to Ampere), so the last week I've been doing almost as many arm64 builds as I have x86-64, and that should obviously continue during the upcoming merge window too."

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Reddit Grows, Seeks More AI Deals, Plans 'Award' Shops, and Gets Sued

Par : EditorDavid
12 mai 2024 à 21:34
Reddit reported its first results since going public in late March. Yahoo Finance reports: Daily active users increased 37% year over year to 82.7 million. Weekly active unique users rose 40% from the prior year. Total revenue improved 48% to $243 million, nearly doubling the growth rate from the prior quarter, due to strength in advertising. The company delivered adjusted operating profits of $10 million, versus a $50.2 million loss a year ago. [Reddit CEO Steve] Huffman declined to say when the company would be profitable on a net income basis, noting it's a focus for the management team. Other areas of focus include rolling out a new user interface this year, introducing shopping capabilities, and searching for another artificial intelligence content licensing deal like the one with Google. Bloomberg notes that already Reddit "has signed licensing agreements worth $203 million in total, with terms ranging from two to three years. The company generated about $20 million from AI content deals last quarter, and expects to bring in more than $60 million by the end of the year." And elsewhere Bloomberg writes that Reddit "plans to expand its revenue streams outside of advertising into what Huffman calls the 'user economy' — users making money from others on the platform... " In the coming months Reddit plans to launch new versions of awards, which are digital gifts users can give to each other, along with other products... Reddit also plans to continue striking data licensing deals with artificial intelligence companies, expanding into international markets and evaluating potential acquisition targets in areas such as search, he said. Meanwhile, ZDNet notes that this week a Reddit announcement "introduced a new public content policy that lays out a framework for how partners and third parties can access user-posted content on its site." The post explains that more and more companies are using unsavory means to access user data in bulk, including Reddit posts. Once a company gets this data, there's no limit to what it can do with it. Reddit will continue to block "bad actors" that use unauthorized methods to get data, the company says, but it's taking additional steps to keep users safe from the site's partners.... Reddit still supports using its data for research: It's creating a new subreddit — r/reddit4researchers — to support these initiatives, and partnering with OpenMined to help improve research. Private data is, however, going to stay private. If a company wants to use Reddit data for commercial purposes, including advertising or training AI, it will have to pay. Reddit made this clear by saying, "If you're interested in using Reddit data to power, augment, or enhance your product or service for any commercial purposes, we require a contract." To be clear, Reddit is still selling users' data — it's just making sure that unscrupulous actors have a tougher time accessing that data for free and researchers have an easier time finding what they need. And finally, there's some court action, according to the Register. Reddit "was sued by an unhappy advertiser who claims that internet giga-forum sold ads but provided no way to verify that real people were responsible for clicking on them." The complaint [PDF] was filed this week in a U.S. federal court in northern California on behalf of LevelFields, a Virginia-based investment research platform that relies on AI. It says the biz booked pay-per-click ads on the discussion site starting September 2022... That arrangement called for Reddit to use reasonable means to ensure that LevelField's ads were delivered to and clicked on by actual people rather than bots and the like. But according to the complaint, Reddit broke that contract... LevelFields argues that Reddit is in a particularly good position to track click fraud because it's serving ads on its own site, as opposed to third-party properties where it may have less visibility into network traffic... Nonetheless, LevelFields's effort to obtain IP address data to verify the ads it was billed for went unfulfilled. The social media site "provided click logs without IP addresses," the complaint says. "Reddit represented that it was not able to provide IP addresses." "The plaintiffs aspire to have their claim certified as a class action," the article adds — along with an interesting statistic. "According to Juniper Research, 22 percent of ad spending last year was lost to click fraud, amounting to $84 billion."

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OpenAI's Sam Altman on iPhones, Music, Training Data, and Apple's Controversial iPad Ad

