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Aujourd’hui — 16 juin 2024Flux principal
Hier — 15 juin 2024Flux principal

The Verge's David Pierce Reports On the Excel World Championship From Vegas

Par : BeauHD
15 juin 2024 à 00:02
In a featured article for The Verge, David Pierce explores the world of competitive Excel, highlighting its rise from a hobbyist activity to a potential esport, showcased during the Excel World Championship in Las Vegas. Top spreadsheet enthusiasts competed at the MGM Grand to solve complex Excel challenges, emphasizing the transformative power and ubiquity of spreadsheets in both business and entertainment. An anonymous reader quotes an excerpt from the report: Competitive Excel has been around for years, but only in a hobbyist way. Most of the people in this room full of actuaries, analysts, accountants, and investors play Excel the way I play Scrabble or do the crossword -- exercising your brain using tools you understand. But last year's competition became a viral hit on ESPN and YouTube, and this year, the organizers are trying to capitalize. After all, someone points out to me, poker is basically just math, and it's all over TV. Why not spreadsheets? Excel is a tool. It's a game. Now it hopes to become a sport. I've come to realize in my two days in this ballroom that understanding a spreadsheet is like a superpower. The folks in this room make their living on their ability to take some complex thing -- a company's sales, a person's lifestyle, a region's political leanings, a race car -- and pull it apart into its many component pieces. If you can reduce the world down to a bunch of rows and columns, you can control it. Manipulate it. Build it and rebuild it in a thousand new ways, with a couple of hotkeys and an undo button at the ready. A good spreadsheet shows you the universe and gives you the ability to create new ones. And the people in this room, in their dad jeans and short-sleeved button-downs, are the gods on Olympus, bending everything to their will. There is one inescapably weird thing about competitive Excel: spreadsheets are not fun. Spreadsheets are very powerful, very interesting, very important, but they are for work. Most of what happens at the FMWC is, in almost every practical way, indistinguishable from the normal work that millions of people do in spreadsheets every day. You can gussy up the format, shorten the timelines, and raise the stakes all you want -- the reality is you're still asking a bunch of people who make spreadsheets for a living to just make more spreadsheets, even if they're doing it in Vegas. You really can't overstate how important and ubiquitous spreadsheets really are, though. "Electronic spreadsheets" actually date back earlier than computers and are maybe the single most important reason computers first became mainstream. In the late 1970s, a Harvard MBA student named Dan Bricklin started to dream up a software program that could automatically do the math he was constantly doing and re-doing in class. "I imagined a magic blackboard that if you erased one number and wrote a new thing in, all of the other numbers would automatically change, like word processing with numbers," he said in a 2016 TED Talk. This sounds quaint and obvious now, but it was revolutionary then. [...] Competitive Excel has been around for years, but only in a hobbyist way. Most of the people in this room full of actuaries, analysts, accountants, and investors play Excel the way I play Scrabble or do the crossword -- exercising your brain using tools you understand. But last year's competition became a viral hit on ESPN and YouTube, and this year, the organizers are trying to capitalize. After all, someone points out to me, poker is basically just math, and it's all over TV. Why not spreadsheets? Excel is a tool. It's a game. Now it hopes to become a sport. I've come to realize in my two days in this ballroom that understanding a spreadsheet is like a superpower. The folks in this room make their living on their ability to take some complex thing -- a company's sales, a person's lifestyle, a region's political leanings, a race car -- and pull it apart into its many component pieces. If you can reduce the world down to a bunch of rows and columns, you can control it. Manipulate it. Build it and rebuild it in a thousand new ways, with a couple of hotkeys and an undo button at the ready. A good spreadsheet shows you the universe and gives you the ability to create new ones. And the people in this room, in their dad jeans and short-sleeved button-downs, are the gods on Olympus, bending everything to their will.

Read more of this story at Slashdot.

À partir d’avant-hierFlux principal

Microsoft Postpones Windows Recall After Major Backlash

Par : msmash
14 juin 2024 à 03:18
In an unprecedented move, Microsoft has announced that its big Copilot+ PC initiative that was unveiled last month will launch without its headlining "Windows Recall" AI feature next week on June 18. From a report: The feature, which captures snapshots of your screen every few seconds, was revealed to store sensitive user data in an unencrypted state, raising serious concerns among security researchers and experts. Last week, Microsoft addressed these concerns by announcing that it would make changes to Windows Recall to ensure the feature handles data securely on device. At that time, the company insisted that Windows Recall would launch alongside Copilot+ PCs on June 18, with an update being made available at launch to address the concerns with Windows Recall. Now, Microsoft is saying Windows Recall will launch at a later date, beyond the general availability of Copilot+ PCs. This means these new devices will be missing their headlining AI feature at launch, as Windows Recall is now delayed indefinitely. The company says Windows Recall will be added in a future Windows update, but has not given a timeframe for when this will be. Further reading: 'Microsoft Has Lost Trust With Its Users and Windows Recall is the Straw That Broke the Camel's Back' Windows 11's New Recall Feature Has Been Cracked To Run On Unsupported Hardware Is the New 'Recall' Feature in Windows a Security and Privacy Nightmare? Mozilla Says It's Concerned About Windows Recall.

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Les consoles Xbox corrigent l’un de leurs plus gros défauts

13 juin 2024 à 09:56

Les consoles Xbox n'étaient capables de garder en mémoire qu'un seul réseau Wi-Fi à la fois. La dernière mise à jour rectifie ce problème, qui forçait à toujours repasser par la case configuration quand on se déplaçait.

Microsoft's New Outlook Security Changes Impact 3rd-Party Apps and Gmail Integration

Par : msmash
11 juin 2024 à 16:00
Microsoft is making changes to Outlook for consumers to enhance account security as part of its Secure Future Initiative. Starting September 16th, the company will end support for Basic Authentication for Outlook personal accounts, requiring users to access their email through apps using Modern Authentication. Microsoft will also remove the light version of the Outlook web application on August 19th and discontinue support for Gmail accounts in on June 30th. Users of affected email apps will be notified by the end of June to update their settings or reconfigure their accounts. The latest versions of Outlook, Apple Mail, and Thunderbird will support these changes, while the new Outlook for Windows and Mac apps will continue to support Gmail accounts. Microsoft is also migrating Windows Mail and Calendar users to the new Outlook for Windows app ahead of ending support for the built-in apps later this year.

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Vous avez loupé le Xbox Games Showcase 2024 ? Voici le résumé complet de la conférence de jeux vidéo de Microsoft

9 juin 2024 à 16:45

Microsoft organise une conférence importante le dimanche 9 juin, dans une période qui aurait été autrefois l’E3. Des grosses annonces sont attendues du côté de la multinationale.

Microsoft corrige Recall pour éviter d’en faire un cauchemar pour les utilisateurs

8 juin 2024 à 08:24

recall meme microsoft

Finalement, Microsoft ne laissera pas la fonction Recall prendre des captures d'écran de tout ce que fait l'utilisateur, sauf s'il approuve. L'entreprise annonce plusieurs modifications à son nouvel outil. Celui-ci concerne uniquement certains ordinateurs, de la gamme Copilot.

Microsoft corrige Recall pour éviter d’en faire un cauchemar de la sécurité et de la vie privée

8 juin 2024 à 08:24

recall meme microsoft

Finalement, Microsoft ne laissera pas la fonction Recall prendre des captures d'écran de tout ce que fait l'utilisateur, sauf s'il approuve. L'entreprise annonce plusieurs modifications à son nouvel outil. Celui-ci concerne uniquement certains ordinateurs, de la gamme Copilot.

Windows Won't Take Screenshots of Everything You Do After All

Par : msmash
7 juin 2024 à 16:49
Microsoft says it's making its new Recall feature in Windows 11 that screenshots everything you do on your PC an opt-in feature and addressing various security concerns. From a report: The software giant first unveiled the Recall feature as part of its upcoming Copilot Plus PCs last month, but since then, privacy advocates and security experts have been warning that Recall could be a "disaster" for cybersecurity without changes. Thankfully, Microsoft has listened to the complaints and is making a number of changes before Copilot Plus PCs launch on June 18th. Microsoft had originally planned to turn Recall on by default, but the company now says it will offer the ability to disable the controversial AI-powered feature during the setup process of new Copilot Plus PCs. "If you don't proactively choose to turn it on, it will be off by default," says Windows chief Pavan Davuluri.