Par : EditorDavid
12 mai 2024 à 20:34
OpenAI CEO Sam Altman gave an hour-long interview to the "All-In" podcast (hosted by Chamath Palihapitiya, Jason Calacanis, David Sacks and David Friedberg). And speaking on technology's advance, Altman said "Phones are unbelievably good.... I personally think the iPhone is like the greatest piece of technology humanity has ever made. It's really a wonderful product." Q: What comes after it? Altman: I don't know. I mean, that was what I was saying. It's so good, that to get beyond it, I think the bar is quite high. Q: You've been working with Jony Ive on something, right? Altman: We've been discussing ideas, but I don't — like, if I knew... Altman said later he thought voice interaction "feels like a different way to use a computer." But the conversation turned to Apple in another way. It happened in a larger conversation where Altman said OpenAI has "currently made the decision not to do music, and partly because exactly these questions of where you draw the lines..." Altman: Even the world in which — if we went and, let's say we paid 10,000 musicians to create a bunch of music, just to make a great training set, where the music model could learn everything about song structure and what makes a good, catchy beat and everything else, and only trained on that — let's say we could still make a great music model, which maybe we could. I was posing that as a thought experiment to musicians, and they were like, "Well, I can't object to that on any principle basis at that point — and yet there's still something I don't like about it." Now, that's not a reason not to do it, um, necessarily, but it is — did you see that ad that Apple put out... of like squishing all of human creativity down into one really iPad...? There's something about — I'm obviously hugely positive on AI — but there is something that I think is beautiful about human creativity and human artistic expression. And, you know, for an AI that just does better science, like, "Great. Bring that on." But an AI that is going to do this deeply beautiful human creative expression? I think we should figure out — it's going to happen. It's going to be a tool that will lead us to greater creative heights. But I think we should figure out how to do it in a way that preserves the spirit of what we all care about here. What about creators whose copyrighted materials are used for training data? Altman had a ready answer — but also some predictions for the future. "On fair use, I think we have a very reasonable position under the current law. But I think AI is so different that for things like art, we'll need to think about them in different ways..." Altman:I think the conversation has been historically very caught up on training data, but it will increasingly become more about what happens at inference time, as training data becomes less valuable and what the system does accessing information in context, in real-time... what happens at inference time will become more debated, and what the new economic model is there. Altman gave the example of an AI which was never trained on any Taylor Swift songs — but could still respond to a prompt requesting a song in her style. Altman: And then the question is, should that model, even if it were never trained on any Taylor Swift song whatsoever, be allowed to do that? And if so, how should Taylor get paid? So I think there's an opt-in, opt-out in that case, first of all — and then there's an economic model. Altman also wondered if there's lessons in the history and economics of music sampling...

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Webb Telescope Finds a (Hot) Earth-Sized Planet With an Atmosphere

Par : EditorDavid
12 mai 2024 à 19:34
An anonymous reader shared this report from the Associated Press: A thick atmosphere has been detected around a planet that's twice as big as Earth in a nearby solar system, researchers reported Wednesday. The so-called super Earth — known as 55 Cancri e — is among the few rocky planets outside our solar system with a significant atmosphere, wrapped in a blanket of carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide. The exact amounts are unclear. Earth's atmosphere is a blend of nitrogen, oxygen, argon and other gases. "It's probably the firmest evidence yet that this planet has an atmosphere," said Ian Crossfield, an astronomer at the University of Kansas who studies exoplanets and was not involved with the research. The research was published in the journal Nature. "The boiling temperatures on this planet — which can reach as hot as 4,200 degrees Fahrenheit (2,300 degrees Celsius) — mean that it is unlikely to host life," the article points out. "Instead, scientists say the discovery is a promising sign that other such rocky planets with thick atmospheres could exist that may be more hospitable."

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Could Atomically Thin Layers Bring A 19x Energy Jump In Battery Capacitors?

Par : EditorDavid
12 mai 2024 à 18:34
Researchers believe they've discovered a new material structure that can improve the energy storage of capacitors. The structure allows for storage while improving the efficiency of ultrafast charging and discharging. The new find needs optimization but has the potential to help power electric vehicles. * An anonymous reader shared this report from Popular Mechanics: In a study published in Science, lead author Sang-Hoon Bae, an assistant professor of mechanical engineering and materials science, demonstrates a novel heterostructure that curbs energy loss, enabling capacitors to store more energy and charge rapidly without sacrificing durability... Within capacitors, ferroelectric materials offer high maximum polarization. That's useful for ultra-fast charging and discharging, but it can limit the effectiveness of energy storage or the "relaxation time" of a conductor. "This precise control over relaxation time holds promise for a wide array of applications and has the potential to accelerate the development of highly efficient energy storage systems," the study authors write. Bae makes the change — one he unearthed while working on something completely different — by sandwiching 2D and 3D materials in atomically thin layers, using chemical and nonchemical bonds between each layer. He says a thin 3D core inserts between two outer 2D layers to produce a stack that's only 30 nanometers thick, about 1/10th that of an average virus particle... The sandwich structure isn't quite fully conductive or nonconductive. This semiconducting material, then, allows the energy storage, with a density up to 19 times higher than commercially available ferroelectric capacitors, while still achieving 90 percent efficiency — also better than what's currently available. Thanks to long-time Slashdot reader schwit1 for sharing the article.

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