Read more of this story at Slashdot.

'Microsoft Has Lost Trust With Its Users and Windows Recall is the Straw That Broke the Camel's Back'

Par : msmash
6 juin 2024 à 16:41
In a column at Windows Central, a blog that focuses on Microsoft news, senior editor Zac Bowden discusses the backlash against Windows Recall, a new AI feature in Microsoft's Copilot+ PCs. While the feature is impressive, allowing users to search their entire Windows history, many are concerned about privacy and security. Bowden argues that Microsoft's history of questionable practices, such as ads and bloatware, has eroded user trust, making people skeptical of Recall's intentions. Additionally, the reported lack of encryption for Recall's data raises concerns about third-party access. Bowden argues that Microsoft could have averted the situation by testing the feature openly to address these issues early on and build trust with users. He adds: Users are describing the feature as literal spyware or malware, and droves of people are proclaiming they will proudly switch to Linux or Mac in the wake of it. Microsoft simply doesn't enjoy the same benefit of the doubt that other tech giants like Apple may have. Had Apple announced a feature like Recall, there would have been much less backlash, as Apple has done a great job building loyalty and trust with its users, prioritizing polished software experiences, and positioning privacy as a high-level concern for the company.

Read more of this story at Slashdot.

Xbox Game Pass : les 6 nouveaux jeux à découvrir en juin 2024

6 juin 2024 à 15:24

À quelques jours de sa conférence estivale, Microsoft lève le voile sur la première fournée de jeux intégrant le Xbox Game Pass en juin. Il y a de quoi s'occuper si l'été est pluvieux.

Microsoft Reopens Windows 10 Beta Testing For 'New Features' and Improvements

Par : msmash
5 juin 2024 à 14:40
Microsoft is ending support for Windows 10 in October 2025, but the company is now taking the unusual step of reopening its beta program for Windows 10 to test new features and improvements. From a report: Windows 10 already got the AI Copilot feature that was originally exclusive to Windows 11, and it may well get other features soon. "To bring new features and more improvements to Windows 10 as needed, we need a place to do active feature development with Windows Insiders," explains Microsoft's Windows Insider team in a blog post. "So today, we are opening the Beta Channel for Windows Insiders who are currently on Windows 10." Microsoft hasn't revealed what additional Windows 10 features it plans to test next, but Windows Insiders can opt into the beta channel to get them early. Crucially, the Windows 10 end of support date of October 14th, 2025 is still unchanged. "Joining the Beta Channel on your Windows 10 PC does not change that," says Microsoft.

Read more of this story at Slashdot.

This Hacker Tool Extracts All the Data Collected by Windows’ New Recall AI | WIRED

4 juin 2024 à 18:04
Désastre en sécurité en approche : Recall est UNE FOIS DE PLUS une foutue FBI (Fausse Bonne Idée) de Microsoft. Comme l'autorun. Comme le fait de masquer les extensions de fichiers. Comme ouvrir les ports 135/445 par défaut sur toutes les IP.

Démonstration avec loutils :

Is the New 'Recall' Feature in Windows a Security and Privacy Nightmare?

Par : EditorDavid
2 juin 2024 à 19:03
Slashdot reader storagedude shares a provocative post from the cybersecurity news blog of Cyble Inc. (a Ycombinator-backed company promising "AI-powered actionable threat intelligence"). The post delves into concerns that the new "Recall" feature planned for Windows (on upcoming Copilot+ PCs) is "a security and privacy nightmare." Copilot Recall will be enabled by default and will capture frequent screenshots, or "snapshots," of a user's activity and store them in a local database tied to the user account. The potential for exposure of personal and sensitive data through the new feature has alarmed security and privacy advocates and even sparked a UK inquiry into the issue. In a long Mastodon thread on the new feature, Windows security researcher Kevin Beaumont wrote, "I'm not being hyperbolic when I say this is the dumbest cybersecurity move in a decade. Good luck to my parents safely using their PC." In a blog post on Recall security and privacy, Microsoft said that processing and storage are done only on the local device and encrypted, but even Microsoft's own explanations raise concerns: "Note that Recall does not perform content moderation. It will not hide information such as passwords or financial account numbers. That data may be in snapshots that are stored on your device, especially when sites do not follow standard internet protocols like cloaking password entry." Security and privacy advocates take issue with assertions that the data is stored securely on the local device. If someone has a user's password or if a court orders that data be turned over for legal or law enforcement purposes, the amount of data exposed could be much greater with Recall than would otherwise be exposed... And hackers, malware and infostealers will have access to vastly more data than they would without Recall. Beaumont said the screenshots are stored in a SQLite database, "and you can access it as the user including programmatically. It 100% does not need physical access and can be stolen.... Recall enables threat actors to automate scraping everything you've ever looked at within seconds." Beaumont's LinkedIn profile and blog say that starting in 2020 he worked at Microsoft for nearly a year as a senior threat intelligence analyst. And now Beaumont's Mastodon post is also raising other concerns (according to Cyble's blog post): "Sensitive data deleted by users will still be saved in Recall screenshots... 'If you or a friend use disappearing messages in WhatsApp, Signal etc, it is recorded regardless.'" "Beaumont also questioned Microsoft's assertion that all this is done locally." The blog post also notes that Leslie Carhart, Director of Incident Response at Dragos, had this reaction to Beaumont's post. "The outrage and disbelief are warranted."

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Microsoft's Satya Nadella Worried About an OpenAI-Apple Deal, Report Says

Par : msmash
30 mai 2024 à 20:03
Microsoft seems to be concerned about some of OpenAI's business dealings. From a report: Satya Nadella recently met with Sam Altman to discuss an apparent deal between OpenAI and Apple, The Information reported [hard-paywalled]. According to the outlet, the OpenAI CEO recently reached an agreement with the iPhone maker to incorporate some OpenAI services into Apple products. Nadella was reportedly concerned about the potential impact of a deal on Microsoft's product ambitions, per the report. Apple was said to be considering both Google and OpenAI for the deal, which could be worth billions. If OpenAI has indeed reached an agreement with Apple, it would be a much-needed win for Altman. The tech boss has faced heightened scrutiny after former employees and board members publicly criticized him. Helen Toner, a former OpenAI director, recently accused Altman of lying to the board "multiple" times and "withholding information."

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Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 is Coming To Xbox Game Pass On Its Release Day

Par : msmash
28 mai 2024 à 16:48
An anonymous reader shares a report: Just before Microsoft closed its acquisition of Activision Blizzard, it said that it would take some time to bring the publisher's titles to Game Pass. We've only seen one such addition so far in the form of Diablo IV, but the company has announced another, somewhat notable one. Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 will be available on Game Pass on its release day later this year. Microsoft is banking on the debut of a new Call of Duty title on its subscription service leading to a significant bump in the number of Game Pass members. It's a bit of a gamble, as for nearly every year in recent memory, the latest Call of Duty release has been the best-selling game. Microsoft is likely to see lower direct sales of Black Ops 6 on Xbox and PC, though it will still generate revenue from Game Pass and the PlayStation version (and perhaps even a Nintendo Switch release), as well as through microtransactions.

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Microsoft's Automatic Super Resolution Arrives To Improve Gaming Performance

Par : msmash
27 mai 2024 à 22:30
Microsoft has announced Auto SR, an AI-powered image upscaling solution for Windows 11 on Arm devices. The feature, exclusive to Qualcomm's Snapdragon X CPUs, aims to enhance gaming performance on ARM-based systems. Auto SR, however, comes with notable restrictions, including compatibility limitations with certain DirectX versions and the inability to work simultaneously with HDR.

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